UN, Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Francophone Embassies Celebrate International Sport Day

To mark both the International Day of Sport for Peace and Development and the International Francophonie Day, a celebration was held in Cairo that included a football match between the United Nations family and Francophone embassies in Egypt. In an opening address, Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral...

High-Level European Union Official & UNDP Representative visit Al Alamein Primary School and take stock of mine action project at the North West Coast

The European Union (EU) Director-General (DG) for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Christian Danielsson and the UNDP Resident Representative Richard Dictus visited the 'Support to the North West Coast Development and Mine Action Plan' project activities, expressing their support to the demining process...

Launch of the Regional Resilience and Refugee Response Plan for Egypt (2017-2018)

Your Excellency Ambassador Tarek El Kouny, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Arab Affairs, Mr. Richard Dictus, the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Kareem Attasi, UNHCR Representative, Excellencies/Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the honor to participate in today’s event to launch the 2017-2018 Egypt...

UN emphasizes its commitment to support women’s empowerment in Egypt

The month of March was an important month for women in Egypt. The commemoration of the Day of the Egyptian Women, the International Women’s Day, and the 61st global Session of the Commission on the Status of Women culminated in H.E. President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s pronunciation of 2017 as the “Year of Egyptian...

Mourad Wahba Remarks: International launch of Egypt’s campaign "Al Taa' Al marbouta"

Mourad Wahba United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Assistant Administrator and Director of Regional Bureau for Arab States United Nations Development Programme 61st Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt International launch of Egypt’s campaign "Al...

World’s most marginalized still left behind by global development priorities: UNDP report

Stockholm, 21 March 2017 – A quarter-century of impressive human development progress continues to leave many people behind, with systemic, often unmeasured, barriers to catching up. A stronger focus on those excluded and on actions to dismantle these barriers is urgently needed to ensure sustainable human...

Prime Minister Sherif Ismail meeting with UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Representative Richard Dictus

Prime Minister Sherif Ismail today met with the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Representative of the United Nations Development Programme Mr. Richard Dictus in the presence of the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr on the occasion of assuming his post in Cairo. The Prime...

Top UN Development Official for Arab States concludes a visit to Egypt

Dr. Mourad Wahba Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, Assistant Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States and Chair of the Arab States, Middle East and North Africa Regional United Nations Development Group (UNDG),...

Stopping the Female Genital Mutilation Vicious Circle

“I dragged her from her hands to put her on the bed. She was trying to escape but her screaming and crying didn’t stop me. I wanted to get the operation done or else her father will beat me to death,” said Sawsan (who refused to disclose her real name). Sawsan is a mother of three young girls and a boy,...

The role of media to end violence against women

Media is considered one of the powerful tools to mitigate and end violence against women. The National Council for Women (NCW) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) joined forces to host 30 media personnel, representing both private and public television and radio outlets, for a two-day workshop...

UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative meets with Fayoum Governor and visits Wadi El Hitan Protected Area

The United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative a.i. Mr. El Mostafa Benlamlih, UNDP representatives and the Italian Cooperation held an important visit to Al Fayoum governorate on Thursday 17 November where they met with Governor of Fayoum Dr. Gamal Sami and visited a number of UNDP development...

Arab Human Development Report 2016: Enabling youth to shape their own future key to progress on development and stability in Arab region

Beirut, 29 November 2016 – Arab countries can achieve a significant leap forward in development, reinforce stability and secure such gains in a sustainable manner, if they urgently prioritize adopting policies that ensure the well-being, productivity, self-determination and good citizenship of their young population,...

Launching the first phase of family courts and prosecution automation project in Luxor

Under the auspices of His Excellency Minister of Justice Counselor Mohamed Hossam Abdel Rehem, Deputy Minister for Specialized Courts Counselor Ahmed Khairy, representatives of the Ministry of Justice, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. Mr. El-Mostafa Benlamlih, representatives of Ministries of Communications and...

The inauguration of walking and cycling tracks at Shabin Al Koum, Menofia governorate to promote non-motorized transport

Under the auspices of Minister of Environment Dr. Khaled Fahmy, and governor of Monofeya Dr. Hesham Abdel Baset, “Non–motorized Transport Promotion” project has been inaugurated on Saturday October 29th at Shabin Al Koum. The project is implemented by the Environmental Affairs Agency/Ministry of Environment...

The European Union, Ministry of International Cooperation, and UNDP, inaugurate the Artificial Limbs Center on the North-West Coast

The Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation, the European Union (EU) Delegation to Egypt, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) inaugurated today the Artificial Limbs Center in Marsa Matrouh on the North-West Coast, the first of its kind in this area. The center is expected to serve the...

UNDP Egypt appoints Omar Samra National Goodwill Ambassador to promote environment’s protection, youth empowerment & the Sustainable Development Goals

Adventurer Omar Samra has been appointed today as UNDP Egypt’s national Goodwill Ambassador to promote and advocate for environment’s protection and youth empowerment. Omar Samra will generate support to the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are 17 global goals to shape our future in...

No more black clouds: Sustainable farming in Upper Egypt

After every harvest season, the air turns murky and grey in Egypt. This ‘black cloud’ has become a major concern of the government and the general public for its negative impact on people’s health and the environment. Burning agricultural waste has been found to be one of the main causes of this harmful...

New report: Pathways to development – UNDP achievements in Egypt

For over five decades UNDP has been supporting the Egyptian government and people in striving towards sustainable development, providing expert advice at the policy level as well as grassroots interventions on the ground.  This report takes stock of the key achievements of the past five years, highlighting those...

Top UN Development Official commends Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030

Cairo - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator and Chair of the UN Development Group, Helen Clark, congratulated H.E. Abdel Fattah El Sisi President of the Arab Republic of Egypt for his leadership on Egypt’s forward-looking Sustainable Development Strategy that he launched last month. Ms....

Helen Clark: Opening Speech UNDP 50th Anniversary Ministerial Meeting

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to UNDP’s 50th Anniversary Ministerial Meeting. It is a testament to the last five decades of partnership that so many senior Ministers and Heads of Government have travelled to New York to mark this important milestone for UNDP. For fifty years UNDP has been...

The Inauguration of the First of Its kind in the Middle East Wadi El Hitan Fossil and Climate Change Museum

Under the auspices of Prime Minister Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of Environment Dr. Khaled Fahmy inaugurates the Wadi El Hitan Fossil and Climate Change Museum on January 14th, 2016 in the presence of Fayoum Governor Mr. Wael Makram, Ambassador of Italy Mr. Maurizio Massari, and United Nations Development...