Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective News

Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective News

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Updated: 1 year 22 weeks ago

Topham Trial: Jury Reaches a Verdict

Thu, 11/12/2015 - 17:57
We'll know more later we're sure, but the word is that Arthur Topham was acquitted on the second of two charges however he was found guilty on the first charge. Given what we've experienced with similar hate speech trials (ie, James Keegstra) we assume that Topham will appeal his conviction. On the other hand, there's nothing stopping the Crown from also appealing the acquittal on the second charge.

UPDATE 1: MSM reporting the conviction.

Quesnel man guilty of promoting hatred for anti-Jewish website
Anti-Jewish content of website could bring nearly two years’ jail time

A Quesnel man charged with using his website to promote hatred against Jewish people has been found guilty by a B.C. Supreme Court jury.

Roy Arthur Topham, publisher and editor of The Radical Press since 2008, had been charged with “communicating statements which wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group.”

On Thursday morning, a 12-person jury in Quesnel found Topham guilty on one of two counts of wilful promotion of hatred, Crown prosecutor Jennifer Johnston said.
Topham told The Province in an email Tuesday he didn’t have time to speak.

However, he has regularly posted to his site throughout the trial.

“In some ways those twelve women and men will be holding in their hands the fundamental right to freedom of speech and deciding whether or not Canadians will be able to retain and exercise that right,” he wrote Thursday before being found guilty.

Topham’s defence lawyer, Barclay Johnson, could not be reached for comment.

UPDATE 2: Paulie finally posts a message regarding the conviction:

Just before, Topham posted a more substantive post on his own website:

UPDATE 3 (November 15): "Canadian Jewish News" publishes an article that succinctly covers the events of the trial as well as the conviction.


In the first Internet hate crime conviction in British Columbia since 2006, Arthur Topham, a Quesnel, B.C.-based publisher and editor of Radical Press, was found guilty Nov. 12 of using his website to promote hatred against Jewish people.

Topham had stated on his website that all Jews should be sterilized. The site also contained the texts The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The Biological Jew and The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today. In court, Topham’s lawyer claimed his website was meant to be a satire, and though the 12-person jury took 2-1/2 days to reach a guilty verdict, they didn’t accept that defence....

Harry Abrams also writes the following on the subject:

Arthur Topham - Guilty!

 Undated ( 1970's?) photo posted to Topham's Facebook page   

“...Topham’s bizarre antisemitic conspiracy theories and his repeated demonization of the Jewish people are far beyond the limits of what civil society would consider to be protected speech. While we recognize that freedom of speech is the cornerstone of a free and democratic society, Topham’s postings crossed a line when he began to actively assert the need for genocide of the Jewish people..." - B'nai Brith Canada

Harry thank you for bringing Topham to everyone's attention. Here the system has worked as it should. - Marvin Kurz

These above are my 2 favourite headlines so far. The decision just didn't seem to sink in for me until I finally could  read it in the national mainstream news, and for this once, I think that the main outlets covering the story, both understood and conveyed the significance of why this needed to be done, and how freedom of speech in a democracy can never be totally open-ended...or else we risk losing our civilization.

More wherefores and why-fores in a moment, but first I would like to offer some acknowledgements and thanks.

Detective Terry Wilson and Corporal Normandie Levas and the BC Hate Crimes Team. Without these skilled, principled and above all, dedicated Peace officers, we never would have had this show. Det. Wilson, who led the investigation would have been the first (after myself and the B'nai Brith legal ensemble) to  recognize the complaint for what it was, and make the critical decision to proceed,  knowing with certainty that  we had  a textbook  criminal case.


Richard Warman of Ottawa.   See:

It's been something of a shame that Richard hasn't received much notice in all of the coverage I've seen so far, because he also filed  similar complaints all along.  I'd like to see him receive a few laurel leaves. He's taken personal risks and worked very hard and has been an admirable steadfast colleague for many years.  

B'nai Brith Canada A special thank you to Anita Bromberg, then in-house lawyer at the office in Toronto, and of course legal counsels Marvin Kurz in Brampton, Ont. and David Matas in Winnipeg, Man.,  both of whom oversaw my work and preparation, pro bono.

Antiracism Experts: Alan Dutton  of Vancouver and Helmut Harry Loewen in Winnipeg. Thank you fellows!! For all of your support and years of commiseration!     This unique collective has been of invaluable assistance to all Canadians in getting the word out  and archiving important developments and files on key personalities. See  their sections on Paul Fromm and Doug Christie too...
Why Topham and

By 2006  the phenomenon  of  internet blogs and interactive websites and chatboards had absolutely exploded. 

Not only was it a whole new era of instant feedback to news outlets, but any person, with only even a rudimentary understanding of the use of computers, could instantly become their own regional or worldwide  publisher or take part in any number of exciting discussion and interest groups.  We've never turned back. Indeed social networking plus the advent of smart phones, tablets and other highly portable computer-like devices have totally revised the way many of us  communicate, socialize, fund raise and do business all around the world.  For myself, setting up interest streams on Facebook have helped my business,  sharpened my language learning skills (I speak English, French, Spanish, German and some Hebrew and Yiddish) plus generated a 24 hour stream of world art treasures, paintings and photography; all highly inspirational to me in my work as an advertising executive and commercial artist.

