FAQ More answers to your questions about Apple and the environment.

Who leads environmental efforts at Apple?

Apple is committed to addressing climate change, to developing green materials for safer products, and to using materials as efficiently as possible. In June 2013, Apple CEO Tim Cook appointed Lisa P. Jackson as Vice President, Environmental Initiatives. The Office of Environmental Initiatives works with teams across Apple to set strategy, engage stakeholders, and communicate progress.

Apple’s Board of Directors oversees the CEO and other senior management in the competent and ethical operation of Apple on a day-to-day basis and ensures that the long-term interests of shareholders are being served. Lisa, who is now Vice President, Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, reports to the CEO. Our integrated approach means that decisions about environmental and social issues are reviewed at the highest levels of the company. Executive Team members regularly review each new product during its development, focusing on material and design choices, the supply chain, packaging, and product energy efficiency.

How does Apple conduct its Product Greenhouse Gas Life Cycle Assessment?

Apple uses five steps when conducting a product life cycle assessment (LCA):

Does Apple obtain third-party verification and assurance for its environmental impact data?

Yes. We obtain third-party verification for our Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions, as well as our energy use, waste and water impacts for our data centers, offices, and retail stores worldwide. Bureau Veritas (BV) provides “reasonable assurance” — one of the highest levels of verification in the industry — for this environmental impact data. See the BV statement here.

Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions related to our products, calculated using life cycle assessment, are checked for quality and accuracy by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany in accordance with the internationally recognized ISO 14000 environmental management standards: ISO 14040 and 14044. See the Fraunhofer statement here.

Does Apple have an Environmental Health and Safety Policy?

Yes. Apple is committed to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and the global communities in which we operate. For more information, read our Environmental Health and Safety Policy Statement (PDF).

Does Apple index its environmental performance data using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines?

Apple is committed to openness in our environmental, social, and governance policies and programs, and we share our progress through a variety of public reports, including our 2017 Environmental Responsibility Report. These reports contain Standard Disclosures from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Apple’s GRI Index can be viewed here.

Does Apple restrict substances that are hazardous to human health and the environment?

Yes. Apple’s Regulated Substances Specification details a broad range of substances that are restricted or banned from use in Apple products, packaging, and manufacturing. All Apple products conform to the European Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which restricts the use of lead and other substances. As a result of our precautionary approach to substances, many of Apple’s restrictions exceed regulatory requirements. View Apple’s Regulated Substances Specification (PDF) or learn more about our efforts to reduce and eliminate hazardous substances.

In addition, all Apple products comply with Vietnamese Circular 30/2011/TT-BCT, regulating lead and other substances in electronic products.

Does Apple restrict the carcinogens brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from its products?

Yes. Apple defines a material as BFR‑free and PVC‑free if it contains less than 900 parts per million (ppm) of bromine and of chlorine. The 900‑ppm limit is one of the strictest in the electronics industry and a concentration lower than the ban on lead in the European RoHS Directive. If BFRs or PVC were present, the bromine or chlorine levels would need to be significantly higher than 900 ppm in order to be effective.

Apple’s phaseout of BFRs and PVC covers all new Apple product designs manufactured since 2009, and all Beats products manufactured since 2016. While older product designs, replacement parts, and accessories for older product designs may not be fully BFR‑free and PVC‑free, they were designed to meet regulatory requirements.

What is REACH, and how is Apple complying with the REACH regulation?

The Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation EC 1907/2006, commonly referred to as REACH, is a European regulation on chemicals and their safe use. With the publication of candidate lists for authorization, the European Chemicals Agency identifies sets of substances of very high concern (SVHC) that manufacturers must disclose to customers if used in their products above 0.1 percent by weight.

Based on the current version of the candidate list for authorization, Apple products do not contain SVHC above the disclosure threshold except for the Apple Remote, iMac, Mac Pro, and Mac mini, which each contain a coin battery with 1,2-dimethoxyethane. The SVHC in the coin battery does not pose a safety risk to customers. To ensure the coin battery is recycled appropriately,  you can return your Apple device to an Apple Store for free recycling or visit apple.com/recycling for more information about our recycling services.

Does Apple use ozone-depleting substances?

No ozone‑depleting chemicals (ODCs) are used in any processes to manufacture components, materials, or product packaging materials used by Apple, as stipulated by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

How do I make the most of the battery in my Apple device?

You can learn more about how your battery charges, maximizing battery performance, and servicing and recycling your battery by visiting apple.com/batteries

Does Apple offer recycling?

Yes. The Apple Renew program lets you recycle any Apple device at any Apple Store and online. We’ll make sure it’s recycled responsibly or given a chance to be used again. Some Apple devices, and other smartphones and PCs, may even be eligible for our trade-up program at an Apple Store and online. You can return any Apple device to an Apple Store for free recycling or visit apple.com/recycling for more information about our recycling services. Apple also offers free recycling of packaging on request in the United States and Canada for commercial, education, and institutional customers. Contact your Apple sales representative for more information.

Does Apple set standards for environmental protection and worker rights in its supply chain?

Our Code of Conduct outlines our high standards for creating safer working conditions, treating workers fairly, and using environmentally responsible practices in manufacturing. We demand that all suppliers doing business with Apple affirmatively agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct and supporting standards. We have maintained our rigorous assessment process to enforce this code. And when we uncover noncompliance with the code, we partner with our suppliers to help them improve their processes. Visit our Supplier Responsibility website to learn more about our efforts across our supply chain.