About VU

Victoria University Foundation

The Victoria University Foundation (the Foundation) is a trust established in 1989. The objective of the Foundation is to develop partnerships and secure financial support for the University.

About the VU Foundation

The VU Foundation is a trust with VU Foundation Limited acting as the trustee. While a separate entity to Victoria University, the Foundation's purpose is to support and maintain the University to develop and maintain standards and services. This includes assisting with the development of strategic partnerships and securing financial support for our programs.

The Foundation operates its own accounts and submits separate financial statements to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Management is vested in a Board of Directors, which provides strategic advice on the development of the Foundation, and guidance on fundraising initiatives, priorities and policies.

The Foundation does not employ any staff. VU provides staffing support through its Advancement Office. The Director of Advancement undertakes the role of Executive Officer of VU Foundation.

As an endorsed deductible gift recipient (with DGR 2 status) all donations of $2 or more to Victoria University Foundation Limited (ABN: 69 012 680 193) are tax deductible and GST exempt.

The Board of Directors of the VU Foundation are key supporters of the Changing the Face of Education campaign.


Dr Susan (Sue) Alberti AC HonLLD (Chair)

 Susan Alberti

Sue is a highly respected and successful business-woman, generous and active philanthropist and passionate supporter of AFL.

She is the former Vice President of the Western Bulldogs Football Club and was appointed the inaugural ambassador for the Australian Football League's women's competition in 2017. Sue is the past President of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and through the Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation has raised in excess of $6million towards finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.


Mr Paul Constantinou (Deputy Chair)

 Paul Constantinou

Paul Constantinou is the founder, Chairman and CEO of Quest Serviced Apartments. He is a respected industry leader with more than 30 years’ experience in accommodation and hospitality.

In July 2012, Quest Serviced Apartments won the Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Hotel Investment Conferences (ANZPHIC) Innovators Award.

Paul was presented the HM Magazine Australasian Hotelier of the Year Award in September 2012, and was inducted into the HM Magazine Hall of Fame in 2014.

Paul is a VU alumnus.


Mr Peter Bartels

Peter Bartels is a former Executive Director of KPMG’s mergers and acquisitions advisory in the industrial markets practice area.

He is co-founder of Portunus, an independent corporate advisory firm in Australia.

As a corporate advisory specialist Peter has worked on global mining and resources and industrial transactions providing operational expertise on major growth projects.

Ms Patricia Burke

Pat has 25 years’ experience across the banking, humans resources, not-for-profit and philanthropic sectors in Australia and the United States.

She is currently State Manager for Victoria and Tasmania at Philanthropy Australia. Pat has previously held leadership positions with not-for-profit boards and has experience in policy and program development, grants, fundraising, and board governance.

Pat is a community leader in the philanthropic sector and co-founded the Melbourne Women’s Fund, and completed her Masters in Social Investment & Philanthropy in 2011.

Professor Peter Dawkins AO

 VC Professor Peter Dawkins

Professor Dawkins became the third Vice-Chancellor and President of Victoria University in 2011.

He was Curtin University’s first Professor of Economics from 1990 to 1995 and the Ronald Henderson Professor and Director of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne from 1996 to 2005.

From 2005 to 2010 he held senior positions in the Victorian Public Service, including Deputy Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance and Secretary of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.


Ms Helen Kroger

 Helen Kroger

Helen Kroger has an extensive background in the philanthropic, small business, education and corporate sectors.

She currently provides corporate advisory services to Australian business and is a Senior Counsel with Civic Creative. From 2008 to 2014 she was a Coalition Senator for Victoria.

During her time in the Senate, Helen served as the Chief Government and Opposition Whip, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, and as a member of numerous Senate and Joint Parliamentary Committees.


Mr George Pappas AO

 George Pappas

George Pappas AO is the Chancellor of Victoria University, a position he has held for the last 5 years.

George has over 30 years' commercial experience in consulting in the United States, Japan, Asia and Australia. He co-founded the business strategy consultancy, Pappas Carter Evans and Koop (PCEK) in 1979 and later became Managing Partner of Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG’s) Australasian offices following BCG’s acquisition of PCEK in 1990.

He was the Chairman of the Committee for Melbourne from 2005 until 2013. George served as Under Secretary in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet.

He has occupied the role of Chair on government and higher education boards and has served on private sector and not for profit boards, including the Western Bulldogs Football Club and Energy Matters Pty Ltd.

Dr Campbell Rose AM

Campbell (Cam) Rose has been Chief Executive Officer of VicTrack since February 2013. VicTrack, a $22 billion entity, is a Victorian Government agency with custodial responsibility for public transport infrastructure and land.

Cam is a seasoned senior executive, with experience across major events, infrastructure development and business transformation.

His previous experience includes Chief Executive of the Melbourne Major Events Company, the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Bid, the 2001 Brisbane Goodwill Games, the Western Bulldogs and Stralliance Developments. Cam is a VU alumnus.

The Hon Dr Ralph Willis AO

Ralph Willis served as the Federal Member for Gellibrand from 1972 until 1998.

During that period he served on a number of occasions as the Minister of Finance and as Federal Treasurer and he also held other senior positions as a Cabinet Minister.

He is a former Chair of CBus, the Mietta Foundation, Western Health Foundation and LeadWest and has been a director of a number of boards and foundations.

Contact VU Foundation

If you would like to know more about the Victoria University Foundation, contact:

Ross Coller
Director of Advancement and Executive Officer of the Foundation
Phone: +61 3 9919 1520
Email: ross.coller@vu.edu.au