But  this new  communication miracle  also served darker interests. Seized upon by haters of every stripe. But Canada, in those lofty days, had a reasonable remedy for  online published hatred. Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.  And nobody wielded this piece of legislation  against more baddies and to greater effect than  Richard Warman

By 2006, and under the guidance of B'nai Brith I had already used this section successfully in two different projects. Not something that most of you would have likely heard about, because neither of those cases ever went to a hearing.  The first concerned Vancouver and Victoria Indymedia. They were absolutely awash with vitriol: traditional antisemitism plus very explicit hatred against the continued existence of Israel. 

Posting refutational material in response was spotty  at best. The Indy editors adamantly were loathe to clean up their discussion boards and it was unruly chaos.  By dint of close observation, I eventually discovered  who the heretofore carefully anonymous  principle editor was; and confirmed a residence address and enough relevant contact information to file a case. The  Commission accepted my complaint, and the fellow was eventually served a set of papers, receiving a packet in the mail. Rather than dispute, negotiate or attend a hearing, the editor  chose instead to make himself very scarce.  As in off of the grid. Virtually untraceable, in fact. 

But before doing so,  he obliged us by erasing and disabling the then discussion board, ending the problem at hand.

  Also in 2006, a local Victoria blog called (Peace, Earth & Justice) came to my attention in all of the bad far-left publicity that followed in the wake of Israel's war with Hezbollah in Lebanon that year. became a cruel cesspit of not just criticism, but existential hatred.  Here are  a couple of stories  about it still  accessible online:

To move this story along  I'll simply say that when finally served with  the complaint, the owner of the site promptly apologized and removed the specifically offending items, ending the problem. 

No arrest. No release conditions. No court appearances. No legal fees. still carries on today. I don't monitor it anymore. But even if they do put out the occasional article that speaks unkindly of Israel, it's not rampantly hateful like it was back in the day. 

So finally, all of this has really been just a preamble to my initiating  contact with Mr. Topham. Arthur  was, if I recall correctly, for a time, actively associated with  PEJ, and I picked up on something nasty of his that was re-posted there and linked back to his  It was then (as it stands today) a virtual toilet of Jew hatred.   In 2007  I pseudonymously emailed the fellow, pointing out one ugly article (the link is still live, but perhaps not for very much longer) and asked him politely, but firmly, if he would kindly remove this article as it was both untrue and  highly offensive to Jews. I also warned that a federal level human rights action might be commenced against him if he didn't.

I excerpt just a bit of Elie Wiesel’s Holocaust Tale and link it here:

"...Jewish supremacists are poisoning, subverting, perverting, and murdering people of all races. The world is enslaved by their control and their ideologies, with the aid of treasonous gentiles...."

Topham refused to accommodate my request.

So I went back to work and prepared a complaint. He was served and the dispute trundled along at a more or less glacial pace until it finally stalled in 2010; awaiting the outcome of a constitutional challenge to  one of Richard Warman's  Section 13's. By then it had become very fashionable for everybody and their cousin in media  all over Canada to roundly condemn this human rights mechanism, and I suppose there were enough exploitable weaknesses with the process as it then was to bring down the entire piece of legislation. 

Those were some bad old days.

Canada's Parliament de-certified this section of the Human Rights Act, and that ended 2 separate complaints that both I and Richard Warman had filed against Topham. Did I forget to mention that Richard Section 13'd Topham simultaneously as well?  

Since then, former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler has forwarded a bill to Parliament, with some very carefully considered amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act. It would be nice to have something like it on the books again, but I don't suppose it will see the light of day until well after our new government has fully legalized marijuana, and kept a few other election promises first.

So this brings us to 2011, and emboldened, I suppose, by the scuttling of Section 13, Topham appeared to double down on his rants and turned up the heat with more and more classics of hate literature, plus intense vilification of both Richard and myself;  and posted his piece de resistance, the  Israel Must Perish screed,  concocted from an obscure piece of  Allied WW2  propaganda that none of us had ever heard of before. 

No doubt, he thought himself very clever to substitute the words Jew for German and Israel for Germany and so on to make up this egregious piece of work. 

"...It is assumed that the reader will already be fully cognizant of the Zionist agenda for global governance that is a given in today’s political reality, especially within the alternative media and on the Internet where Zionist “hate” laws are still not fully in place to restrict the natural flow of ideas and opinions that proceed from historical research and experience...."

"...There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the Israeli nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some five million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Zionism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Israel from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.

Sterilization is not to be confused with castration. It is a safe and simple operation, quite harmless and painless, neither mutilating nor unsexing the patient. Its effects are most often less distressing than vaccination and not more serious than a tooth extraction. Too, the operation is extremely rapid requiring no more than ten minutes to complete. The patient may resume his work immediately afterwards. Even in the case of the female the operation, though taking longer to perform, is as safe and simple. Performed thousands of times, no records indicate cases of complication or death. When one realizes that such health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the Jewish people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Zionism.

