UN in Moldova supports quick recovery after heavy snowfall in April

The UN in Moldova has promptly responded to an urgent request from the National Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service in the afternoon of the 21st of April, when a state of emergency was announced in Chisinau. The request comes after Moldova experienced heavy and frosty snow in the southern and central regions of the country, starting on Thursday, 20 April.

Call for the Scholarship Program “For home with love”

The Migration and Local Development Project (MiDL), implemented by the UNDP with the financial support from the Government of Switzerland, launches a Call for scholarship Program “For home with love”.

In a small Moldovan town, birthing mothers can feel at peace

Aliona and Taras Jironkiny’s first daughter would be 12 today, had she survived the birth process. She died at the maternity ward in Slobozia, a small town in the east not at the time equipped to treat pneumonia in newborns.

UNDP Executive Board welcomes appointment of Achim Steiner as new Administrator

The President of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today welcomed the appointment of Achim Steiner as the Organization’s new Administrator.

The fast and furious journey towards democracy building: 4.5 years of breakthroughs from the UNDP Democracy Programme

Since July 2012, the UNDP Democracy Programme has successfully provided the Republic of Moldova with parliamentary assistance and electoral support, pursuant to UNDP’s democratic governance assistance worldwide.

The school and the kindergarten in Bratuleni, Nisporeni district, switched to biomass heating thanks to the EU investments

The pupils in the gymnasium of Bratuleni, district of Nisporeni, enjoy a better thermal comfort at school for three winters already, and, since this year, the community kindergarten will have a biomass heating plant and will be provided with hot tap water produced by solar collectors.

UNDP launches, for the second year in a row, a contest for the best journalistic investigations on corruption issues

UNDP Moldova launches, for the second year in a row, a contest for the best journalistic investigations on corruption issues, opened for all journalists from national and local written press, online media, radio and TV.

Profile of Roma Women and Girls

Roma girls and women: More than half of Roma girls and women have a primary, secondary, vocational or higher education. Two-thirds of Roma women assessed their health status as good and very good. Every 4th Roma woman is economically active and every 6th one is employed. At the same time, every 5th Roma girl/woman experienced a miscarriage at least once.

Where it comes from and what are the costs of corruption in the municipality of Chisinau?

The corruption risks for the Chisinau city hall services are estimated to 117.7 million lei annually. Only for the issuance of permits in the field of construction, advertising and trade, the informal taxes would constitute approx. 6 million lei per year, according to a study of the Independent Analytical Centre "Expert-Grup", released today at a roundtable.

With the EU support, young entrepreneurs from both banks of the Nistru River create new jobs

In just one year, 31 young entrepreneurs created more than 120 jobs and introduced new goods and services in the market. They started their business with the financial support from the European Union provided under the Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (SCBM), implemented by the UNDP Moldova.

500 ha of pastures in Orhei National Park region have been rehabilitated with European Union support

Throughout 3 years, the European Union funded Clima East Project, implemented by the UNDP, developed and implemented innovative systems of public pastures and forests management in the Orhei National Park region, aiming at preventing soil erosion and carbon capture and storage. The results of the project were presented today at a closing workshop in Orhei.

Eucred.md - Moldova can learn from human stories of success and failures in job seeking

UNDP continues to collect stories about jobs and unemployment, in particular from young women and men, via the website http://www.eucred.md. The platform does not require the users to submit personal data.

UN inspires on using blockchain – a technology that cannot be corrupted – at Moldova ICT Summit 2017

Persons interested in innovations and technologies learned more about blockchain - a popular incorruptible and efficient technology- at a presentation made by the United Nations at Moldova ICT Summit 2017, on its eighth edition.

Moldova has now GenderPulse – a tool that transforms statistical indicators into interactive infographics

The United Nations, in partnership with the National Bureau of Statistics, launches today, 28 March 2017, GenderPulse – the first tool for interactive graphical and easy to understand visualization of gender sensitive statistical indicators.