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Banok Rind - Close the Gap
Thanks to your support, we distributed blankets, nappies, sanitary towels, underwear and mosquito nets to 400 families in West Oswija, a small town in Iraq that was occupied by ISIS up until September. Photos: Sam Tarling / Oxfam
Thank you from Oxfam Australia

"I worry about the future all the time. My children are suffering from hunger."

In drought-ravaged Eastern Somaliland, mothers like Seynes are being pushed to the edge, desperately seeking food for their children as their country stands on the brink of famine.

Before the drought, Seynes' children used to eat meat and milk every day. Now Seynes says she tries to give them a little sugar until they cry themselves to sleep.


This Mother's Day, you can give a woman like Seynes hope for the future. #HungerCrisis

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The women of Eastern Somaliland are being pushed to the edge, desperately seeking food for their children as their country stands on the brink of famine.

So, you've always wanted to be a superhero. We get it. But what's your superpower? Booming voice, internal compass, healing hands? Oxfam Trailwalker Australia has the role you were born to play. Good times guaranteed. Cape and mask optional. Apply within.

Volunteering with Oxfam Trailwalker During the event, volunteers work in more than 20 different roles across multiple locations. You can also volunteer with Oxfam Trailwalker in the Oxfam office in the lead up to the event. Check out the fantastic range of Oxfam Trailwalker event volunteer opportuni...

BREAKING: You spoke, Labor listened.

Bill Shorten MP has just pledged to make large multinationals publicly reveal their tax affairs in every country they operate in. This would make Australia a world leader on cracking down on tax cheats.

This is a big win for people power and a big win for people in developing countries.


Every year Aussie-based multinationals are robbing an estimated $9 billion that could instead be spent on schools and hospitals in Australia and poor countries.

Over a year ago, Oxfam launched a campaign that called on our leaders to make multinationals contribute their fair share of tax — starting by demanding tax transparency from big companies about how much they make and where.

Tens of thousands of you supported our #MakeTaxFair campaign, and tonight Labor listened to you!

Will the Coalition follow Labor's lead? We're calling on the Government to step up and Make Tax Fair.

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Oxfam's Straight Talk program empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to become change-makers.

By purchasing the Oxfam Unwrapped Women's Empowerment card this Mother's Day, you can open doors for women like Donna Lemon to bring about positive, lasting change in their communities:

— Products shown: Women's Empowerment.

Donna says Oxfam's Straight Talk program has given her the tools to become an influencer in her community and stand up for the rights of Aboriginal people.

Don't be tricked by the Government's spin: they can and must do more to #MakeTaxFair.

Over $170 billion is ripped from some of the world's poorest communities each year because the big companies are not contributing their fair share of tax.

This money should go to hospitals and schools, not corporate pockets. And we know that Australian-based multinationals are part of this problem.

The government's measures are just the beginning of a long fight to claw back revenue.

What happened to Scott Morrison's belief in "compassion" and "justice"?

In his maiden speech to Parliament in 2008, Scott Morrison called for investment in Australian Aid to be increased. Yesterday, as Treasurer, he cut Australian Aid to a new record low.

There’s nothing compassionate about this. At a time when the world faces multiple humanitarian crises, cutting Australia’s tiny aid budget even further is cruel and deeply unfair.

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This government has cut Australian Aid to a historic new low. Australia now spends just 22c in every $100 of national income on aid — well below the global goal of 70c.

The Federal Budget was a chance to act on rising inequality. It was a chance to champion fairness and to recommit to Australia being a good global citizen. But the government squandered this opportunity.

Our verdict? The Budget was a massive fail:

This government’s repeated cuts to Australian Aid already made it the least generous in our country’s history. But in the Federal Budget, they took us even lower.

Australian Aid is lifesaving and helps the world’s poorest people tackle poverty.

Share if you think the government’s cuts to aid are unfair.


Happy Volunteer week! Did you know volunteers are generally happier, healthier and ridiculously good looking*?

Did you also know there's a whole Oxfam community of volunteers having a really good time changing the world?

You can join a group, start a group, run an action at your university or in your community, lobby your local MP - whatever it is, we’ve got staff who can support you with information, resources, training and more.


*may be subjective

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We are a movement of people committed to standing up for justice and taking action
for a future free of poverty.
Interested? Find out more.

Australia's aid budget was already at a historic low, and tonight the Turnbull Government has dealt another blow to Australian Aid by cutting a further $300 million from aid over the next four years.

Australian Aid is lifesaving and helps the world's poorest people tackle poverty. As the world grapples with multiple humanitarian crises, and as 30 million people face extreme hunger, we are extremely concerned about this Government's cruel cut to aid.

We are calling on the Government to show fairness and generosity and reverse these cuts:

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There are 1.3 billion people living in poverty around the world. Meanwhile, the Government is expected to cut Australian Aid again in tonight's budget.

Australian Aid saves lives and helps lift people out of poverty. Help us put pressure on the Turnbull Government to reverse this decision. Your voice matters. Let your MP know this cruel cut is unacceptable:


Cutting Australia’s already tiny aid budget — at a time when the world faces multiple humanitarian crises — would be staggering, and deeply unfair.

Oxfam Australia boss Helen Szoke has just returned from famine-hit South Sudan and is heartbroken the federal government will reportedly cut aid again.

To what lengths will a loving mother go for their child?

Ida's daily routine is extraordinary: countless hours spent traipsing back and forth to the river for water, just so her children can drink.

However, by coming together we could provide a solution that would change Ida's life, and the lives of many mothers and their families in Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, some mothers walk a marathon every day, just to provide water for their children.

We’re extremely alarmed by reports that the PM is planning to further gouge more than $450 million from the Australian Aid budget.

Australian Aid helps the world’s poorest people to tackle poverty. At a time when the world faces multiple humanitarian crises, this decision would be unconscionable.

The federal opposition wants the government to rule out further cuts to foreign aid, amid reports money will be diverted to pay for national security measures.

To all our wonderful volunteers: your energy, passion, hard work and ideas we really couldn't do without. Whether you walk, organise, fundraise, deliver trees, analyse, petition, run, marshall, speak, sell, research, create groups or fold letters you inspire us every day. Happy National Volunteer Week to all!

Want to know what makes them tick? Read some of the amazing stories behind the volunteer scenes:

Posted by Oxfam