…Concerning the males subject to sterilization the army groups, as organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. Taking 2,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization. Naturally the more doctors available, and many more than the 2,000 we mention would be available considering all the nations to be drawn upon, the less time would be required. The balance of the male civilian population of Israel could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Israel could be sterilized within a period of a year or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present Jewish doctrine that so much as one drop of true Jewish blood constitutes a Jew...."

And so my friends, especially those of you in media, I must ask you to take particular notice of even just these few paragraphs above, sampled  from the many thousands of pages and years and years of similar invective... volumes of material that all point in the same direction. 

This has not been  a complaint about opinions with which I or B'nai Brith or Richard Warman or the Jewish Community of Canada simply disagree.  It's incitement to genocide. Nothing less.  

PEGIDA Canada and Islamophobia: The Path of Dehumanization

Wed, 11/11/2015 - 17:10

The relevance of the above quote should be clear soon enough.

We had been following the PEGIDA movement overseas since its inception late last year with some interest, but really began to scrutinize the group when it branched overseas into Canada. While their first attempt at a rally failed badly in Montreal ending before it even began, PEGIDA Canada based in Toronto did successfully hold a small rally this past September which was ultimately disrupted by anti-fascists:

What? You couldn't find a quote from Stephen
? Bah! Some patriots you all are!
When we think of PEGIDA, we tend to believe this Mark Twain quote is more apropos:

Some of our readers might be curious to know what the acronym PEGIDA means. The administrator of the organization's Facebook group explains:
   There might be some irony in a group that presents itself as a patriotic organization using a German acronym and crying about protecting Canadian culture, but in reality there is no irony at all if one really examines the group. One doesn't have to look very far into PEGIDA and the beliefs espoused by their supporters in order to understand that they really do mean "European."
ARC has been following racist groups in Canada for 8 years this month; some of our writers have been doing so independently for a couple of decades. Most of the groups we have covered here are composed of disaffected misanthropes who while potentially dangerous (see our history of violence article) really pose no threat to the governing of the country. They dream of establishing a Canadian reich but often struggle to stay out of jail or pay their own rent.
What is concerning about PEGIDA Canada is the mainstreaming of extremist rhetoric. To look at most of the PEGIDA Canada supporters one would be hard pressed to point out any outward indications of extremism. Most don't shave their heads, wear Dr, Martens with red laces, or sew swastika patches on bomber jackets. Many of the supporters of PEGIDA Canada appear middle aged or elderly. Many hold down middle-class jobs, both white and blue collar. In short, many could truly be the neighbor that doesn't stand out other than the friendly, "good morning" that you both exchange with each other when going to your car to drive to work or check for mail.
But make no mistake, the rhetoric one finds when one looks at PEGIDA Canada's Facebook page is as violent and vitriolic as any you would find coming from groups like Blood & Honour or the Aryan Guard.
Not long after the German occupation of Poland, Nazi propagandists produced the film, "The Eternal Jew." The film, presented as a documentary, was an especially pernicious and sadly effective piece of propaganda that aimed at normalizing hatred towards the Jews of Europe by presenting them as sub-human deviants and liars who fed off their hosts like parasites. The film was an attempt by Nazi propagandists to justify to the German people what was soon to come. It dehumanized Jews to the point that extermination was reasonable in order to maintain the racial integrity of the state and which was no worse than killing rats. "Patriotic" Germans could watch this film filled with blood libels and feel perfectly justified in viewing the Jews as somehow lesser. Worse than "lesser" in fact.
The themes of, "The Eternal Jew" examined such areas as Jewish religious practices, Jewish manipulation, Jewish degeneracy, Jews as not being truly human, and the Jews as "parasitic." Though claimed as a documentary, most of the subjects were forced to participate under duress by the occupying power and much of the footage was actually cut from pre-existing feature films and presented as real footage. The only documentary footage in the film was shot in the ghettos of Krakow, Warswa, Lodz, and Lublin. 
As a student of history, this writer was well acquainted with this propaganda film and the language of dehumanization that was used to justify hatred. This writer was also troubled by the parallels that exist in the rhetoric used in the propaganda film and that which is currently being used to describe Muslims in Canada by PEGIDA Canada supporters.Read more »

Anonymous Release of KKK Members/Associates: Canadian Content

Mon, 11/09/2015 - 17:08
This past Thursday "Anonymous" released the details gathered in their effort to "de-hood" members of the Ku Klux Klan. Not surprisingly perhaps, most of the members are based in the United States, however we managed to find three individuals from Canada. Two of the individuals are known to ARC, however there was one interesting revelation from the third.

Craig Wyss is from Ontario and an associate of Paul Fromm; the two have look like they have met on at least one occasion and Wyss frequently commented on Paulie's Facebook posts. His Facebook profile was public up until today when he seems to have deleted it (along with a number of individuals named in the Anonymous release.... we can't imagine why) so we can't show our readers the other photos that we found on his profile, including a bomber jacket resplendent with "White Power" and KKK patches. However, the good folks at Addicting Info did manage to get a screen grab of an image in which Wyss personalized the interior of his car with a KKK decal which he proudly shows off to his friends:
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Topham Hate Crime Trial: Week Two

Sat, 11/07/2015 - 16:58
It looks like the trail might be winding down and that final statements could be as early as Monday. Earlier in the week Paulie continued to offer his $0.02 regarding the legitimacy of the Crown's expert witness:

We suppose there is some irony in Paulie impugning the objectivity of the the Crown's expert witness ( we've been told that the defense motioned for a mistrial based on supposed improperly sourced expert witness testimony for the Crown) since the only witness the defence appears to have called doesn't seem particularly objective himself. In fact, when Gilad Atzmon testified on behalf of the defence, the judge appears to have slapped him and the defence attorney down a number times and also seems to have called into question the "expertness" of Mr. Atzmon:

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Topham Trial: Paulie's Summary

Mon, 11/02/2015 - 21:21
Not long after we summarized (as best we could) the Topham hate crimes trial, Paulie also posted his take. We won't include the entire missive; a few selected entries should suffice.

Though it appears to have been written on October 31, Paulie's piece wasn't uploaded until late Sunday. And it starts both with the general entitled whining that we've come to expect....

.... as well as the creepy, "ew" factor that we've come to know and squirm uncomfortably in response to:

Again, ew....

What Paulie does confirm is that the defence appear to be trying to argue the "truth" of the antisemitic blood libels reprinted and editorialized on Topham's website, focusing especially on the work of Elizabeth Dilling and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which Paulie writes, "is a blueprint for establishing Jewish world dominance and world government," not even bothering with the pretense of including the word "allegedly."

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Topham Hate Crime Trial: Week One

Sun, 11/01/2015 - 13:06
This past week saw the long awaited Arthur Topham hate crime trial. For years Topham had posted blood libel screeds against the Jewish people on his website RadicalPress and despite the trial he continues to do so. A few years back a criminal complaint against him was made, he was arrested, and.... well.... here we are today.

Topham himself has been posting a running commentary, including these two posts found on his Facebook page:

He has also provided some details about the defence strategy.

Paul Fromm had suggested at the London Forum that former KKK leader and convicted fraudser David Duke would be appearing as a defence witness arguing for the veracity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. So far we haven't seen anything to support Paulie's claim, however Topham does confirm at least one defence witness:

Gilad Atzmon has been condemned for his rapid antisemitism by a multitude of academics and artists, including members of the Palestinian activists who wrote an open letter (who themselves aren't exactly fans of Israel) disavowing any offers of support from Atzmon.

So of course, Gilad Atzmon is good people in Topham's view.

Another individual posting running commentary on the trial is someone our readers are familiar with:

Jesus Paulie! Are you still unable to figure out out to post a damn video?

Finally! Dude, it's really not that hard.

Anyways, we're not going to post his videos this time as Paulie has kindly provided a synopsis. The one above is sort of indicative of the mindset of these people who see the influence of "the Jew" everywhere, even in something as innocuous as a chandelier. Paulie's evidence of "Jewish power" through light fixtures was also a topic in a radio program he was a guest on this past week.... though he couldn't help first bellyaching about not being able to enter the United States still:

Regarding the chandeliers, Paulie promises that he would try to provide photographic evidence of the Zionist-inspired ceiling lamps:

Uhm.... isn't it illegal to take photos in a court room during a trial?

Paulie also provides indication as to the direction of the defence:

Part of the complaint made against Topham is his inclusion of materials originally written by Elizabeth Dilling (Topham adds his own commentary) who was a notorious antisemite who, towards the end of her life, would sign her name 'Elizabeth Dinning, D.D.T.' which stood for "Doctor of Damned Talmud." She of course wasn't an expert on the Talmud (she in fact had no degree having dropped out of the University of Chicago), but her translation/interpretation of the Talmud has been fodder for antisemites for decades. It seems that Topham is going to claim that the Talmud is hate speech based on Dilling's work then.

Towards the end of the week, Paulie post his most recent update:

We somehow suspect that Mr. Rudner didn't "admit" that the movie, "Schindler's List" was fiction other than, because it was not written strictly as history, there may have been artistic license taken in the the writing of the screen play. This doesn't of course mean that Oscar Schindler wasn't a real historical figure who during the war didn't save the Jewish laborers working in his factory.

But again, we return to the issue of the Talmud which supposedly sanctions Jews doing all kinds of criminal and depraved acts including murder, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, and debasement of non-Jews. We spoke to Harry Abrams who made the original sec. 13 complaint against Topham; the inclusion of the Dilling material (prohibited for import into Canada) formed part of the basis for his human rights complaint against Topham:

There are a number of supposed quotes from the Jewish Talmud in the Dilling material that Topham has reproduced on his website. his editorial forward to them at RadicalPress pretty much suggests that he has these horrific assertions on his site for "truth," and highlight the supposed evil intentions and actions of Jews towards everyone else.

