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Oxfam Ireland
We Won’t Live With Poverty. Social Media Policy:
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Oxfam Ireland Media 1h
LISTEN: Oxfam's Shane Stevenson talks to RTE's about
Oxfam Ireland 3h
Thanks to for highlighting 's suffering, it's a damning indictment of world leaders.
Oxfam Ireland 4h
on the brink of famine, with 18.6m in need of aid. Hear 's Shane Stevenson on
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Volunteer Now 9h
. Books Ann St Belfast need volunteers. Team Leader: Team Member:
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Oxfam International 9h
We're on the brink of an unprecedented crisis: 20m people are at risk of starvation:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 25
On April 25, 2015, suffered a terrible earthquake. Over 850,000 houses were destroyed. Here's how we helped:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 25
Two years on from the Earthquakes, Oxfam has helped over half a million people affected by the disaster. Thanks for your support!
Oxfam Ireland Apr 25
Come along next Wed to to raise awareness of 's work. Free tickets here
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Oxfam International Apr 24
How many people are facing starvation across East Africa, Yemen & north-east Nigeria?
Oxfam Ireland Apr 25
With basic services (health, & water supply) collapsing, Yemen is on the brink:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 24
Many areas of are on the brink of famine - the cause of such extreme starvation is political:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 24
: aid and peace both desperately needed to save lives now and avert famine:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 21
A tale of two droughts: one killed 260,000 people, the other none. Why?
Oxfam Ireland retweeted
BBC News (UK) Apr 21
PM commits to maintaining UK commitment to spending 0.7% of national income on foreign aid
Oxfam Ireland Apr 21
Hear ’s on life in for unaccompanied child refugees from and :
Oxfam Ireland retweeted
Oxfam Washington DC Apr 20
Reaction by 's tax policy lead, Susana Ruiz, to 's comments this morning on the work of the "global tax platform."
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Oxfam Ireland Media Apr 20
'We've never seen this drought, this disease': Somali families bury their dead
Oxfam Ireland Apr 20
Foreign Aid Is A Vital National Interest Essential In Ensuring A Safer World via
Oxfam Ireland Apr 20
Oxfam Derry’s young Millennium Volunteers honoured at Guildhall awards ceremony via
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Oxfam International Apr 20
“We have never seen two years without rain in our lifetime."
Oxfam Ireland retweeted
Oxfam International Apr 20
In , spoke w/ displaced women. So many have lost loved ones in the conflict. All want "a normal life".
Oxfam Ireland Apr 20
“This starvation in Africa is an affront to humanity.” Read & RT ’s blog via
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Oxfam International Apr 20
Development + humanitarian is key to changing lives of poor people in Jordan & Lebanon
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Oxfam International Apr 20
In , civilians battling mass hunger tend crops while gunmen sleep:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 19
About 30 million people are experiencing severe hunger & malnutrition in north-eastern Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia & Yemen.
Oxfam Ireland Apr 19
National govts & the international community have again failed to act in time to stop people from starving. Oxfam is responding
Oxfam Ireland retweeted
Devex Apr 17
Check out 's story & learn about her journey to Oxfam:
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Oxfam International Apr 18
A man-made is threatening . Here's what's happening:
Oxfam Ireland Apr 18
Thanks so much for bringing your donations to our shop - very much appreciated!
Oxfam Ireland Apr 16
In , , and , families struggle to survive as hunger haunts them: