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Richard Seymour
Author and broadcaster
Author and broadcaster

Richard's posts

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Brexit, Labour voters and the working class.
There's a curious article in today's Guardian, written by a senior YouGov person -- the guy who runs UK Polling Report -- about the relationship between Labour voters and Brexit. On the face of it, it is a defence of Corbyn's position on Brexit. But it's a ...

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Clive Lewis, with perhaps one eye auspiciously assaying the Labour leadership, claims that UKIP are dangerously close to taking Stoke Central from Labour. Ironically, in saying this as a shadow cabinet minister, he is contributing to a general media buzz th...

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"Hard arguments"
I. A boycott is just a tactic, like any other. There was a fairly large protest against Trump in London today, part of the ongoing wave of protests which is galvanising an otherwise despondent Left and giving it some purpose and direction. It's a good, hope...

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Against omniscience
There is a style of political reasoning which the Trump moment lends itself to, which can be called conspiracism. The Trump base is itself galvanised by some quite outre conspiracy theories -- Obama the secret Muslim, covert socialism in the highest reaches...

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Under the sign of Saturn, a movement is born.
I. There has been non-stop chaos in the American state since Trump took office. This is partly, but not primarily, a matter of incompetence. There is no doubt that these moves could have been prepared for a lot better by the incoming Trump team.  Yet, I thi...

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The Philistine army
In the Book of Samuel, it says that when you hear the sound of marching on the tops of the mulberry trees, you'll know the move is on. Stir yourself, be alert, get ready: you're about to strike at the Philistine Army. But suppose, instead of stirring themse...

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Seasick, Yet Still Docked
Britain, having gone nowhere as of yet, is queasy. The pound, sacred symbol of British potency, is heaving and diving . Capitalists, usually so resolute, look decidedly pale and fidgety . What's happening? If you asked me last year, I would have told you, e...

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Mark Fisher
The second time I met Mark was at the University of East London occupation. He was enthusiastic, almost in the religious sense: it was like the spirit had moved him. He wrote about it, about how this moment - the student movement and the sudden energy every...

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The fascist superego
There is a traditional way of talking about the fascist superego as, essentially: monarchical, masculine, militaristic. It is the censorship of the id, and the protection the ego from its drives which are canalised into minimal reproductive activity. It is ...

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Let's keep talking.
"[I]t can be asked whom music for entertainment still entertains. Rather, it seems to complement the reduction of people to silence, the dying out of speech as expression. the inability to communicate at all. It inhabits the pockets of silence that develop ...
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