Being as these quotes alone and in aggregate falsely implicate Jews as being compelled by their religion to commit all kinds of perverse and horrific crimes against non-Jews; this makes them what we call a blood libel. Indeed variants of this go back certainly to Medieval times when it was popular to accuse Jews of all kinds of crimes, to then presumably justify murder and mayhem against them.

The problem with these quotes is that some are simply made up, and others may be cherry-picked and/or misinterpreted from obscure bits of actual Talmudic text. The Talmud is made up of many volumes, and is the aggregated knowledge of discussions, folklore and rabbinic wisdom accumulated over literally hundreds of years, so hate crime experts and social workers hesitate to state under oath that all of the statements are completely bogus.

There are places on the web that specifically address this but as was suggested in the Henry Makow [who has been writing about the trial as well] article (assuming that bit is accurate) the witnesses may not have wished to go into the details of each quote specifically, other than to suggest that these kinds of acts are against the Jewish (or indeed any) religion and he relies on the Keegstra decision which ascertained at law (which has so far been unchallenged) that these kinds of supposed Talmud quotes were distorted and hateful. 

The trial continues Monday.

Paul Fromm Whines and Other Updates

Wed, 10/28/2015 - 20:49
This will be a very short update.

Currently Paulie is in BC where he is attending the Arthur Topham hate crimes trial and suggesting the anti-Semitic ravings of a raving loon are somehow justifiable because of (both accidental and willful) poorly translated Jewish writings.

But you know where Paulie isn't right now and is unlikely to be for some time?

The United States hanging out with his sugar daddies and mamas:

Yeah, we know. But sometimes being petty is fun.

November is shaping up to be an interesting month. Dean Clifford is going to be sentenced and the Topham trial should prove to be interesting, especially if he goes through with calling David Duke to testify on the veracity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. That won't end well, by the way.

We also learned today that Kevin Goudreau's half-brother was convicted of murder in the killing of his mother back in 2012.

Finally, a shout out to some new readers and friends on Prince Edward Island. Thanks for kind words and know that we here appreciate your support.

PEGIDA Members and Supporters Reaction to Liberal Victory

Sat, 10/24/2015 - 16:27
As most of the screen shots that will follow originated on PEGIDA Canada's Facebook page (or the personal pages of members/supporters) we would like to contribute to our reader's daily dose of irony:

Remember the commitment to, "intellectual propensity" and see just how that pans out.

Though it looked like Justin Trudeau's Liberals had the momentum during the dying days of the federal election and would likely win a plurality of seats, it seems few predicted the scope of the victory. The Liberals were able to win a very strong majority at the expense of both the Conservative Party and the NDP.

At one point though it looked like the Conservatives might be able to pull off a victory in spite the the distrust many Canadians had for the government and Mr. Harper in particular. Taking advantage of the court ruling that a woman could take the Oath of Citizenship wearing a niqab, the Conservatives used identity politics to appeal especially to hard supporters in their base to get out to vote. The Conservatives implied that they, and they alone, could protect Canadians from the Islamist hordes at the gates of Canadian culture and that Mulcair and Trudeau could not be trusted to do what was necessary to safeguard Canada.

There were a lot of voters who bought into these arguments and, combined with a campaign focused on highlighting the leader rather than Conservative Party positions of any substance, the rhetoric of some hardline anti-Muslim Conservative supporters had a feeling of a cult of personality:

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Brian Ruhe Compares Paul Fromm to Hermann Göring

Sat, 10/17/2015 - 18:05
Paulie, who for some reason (we assume money was involved) was or is in Argentina according to a recent post on Stormfront, continues to plead for money on Stormfront to fund his lifestyle his fight for free speech:

Unfortunately, the well may have run a bit dry up in Canada as even many of the boneheads have clearly grown tired of Paulie's efforts to squeeze out every nickle he can get from them:

By the way Kyle, when Fromm appears to have used your most recent legal troubles to solicit donations, did he contribute to help pay your fine?

You know, never mind. We both know the answer to that question, and you can't say we didn't raise the alarm long ago.

One Canadian anti-semite though who remains quite smitten with Paulie is this fella:

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PEGIDA Canada Wants Niqab Ban Because it Symbolizes Violence and Oppression Against Women; Justifies Assault on Woman Wearing Niqab

Tue, 10/06/2015 - 19:23
One of the claims of groups like PEGIDA Canada is that they are not against Muslims, but against "militant Islam," "Islamism," "shariah law," and any number of adjectives to justify their bigotry. On the current political wedge issue, the niqab and whether or not it should be permitted during citizenship ceremonies, PEGIDA Canada suggests that the real concern they have is the poor women forced to wear the niqab which they further claim is a symbol of violent male oppression against Muslim women. PEGIDA Canada and like-minded groups want to liberate women from oppression and violence and one way to accomplish this is to ban the niqab (as well and the burka and hijab, but it's all grist for the mill).

