Welcome to the Australian Foreign Exchange Committee

The Australian Foreign Exchange Committee (AFXC) is a representative forum of the Australian foreign exchange market operating under the sponsorship of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Membership is drawn from the primary participants in the foreign exchange market including the leading foreign exchange banks, corporates, asset managers and the main electronic brokers. CLS Bank, the Association Cambiste Internationale (ACI) and the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) are also represented. The Chairman is elected from the Committee and the RBA provides a permanent secretary to the Committee.

The primary purpose of the AFXC is to provide a forum for foreign exchange market participants to discuss topical issues in the foreign exchange market. The AFXC also provides conventions for the Australian foreign exchange market. See About Us.

Under its mandate, the AFXC contributes to the development of guidelines on best practice in the Australian foreign exchange market and promotes the voluntary adherence to these guidelines by market participants. The AFXC endorses the ACI Model Code as its core best practice guidelines. The AFXC has also released a joint statement with seven other FX Committees supporting and endorsing the FX “Global Code” as published by the BIS on 26 May 2016.