AGL Energy's tech high-flyer to redefine energy for customers

AGL's head of new energy, Elisabeth Brinton: "Here's what's exciting about Australia – it's because it's deregulated, ...
AGL's head of new energy, Elisabeth Brinton: "Here's what's exciting about Australia – it's because it's deregulated, it's because it's competitive." Dominic Lorrimer

For the woman who can count the invention of the stay-fresh salad bag and a Silicon Valley tech IPO on her CV, Australia's energy sector presents a surprisingly attractive professional destination.

AGL Energy's head of New Energy Elisabeth Brinton says when it comes to the energy market, Australia is way ahead of her previous base in California.

"Here's what's exciting about Australia – it's because it's deregulated, it's because it's competitive," she says.

"You have the energy companies like AGL are directly aligned to figuring out what is really relevant to consumers, what do consumers value, what are they going to pay for."

The thought of working at the heart of that market lured the Seattle, Washington-born executive from her role as corporate strategy officer at major Californian utility Pacific Gas & Electric Co to join the leadership team at AGL, which was being revamped by CEO and fellow American Andy Vesey.

Brinton didn't know of AGL when it came knocking but she was well aware of what was happening Down Under where innovative US energy tech outfits such as grid optimiser Smart Wires, where she sits on the advisory board, were getting much more traction than at home.

"There was this growing recognition in Silicon Valley that if you were an energy start-up, Australia was the place to be," she says.

With an education and career grounded in combining technology and customer innovation, Brinton was attracted away from a utility sector where only a few years ago the term "customers" had replaced "ratepayers", and where "years' worth of regulatory lag" meant climate policy and innovation were frustratingly far ahead of the day-to-day operational reality.

In contrast, at AGL, operating in the heart of a deregulated energy sector and with more than 3.5 million customers, "we have to earn the respect of our customers on a daily basis, so it's really real," Brinton says.

"As a result there's an incentive to innovate, there's an incentive to try new things, and that lines up well with consumers."

A chemistry and humanities alumna of Principia College in Illinois, Brinton started out as a chemist in product development and her private company BPR – later sold – was instrumental in the invention of the now-ubiquitous "semi-permeable breathable membrane" that allows cut lettuce or spinach to be bagged and stay crisp.

Moving from Salinas Valley north to Silicon Valley, Brinton was part of the founding executive team of software company Loudcloud, a pioneer of the "cloud computing" concept, taking it through a $US150 million IPO amid the depths of the technology stock slump before it became Opsware and was sold to Hewlett-Packard.

Various roles followed, including running the $US2 billion retail business of Sacramento Municipal Utility District, known as SMUD, executive vice president operations at smart grid analytics start-up C3 Energy, and then PG&E;, where Brinton was responsible for corporate strategy and development.

In the first six months since her appointment at AGL, the self-described "technologist and change agent" has restructured the New Energy division into what she describes as an "innovation accelerator" while activities such as rooftop solar and digital metering have transferred to other business units.

Brinton talks about New Energy helping "to pivot AGL as a whole into the future" using new technologies and new business models beyond the traditional energy service world.

"We've restructured New Energy right into the heart and centre of the company," she says.

Under her remit of strategic investments, Brinton has taken AGL into the US-based Energy Impact Partners' global coalition, opening the door to partnerships and collaboration with innovative outfits such as home energy monitoring provider Sense Labs and big data energy analytics firm AutoGrid Systems.

"We are already partnering and piloting and looking at some of those technologies, how they could be applied here in Australia," says Brinton, fresh from inking another yet-to-be-divulged investment.

She points to the example of AGL's 5-megawatt "virtual power plant" trial in South Australia, comprising 1000 Sunverge batteries installed in 1000 Adelaide households made up of dozens of connected home storage devices.

The project developed from a $US20 million minority stake AGL took in San Francisco-based Sunverge in early 2016 and has helped the utility build on its strategy of "orchestration" – combining and recombining energy assets in a way that provides value to both the electricity market and customers.

The software platform applied across the assets then creates a power "solution" that AGL can have ready to despatch when needed to meet a localised shortfall on the grid, flexibly, rapidly and cost-effectively.

"It's really crowd-sourcing energy," Brinton says.

"If you think about my vision going forward, it's ... away from scarcity into abundance, where we're going to be able to have flexible and despatchable types of new energy solutions on demand."

The innovation push fits alongside AGL's "personalised retailer" initiative, which will see the utility tailor products and services around individual customers' interests, drivers and energy load profiles. 

Solar customers have been the first to get a taste through AGL's Solar Command product that allows them to monitor the performance and efficiency of their rooftop systems via a mobile app, using real-time weather data, throwing up alerts of any faults.

The next six to 12 months will see a rollout of upgrades to Solar Command and its extension to the mass market, providing customers with savings on their bills and confidence about the benefits of their system.

"It's about optimisation, information for the consumers," says Brinton.

At the same time, old-school customers that just want the lights to go on when they flick the switch and a bill to arrive every quarter won't be overlooked.

"It's first about recognising people have different needs and interests, and also that people are busy," Brinton says.

In that respect, AGL's costly $300 million investment in a "digital transformation" program is intended to smooth the way, simplifying and improving the efficiency of customers' contact with AGL, whether online, through a call centre, or another means.

Quizzed on what customers might expect from that, Brinton's response sounds a far cry from a typical inquiry today to a utility call centre, for example.

"It's a modernisation that enables the customer to have a really short and sharp and meaningful and relevant experience, whatever their question might be," she explains.

"That's actually the investment in technology, knitting together all the back-end systems so there's a seamless, easy view for the customer." 

Brinton says the public can also expect new product bundles for different types of customer, new communications channels that ensure "digital natives", millennials and their successors get the information they want in a relevant way, a stepped-up social media presence and website upgrades.

AGL also unveiled a rebranding of its logo on Friday, to reflect its digitalisation strategy and its broader push into renewable energy.

Some say AGL and its two large rivals Origin Energy and EnergyAustralia are behind the game in terms of innovation in products and services, in comparison with retail start-ups such as Mojo Power, or technology innovators such as Greensync and Power Ledger.

Is it Brinton's job to remedy that?

She regards it differently: "I see the industry as a whole, including new players and traditional players, nobody has really taken the lead on telling the story clearly, and that's something AGL is really committed to."

"I'll let other energy companies make their own comments but from AGL's perspective we believe we are very focused on what's relevant and current."

As to Australia's high-profile and often fractious political debate around energy, Brinton says it is "very familiar" for her given experience elsewhere.

But she remains optimistic Australia will find its way through: "My hope would be as the policy debate continues that there's the thoughtful questioning of what we are really trying to achieve, what are the true goals," she says, pointing to the "multiple bottom line" in energy of affordability, security of supply and sustainability.

"It's not a zero-sum game, these are all really important dimensions that need to be solved for."

Brinton says Australia can also learn from the US about the importance of regulation keeping up with technology to avoid the frustrations evident in the utility sector in California, for example.

That means building on the advantages the country already has, and making improvements in market design where needed, for example to add on ancillary markets to the National Electricity Market to create the positive incentives needed for the market to respond with solutions.

"The National Electricity Market and the energy market in Australia is very good; this is an opportunity to keep building," she says.

"Like any good thing, you want to keep improving, and learning and evolving."