It's good to know that there are organizations out there like PEGIDA Canada. They, and their supporters, really just want women to be free from violence.

So, when this occurred in Toronto, you know that PEGIDA Canada and their supporters were outraged by the violence visited upon the women in the story:

Muslim convert attacked while wearing niqab in Toronto
Globe and Mail (Correction included) 
Published Sunday, Oct. 04, 2015 9:34PM EDT 
Last updated Monday, Oct. 05, 2015 11:41AM EDT

Her roots in Canada stretch back through her francophone mother to the 1600s. Last week, wearing her Islamic face veil – the niqab, which has become a central issue in the federal election – she says she was trying to enter Shoppers Drug Mart at Toronto’s Fairview Mall when a man carrying a liquor-store bag blocked her path and then drove his elbow hard into her shoulder, in front of her two daughters, ages nine and four.

“It hurt, yo,” Safira Merriman, 30, said in a Facebook post describing the incident.

The identity issue playing out in election debates and in courtrooms is now being felt in the streets, shopping malls and on social media, as disparaging remarks and even outright assaults draw attention to a charged political environment.

“On social media, already we’ve seen a huge spike of what appears to be anti-Muslim sentiment being expressed,” said Amira Elghawaby, a spokeswoman for the National Council of Canadian Muslims in Ottawa. She mentioned a Montreal website that posted a 15-minute montage of “people spewing anti-Muslim” feeling....

So, how did the folks at PEGIDA Canada respond?


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"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original": Part III

Sun, 10/04/2015 - 21:38
We first learned that Craig Cobb was trying to establish an all-white slum.... er.... community again even after his Leith fiasco back in June, though we couldn't claim to be surprised. His efforts then were met with a collective, "sigh, this again?" from his erstwhile ideological allies who had grown tired of his publicity seeking which they found to be embarrassing, though to be fair he does still maintain some support. Also not surprising was the efforts of the good people of Antler, ND who managed to thwart Cobb's efforts to establish a PLE and rename the village after Donald Trump, which contributed to his also not surprising public temper tantrum on Stormfront.

We collected a lot of acrimonious screen shots from Stormfront. We won't share them all since that would be ridiculous, but we will give our readers a taste of what was written:

And so on....

However, there were two comments that were made which were of interest to us. The first is related to Cobb's brief sojourn here in Canada (we remind our readers that Craig Cobb is, alas, a Canadian citizen through naturalization from back in the 1960s) and his hasty exit out of the country as a result of his arrest on hate crime charged. Paulie conveniently posted the warrant for our perusal:

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The Company He Keeps: Meet Fromm's New Friend Brian Ruhe (UPDATED)

Sat, 10/03/2015 - 17:51
We briefly mentioned Ruhe a few weeks ago in reference to Paulie's horrible, rotten, no-good 2015, but didn't really talk much about the man himself other than posting a link to a recent article about Ruhe in the "Gerorgia Straight."

Brian Ruhe is was a continuing-education instructor at Capilano University teaching courses on meditation and Buddhist philosophy, however on learning of his other activities, some of which might have been taught in his classes according to one anonymous poster in the comments section of the "Georgia Straight" article, Ruhe's contract was not renewed.

You see Ruhe was also a UFOologist (which might be eccentric but otherwise harmless) and a proponent of antisemitic tropes (which was not harmless and would sort of damage the university's reputation if they remained associated with him) which he cloaks in eastern spirituality:

In short, Brian Ruhe is Canada's 21st century poor man's version of Savitri Devi, though he justifies his antisemitic Hitler worship based on a warped interpretation of Buddhism and, unlike Devi, Ruhe has the charisma of a lightly-used dish rag.

Ruhe is a prolific user of YouTube and so provides a great deal of material indicating what an odd duck he is, however we decided to profile one of his more recent videos (edited for length and cut into three sections) in which he discusses his own particular "solution" to the "Jewish problem":

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Légitime Violence Member Arrested on Drug Charges

Tue, 09/29/2015 - 19:46
A few years ago we wrote about Condemned 84. Légitime Violence, a group described as ultra-nationalistic with National Socialist leanings (though they insisted they were apolitical), was opening for the band in Toronto.

When we first wrote about these two RAC bands, we received a number of emails that suggested that we were ill informed and that both Condemned 83 and Légitime Violence were really just good boys who go to church, rescue kittens from trees, and help old ladies walk across the street. Actual evidence however strongly suggested that both were every much the far right supporting jackasses their detractors said they were.

Cut to 2015, and Légitime Violence is in the news again. And while our French sucks (really, we can't sugar coat it, but we are embarrassingly and hopelessly unilingual) the good folks at Google have done a lot of work toward perfecting their language translator:

Legitimate Violence singer accused of drug trafficking
Published September 26, 2015 05:00 AM | Updated September 26, 2015 05:00 AM

(Quebec) Raphael Levesque, aka Raf Stomper, singer of the extreme right group of Quebec Legitimate Violence, appeared Friday at the Quebec City courthouse after being arrested Thursday in Saint-Apollinaire in a methamphetamine trafficking case and cannabis. 

