

Armenia has a population of 3.1 million. 34 % of the population live below the poverty line. With no coastline, scarce natural resources, and a shortage of basic services, Armenia has struggled to build a more prosperous life for its people.

Oxfam has been working in Armenia since 1994, to improve the lives and livelihoods of poor people, particularly those living in rural and isolated parts of the country.

A devastating earthquake in 1988, and the collapse of the Soviet Union three years later left the country in a fragile state- and conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan has pushed the country further into poverty. Corruption, social injustice and economic inequalities continue to affect the lives of the most vulnerable people living in borderline, poverty stricken areas.

Oxfam in Armenia

We work with local partners to stimulate investment in rural economies and challenge inequality. We support farmers to gain access to markets and secure fair prices for their produce and work to empower people to influence decisions affecting their lives. 

We currently have four key program areas:

  • Economic Justice: To challenge economic inequality we promote sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers, by supporting collective cooperatives and improving access to a wider range of support services and markets. We also work to increase food and income security for the most marginalized people in rural Armenia.
  • Supporting community resilience in Armenia – We work to establish a culture of safety and resilience within local communities to increase disaster resilience and reduce vulnerability by supporting strategies which enable them to prepare for, mitigate and respond to natural disasters.
  • Strengthening the civil society in Armenia – We empower civil society organizations to advocate and campaign reform which benefits poor and marginalized people and to engage in effective, transparent and substantial policy dialogue with national Government.  
  • Emergency Housing Assistance to Armenian families displaced from SyriaTo address the immediate housing and psycho-social needs of vulnerable refugee households, displaced from Syria, in Armenia and to contribute to the development of long term housing and employment for refugee populations.