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Sydney Comedy Festival: Rose Matafeo is sick but she's not dead yet

 Seconds after stepping off stage from her solo show, Rose Matafeo burst into tears.

Fighting the flu, aware her audience was full of reviewers and having spent an hour telling self-deprecating jokes about herself in an overheated Melbourne Town Hall, the New Zealand comic could no longer suppress a slew of contained emotion.

"I was delirious," she says. "Midway through the show I forgot where I was momentarily. It is really the worst thing to be on stage, going, 'oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm doing a show'.

"I get so disappointed in myself when I don't do the best job I could possibly do. And I was disappointed that I was so sick. But you can't really do anything about that. I just won't read any of the reviews."

Matafeo's management cancelled the following night's performance at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival of Sassy Best Friend, in April. She took to her bed in a rented apartment, bursting with ceramic dogs.

"I come from a terrible family where you save up illness. You have to have five things wrong with you before you consider it time for professional help. And I am surrounded by novelty dog figurines."


Matafeo, 25, is hoping for better health for her stint at the Sydney Comedy Festival. She's a rising star in international comedy. She started doing stand-up when 15, studying and being head girl at Auckland Girls' Grammar School.

Three years later, she won best newcomer at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival. At age 21, she won the Billy T, the country's most distinguished comedy award.

Not long after, she became a regular on New Zealand TV, writing and co-starring in sketch comedy show Funny Girls.

Three days before it aired, in 2015, she moved to London. Last year, she won plaudits for her Edinburgh Festival Fringe debut, Rose Matafeo is Finally Dead ("It's hard to imagine a show more overflowing with life," noted veteran critic Brian Logan), in which she imagined her own funeral. She also appeared on Britain's long-running satirical panel show Have I Got News For You.

But success, as lovely and validating as it is, has not dented her propensity to suffer anxiety about performing, nor stem her self-deprecating comedy style.

"It's funny, I only recently fully understood that word. A friend of mine said, 'Why are you always so self-deprecating?' I always make jokes at my own expense and now I find there's a word for it."

In Sassy Best Friend, at the Enmore Theatre, from May 11 to 14, Matafeo explores the role of the "not conventionally attractive, quirky, hard to love" female sidekick in romantic comedies. Noted performances include Joan Cusack's Cyn in Working Girl, Carrie Fisher as Marie in When Harry Met Sally and Judy Greer in 13 Going on 30 and 27 Dresses.

"I've always been obsessed with rom-coms and that archetype, that not fully-formed character who doesn't have a strong personality. Since I was a young girl I'd always felt like that," she says.

"The show is actually about that idea of trying to know yourself, which is a difficult, shifting, changing thing when you're a young girl in your teen years and your 20s. Now I think I'm just a complicated person with lots of aspects to my personality that don't exactly fit into one romantic-comedy trope.

"A lot of the show is about a person finding their own character. That sounds so much more wanky than it actually is. Anyone who comes to see the show will think, 'wow, this is nothing like as inspirational as she made it sound'."

Happily, despite her recent sinus infection, , Matafeo is having a good time. "Last year, when I performed Rose Matafeo is Finally Dead, I had to wheel out a coffin as a prop every night, change into a full tuxedo beforehand and spend every day from 2pm until 7pm feeling sick in the stomach before I went on stage," she says.

"This year, I have very few props, no costume changes and I made a rule for myself to only feel nervous and worried and sick in my stomach from about 6pm.

"So I'm on top of things."

Sassy Best Friend is at the Enmore Theatre from May 11-14 as part of the Sydney Comedy Festival.