Legitimate Violence The group had made about him in June when the mayor of Talencieux, France, had tried unsuccessfully to ban a spectacle of music and illegal fights in which the quartet took part. Previously, he had retired from programming the Envol and Macadam festival in 2011 after the organization had received several complaints about him. 

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PEGIDA Canada: "We're Not Racists" (UPDATED)

Sun, 09/27/2015 - 14:53
Earlier Sunday PEGIDA Quebec participated in a protest against Bill 59 and were met by anti-racist and antifascist groups. When one is challenging groups such as PEGIDA Canada the accusation that the membership and supporters of similar groups hold racist views is countered by the statement that, "Islam is not a race." In our view, there's a lot of parsing of the terminology going on here, however when we refer to the views held by the membership and supporters of groups like PEGIDA Canada who target Muslims we usually refer to them as bigots to avoid that argument. That term is challenged as well, as PEDIDA Canada suggest they are not against Muslims, but are in fact opposed to Islam. That claim is frequently made on the PEGIDA Canada Facebook group page, examples of which follows:

Not found on the PEGIDA Canada page, but on the page of a member.
More on Diane Hunter in the update at the bottom of the article.
A second statement found on the Facebook group's page also makes a similar claim lamenting the accusation of racism, but the underlying message seems clear enough to all who can read it:

We decided to take a closer look a PEGIDA Canada to test their claim that they are not in fact racists or bigots. Though we will inundate you, our dear readers, with screenshots from the PEGIDA Canada Facebook page that dehumanize Muslims (foreign, immigrant, refugee, and Canadian citizens) and which celebrate violence against Muslims (and anti-racists for that matter), we really could summarize the collective will of the members and supporters of PEGIDA Canada with this single post:

Yeah, they are racists and bigots, though we don't think this will really come as a significant revelation to many.

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Kyle McKee A Little Fuzzy On Definition Of Freedom Of Speech Part III

Sat, 09/26/2015 - 14:28
With news that Jesse Rau, the former probationary bus driver in Calgary who was fired because he refused to drive a bus painted to support Pride events.... even though he was specifically told he would not be assigned to the bus prior to his public temper tantrum, is running a Christian Heritage Party candidate for Parliament, we thought it might be fun to take a look to see what one of his biggest supporters is currently up to.

When last we discussed this issue, McKee had set up a GoFundMe page to help out pay his $5000.00 fine. GoFundMe suspended the campaign, then inexplicably permitted it to continue, before finally suspending the campaign for good.

The claim of having raised $500 strikes us as somewhat unconvincing, but who knows? Maybe McKee found himself a sugar daddy of some sort who has stepped up to help him with his fine?

At this point we figured that this would be the end of the issue unless McKee failed to pay the fine and ended up in jail. But we didn't count on long time Stormfront member "Cydonia" deciding to contribute her wisdom and legal expertise.

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Immediate Aftermath of PEGIDA Canada Rally

Sun, 09/20/2015 - 21:30
We've spent much of the day watching the fallout from the PEGIDA Canada rally that took place yesterday. One thing that seems clear is that the folks who organized the rally (1) were disappointed by their own turnout (2) were taken completely by surprise regarding the reaction of people opposed to their views, and (3) were horribly naive concerning who would be drawn to their message.

ARC decided to do some informal interviews of members and participants on the PEGIDA Canada Facebook page to get their reaction to what went down and to the involvement of Ron Banerjee:

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PEGIDA Canada Rally Meets With Opposition: Banerjee Demands Opposition Be Shot

Sat, 09/19/2015 - 18:30
Well, it looks like the PEGIDA Canada rally and counter-protest was a rather boisterous affair.

Back on September 13, we posted a message announcing a protest by anti-fascists to take place in Toronto opposing PEGIDA Canada who's organizers announced their rally would take place on September 19. Perhaps ironically, ol' walrus whiskers Sebastian Ronin also released a "press release" to announce his displeasure with PEGIDA Canada for not being fascist enough for his taste and, bizarrely, copyright infringement:

The PEGIDA Canada rally wasn't all that well attended. Perhaps two dozen members/supporters at best. By PEGIDA Canada's own estimates, there were outnumbered by roughly 200 anti-fascists vigorously opposing them.

Not surprisingly though, among the PEGIDA crowd was a familiar face:

Yep, Ron Banerjee. Hey, the dude is drawn to anti-Islam like a moth to a flame. He was attending in his guise of a Rise Canada member and though he seems to have been the only member in attendance whom we could see, Banerjee tries to co-opt the rally in suggesting Rise Canada was an equal partner:

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Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis: Part II

Sat, 09/19/2015 - 14:51
When we posted the news release regarding the anti-fascists' efforts to oppose the PEGIDA Canada rally planned for today, we received some comments condemning our efforts to deny the free speech rights of the participants. We would argue that opposing PEGIDA Canada publicly isn't so much denying them their freedoms as it is showing them that the majority of people believe they are Islamophobic assholes, thus engaging in their freedoms as well. We would further add that we aren't the ones organizing the counter-protests, but we do support the efforts of those opposing PEGIDA Canada.

