About VU

Todd Blake Student Award

 Todd Blake
The award is named in memory of VU Alum, Todd Blake.

The Todd Blake Student Award is named in memory of Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) Chief Executive and Victoria University Alum Todd Blake. The legacy project was established by the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI, formerly the Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and VU.

The award is open to VU students in Hospitality, Tourism and Events programs who have displayed the same passion, commitment, leadership, and can-do attitude as Todd. This also aligns with VU's Values of Access, Excellence and Respect, and desired behaviours of Engagement, Collegiality and Courage.

The prize for this prestigious industry recognised honour includes a cash grant of $500 that can be used for books, course fees or other study-related assistance. It also includes a practical component with a distinguished industry representative in the form of mentoring, or a unique professional and practical work experience opportunity that would reflect Todd’s interests.

Additional prizes may also be awarded to ‘short-listed’ finalists.

Applications and selection criteria

Applications are open to VU students enrolled in any course related to Hospitality Tourism and Events in 2016, at any level – certificate through to post graduate.

Students can self-nominate, or be nominated by a member of staff.

Entries should clearly:

  1. show your passion and commitment to the industry
  2. show your particular contribution to the Hospitality, Tourism and Events industry
  3. demonstrate your public-speaking skills, maturity and your ability to represent VU as a positive ambassador in the industry.

Entries can be in writing, or as a mixed-media contribution. Please be sure to gather and scan all of your supporting documentation, including any media coverage, links to on-line videos, presentations, photos etc and clearly identify and attach each item in the “Project Details� section below.

You are eligible to nominate for projects or activities that occurred at any time during 2016 and were an assessable part of a unit or course, or as an extra curricula activity completed while at VU.

A judging panel consisting of related University and industry staff will review all applications. Nominated students may be called to meet with panel members to discuss their submission.

Applications close on Friday 7 April, 2017.

Previous award winner

Tessa McLachlan, inaugural winner of the Todd Blake student award.

Tessa McLachlan

Tessa McLachlan was the inaugural Todd Blake Student Award winner in 2013.

“It’s an honour to receive this award, and I strongly encourage every future student to apply,� says Ms McLachlan.

“It’s a great opportunity and it reinforces the importance of the young tourism workforce.�


VTIC logo and link to VTIC website     VCCI logo and link to VCCI website


For inquiries, please contact:

Barry Broons, Manager, Work Integrated Learning, College of Business

Phone: 9919 4546
Email: barry.broons@vu.edu.au

Information marked with an asterisk "*" is required.

Applicant details

Project details

In a couple of short paragraphs, please outline your project or activity.

Please include:

  • What (the purpose of the project or activity)
  • Why (how the idea came about and came together)
  • When (dates, times the activity or project occurred) 

Please also provide any supporting documentation (photos, PDFs of media coverage, links to articles/media/youtube videos etc.) in a separate attachment, below.