Insurers to deter drivers using mobile phones via rewards, lower premiums

IAG says it's too early to say whether the data collected would mean premium increases for those who use mobile phones ...
IAG says it's too early to say whether the data collected would mean premium increases for those who use mobile phones in the car. Bloomberg

Drivers who avoid using their mobile phones while behind the wheel may soon find themselves getting rewards or even cheaper insurance premiums, as more insurers use in-car technology to try to stem the epidemic of crashes caused by distracted drivers.

IAG, which counts NRMA and CGU amongst its brands, is the latest insurer to look for a way to reduce distracted driving, which is now responsible for one in four car crashes, according to a US study cited by the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety of Queensland. The cost to the Australian economy from distracted driving has been put near $7 billion a year.

"Our claims data shows us that road collisions are on the rise, and we know that driver distractions like mobile phones are a significant contributor to this increase," James Orchard, executive general manager innovation for IAG, told The Australian Financial Review.

According to Australian government statistics, while fatalities from car crashes hit a peak in the 1970s, they have slowly declined with the introduction of seatbelts to hit a low of 1150 in 2014, down from 2722 in 1987.

But during the past two years, deaths have started to slowly climb again, hitting 1300 in 2016, with some placing the blame for increasing fatalities on the rise in popularity of smartphones. According to a Deloitte survey, smartphone use in Australia peaked in 2016, with an 84 per cent ownership rate.

In January, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said he had "no doubt" that mobile phones were at least partly to blame for a 7 per cent rise in the number of deaths on Australian roads in the 12 months to November.

Research conducted in Germany by global insurer Allianz found that 60 per cent of drivers who had been involved in accidents in the past three years reported using a mobile phone while driving. And data from Suncorp-owned AAMI showed about one in 10 drivers admits to reading emails or checking the web while driving, and nearly a quarter of drivers admit to reading or sending a text message.

This has prompted IAG to examine exactly what makes mobile phone technology so distracting.

"For the past 12 months, we have been testing and developing a smartphone app that will reward good driving behaviour," Mr Orchard said.

"The app is premised on understanding whether or not you've used your phone in the car trip for any reason whatsoever."

Carrot approach

Where other insurers use telematics (in-car technology that monitors a customer's driving) to reward or penalise drivers, IAG is taking a "carrot" rather than "stick" approach through incentivising drivers with non-insurance rewards that will motivate good driving behaviour.

"The app will work based on user ratings of driving behaviour, rather than a telematics, which monitors and collects information. We have taken this approach to ensure the user is in the driver's seat and allow them to choose when to switch the app on and off via their smartphone," Mr Orchard said.

"If you are going to change drivers behaviour you need to gamify it and recognise that incentive has more power, rather than a punishment."

Another large insurer, QBE, is also investigating how to stop the use of mobile phone use while driving. But it says no one has been able to hit on the perfect solution yet.

"It's a very hard problem to solve and is a slippery slope of collecting far too much information or far too much unnecessary information," head of the insurer's US based Global Innovation Lab Ted Stuckey said.

"It's a very challenging problem, although on the surface it seems quite simple."IAG tested its app on 60 of its staff during summer (500 applied to be part of the trial) with safer drivers given rewards.

"While the distracted driving app is still in the early stages of testing and development, there is the opportunity down the track for us to work with business partners from industries outside insurance, like fast-moving consumer goods and retail, to trial different rewards and incentives for customers," Mr Orchard said.

"Anecdotal feedback is that the app had created a genuine change in their attitude to driving and discouraged them from reaching for their phone behind the wheel."

IAG said it was too early to say whether the data collected would mean premium increases for those who use mobile phones in the car. But PwC partner and leader of the firm's insurance insurance practice in Australia, Scott Fergusson, said this is not far off.

"As insurers focus more on risk-based pricing then the demonstrated use of such apps by customers should lead to better-value insurance that the insurers are happy to provide," he said.

"This means it should lead to a lower price by demonstrating that you would to be a safer driver, but it's also leading to putting in place actions where your concerns are about being customer centric and helping them to avoid unfortunate accidents or loss."

Behaviour control

QBE was an early adopter of telematics and launched the one and only product of its type in Australia, called Insurance Box, in 2013 to help make risk-based pricing assessments, and offers cheaper insurance for better driving.

But Mr Stuckey said in its work on mobile phone use in its lab, the "great challenge" of telemetry is the deluge of data and how it can be interpreted.

"The jury is still out on the right way to use sensors to understand distracted driving. I am not saying that it's not possible but you need to be careful about the ancillary data you get while you're doing that," he said.

"You could take a gap-fence approach where you say that a mobile phone should not be within this area, but there are a lot of complexities with that, because you never want to shut down an individual's phone in the case of an emergency. You also don't want passengers not being able to access their phone so there are challenges there.

Mr Stuckey said companies were trying to build models that recognised phone movements and overlaying it with speed, so that it will not operate at certain speeds.

He cited one start-up that invented technology that would made a mobile phone automatically switch off when it entered the vicinity of the driver's seat.

"Cameras were installed to see how it changed behaviours and they actually have examples of people reaching into other seats to use their mobile phones," he said.

"It is not an unfair comparison to talk about driving while intoxicated and mobile phone usage from a behavioural perspective ... people are going to great extremes to use their devices and it is not going to be a simple one to solve."

While insurers such as IAG and QBE wouldn't say whether they would alter premiums based on mobile phone use, PwC's Mr Fergusson said the battle was much more about insurers being seen to change destructive behaviours.

"If insures can help their customers avoid having accidents or making claims that would be a great outcome, and if they could be seen to be participating in that, that would be great for their brand and reputation than what they do to help their customers and their society," he said.

IAG's distracted driving app is now being developed for a pilot in its Sydney offices with a release slated for this year.