One of the folks who has commented on ARC promoting the counter rally was our good friend Paulie:

Since you can read the message he is referring to here, we won't bother with that part of Paulie's missive, but we can't say we feel a lot of love from him.

But this part kind of amuses us:

Not sure how a request to bring blags, banners, and noise-makers is a call for violence. Sounds more like a plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event with noise and sounds. Still, it is sort of rich that Paulie is complaining about the anti-fascists plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event when Paulie himself has a history of disrupting opposing rallies and speaking engagements himself back in the 1970s as a founding member of the Edmund Burke Society:

Toronto, ON – William Kunstler assaulted by members of the Edmond Burke Society

Attorney for the Chicago 7 William Kunstler was assaulted and slightly injured during a speech in Toronto after members of the Edmund Burke Society stormed the stage. Prior to the assault the Burkers had been heckling Kunstler so a spokesperson was invited to state the groups views. Paul Fromm took the stage and poured water over Kunstler’s notes, resulting in Kunstler pouring water over Fromm.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society precipitate riot

“In May 1970 the Burkers counter-demonstrated against ‘the last of the big Communist anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in Toronto’ … The ensuing violence resulted in widespread damage to property, numerous injuries, and almost 100 arrests, 90 per cent of them supposedly left-wingers, the remainder Edmund Burke Society supporters. In later years, it was revealed that the rampaging demonstrators and the destruction actually were precipitated by Edmund Burke Society infiltrators into the left-wing ranks. The purpose was to discredit the anti-American peacenik movement.” (Barrett, 59)

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society associates arrested for assassination plot

Police arrested two men after receiving tips of a plot to assassinate Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin in Toronto. Raids on a number of homes of several Edmond Burke Society members yielded weapons and what spokesperson Paul Fromm characterized as, “equipment.” Earlier in the week Edmund Burke Society member Geza Matrai attacked Kosygin while the Soviet premier was visiting Ottawa.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society members attack audience in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto

“Quebec labour leader Michel Chartrand and lawyer Robert Lemieux, referred to later by a former Burker… as FLQ communists, were the targets. As the Toronto Daily Star (29 March 1971) described it, Edmund Burke Society members hurled a stink bomb, threw stones through windows, and sprayed the hall with a mace-like substance. The building caretaker had to be treated for temporary blindness, and a Toronto Telegraph reporter also hospitalized after being kicked in the head and abdomen.” (Barrett, 60)

Barrett, Stanley R. Is God a Racist? The Right Wing in Canada. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. 1989.
And given his support for the likes of the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, National Socialist Movement, Klan, etc, it's sort of hard to take Paulie all that seriously.

Besides, he might have to deal with other more pressing matters in the near future:

Meet Austin Collins, a participant in Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Robb's "Faith and Freedom" conference in 2011. It appears that Collins stumbled across our little spot on the Internet, read about Paulie's difficulty with fidelity (NSFW), and unlike other "White Nationalists" didn't sweep Paulie's indiscretions under the rug:

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PEGIDA Counter-protest Planned In Toronto

Sun, 09/13/2015 - 21:30
From an email we received earlier:

### Please Circulate Widely ####

On Saturday, September 19th, the racist and xenophobic “PEGIDA Canada” are planning to make their second appearance on the streets. After a humiliating defeat in Montreal earlier this year, the far-right group will attempt to rally and march in Toronto, beginning at 1PM in Queens Park.

In Germany the PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) movement managed to draw tens of thousands to the streets in reactionary fervor against 'Islamization'. PEGIDA Canada draws on the same tired nationalist rhetoric. They claim they are not racist, they simply are “protecting Canadian culture” by targeting Muslims and calling for tougher immigration laws.

Amidst the current humanitarian crisis on the borders and the broadening struggle for the rights of refugees and migrants, it is crucial we do not allow far-right groups the space to organize and mount a backlash. PEGIDA Canada is a new development in Southern Ontario and there is reason to believe this rally may draw more supporters and be better organized than their Montreal counterparts.

Join us on September 19th at 12PM SHARP to give PEGIDA the welcome it deserves – we will rally on University Ave and College St (Queen’s Park Station on the Yellow Line). Bring flags, banners, noise makers, and friends while we put our words to action and demonstrate our strength. We will send a clear message to PEGIDA and their would-be fellow travelers: You will not organize in our streets!


Kyle McKee A Little Fuzzy On Definition Of Freedom Of Speech Part II

Sat, 09/12/2015 - 15:42
So by now some in the msm have written about McKee's expensive misadventure last weekend. The two stories that we first saw (here and here) were both sufficiently mocking of his efforts to crowdfund his fine. The boneheads, on the other hand, seem to think that it's all a great conspiracy to silence them:

Sure, the fine COULD be, "for protesting the homosexual agenda" (hint: it isn't).

OR is might have to do with violating a clearly printed bylaw for which the minimum fine is $2500 and the maximum $5000:

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