
By Richard Seymour, Elizabeth Humphrys, and Tad Tietze

Terrorism, Race and Racism, Race and Ethnicity, Political Violence and Terrorism, Fascism, and 3 more

More Info: Versions: 2011 eBook; 2014 Open Access PDF

Publisher: Elguta Press, London

Publication Date: 2011

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This chapter examines the extent to which anticommunism can be understood as a form of racial practice, involved in helping to organise global racial orders as part of hegemonic strategies on the part of states, abov... more abstract

Race and Ethnicity, Anticommunism (History), and Racism

More Info: Chapter, 'Race and the Cold War'

Publisher: Routledge

Publication Date: Oct 2014

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Here's the publishers' blurb: Christopher Hitchens--political journalist, cultural critic, public intellectual and self-described contrarian--is one of the most controversial and prolific writers of his generation. ... more abstract

More Info: Chapter, 'The genocidal imagination of Christopher Hitchens', pp. 312-330

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David Cameron is by his own account a progressive, a meritocrat, someone who cares passionately about the state democracy in Britain. Positioning himself as the legatee of a Disraelian tradition of 'Tory radicalism',... more abstract

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The contemporary advocates of 'humanitarian intervention' in such diverse circumstances as Iraq and Yugoslavia draw upon a repertoire of paternalistic arguments for empire that are centuries old. The 'war on terror' ... more abstract

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Neoliberalism, Conservative Party, Antonio Gramsci, and Margaret Thatcher

More Info: A long form piece for Jacobin on the occasion of Mrs Thatcher's death.

Publication Name: Jacobin

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By Richard Seymour, Elizabeth Humphrys, and Tad Tietze

Terrorism, Race and Racism, Race and Ethnicity, Political Violence and Terrorism, Fascism, and 3 more

More Info: Versions: 2011 eBook; 2014 Open Access PDF

Publisher: Elguta Press, London

Publication Date: 2011

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This chapter examines the extent to which anticommunism can be understood as a form of racial practice, involved in helping to organise global racial orders as part of hegemonic strategies on the part of states, abov... more abstract

Race and Ethnicity, Anticommunism (History), and Racism

More Info: Chapter, 'Race and the Cold War'

Publisher: Routledge

Publication Date: Oct 2014

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Here's the publishers' blurb: Christopher Hitchens--political journalist, cultural critic, public intellectual and self-described contrarian--is one of the most controversial and prolific writers of his generation. ... more abstract

More Info: Chapter, 'The genocidal imagination of Christopher Hitchens', pp. 312-330

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David Cameron is by his own account a progressive, a meritocrat, someone who cares passionately about the state democracy in Britain. Positioning himself as the legatee of a Disraelian tradition of 'Tory radicalism',... more abstract

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The contemporary advocates of 'humanitarian intervention' in such diverse circumstances as Iraq and Yugoslavia draw upon a repertoire of paternalistic arguments for empire that are centuries old. The 'war on terror' ... more abstract

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Neoliberalism, Conservative Party, Antonio Gramsci, and Margaret Thatcher

More Info: A long form piece for Jacobin on the occasion of Mrs Thatcher's death.

Publication Name: Jacobin

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Atheism, Karl Marx, New Atheism, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens

More Info: 2005 piece included in Christopher Hitchens and his Critics, NYU Press, 2008

Publication Name: Monthly Review

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Pacifism, Anti-imperialism, and US Foreign Policy

More Info: Extract from short, detailed history of anti-imperialist movements in the United States.

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Marxism, Capitalism, European Union, and Neoliberalism

More Info: A summary of the European political crisis as of Autumn 2012

Publication Name: Overland

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More Info: A draft summary of some background work on the relationship between racism and anticommunism in organising hegemony in the US during the Cold War.

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After 13 years of exile the Conservative Party has returned to office, but weaker than ever and dependent on a coalition with the Liberals. Amid a global crisis, with a weak incumbent and against a widely disliked gov... more abstract

More Info: See:

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The Sadrist revolt in Iraq was misunderstood in the US and Europe as a fanatical Islamist project for the conquest of Iraq and its subsumption under an Iranian-style theocracy. In fact, though frequently brutal, it w... more abstract

More Info: originally written for Monthly Review ( in April 2008

Publication Name: Monthly Review

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“While it is pardonable for the colonizer to have his little arsenals, the discovery of even a rusty weapon among the colonized is cause for immediate punishment.” Albert Memmi One of the oddities of the ‘War on T... more abstract

More Info: written for inclusion in The Ashgate Companion to Political Violence, forthcoming.

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On the influence of Kriegsideologie on the US Right.

More Info: excerpt from The Liberal Defence of Murder (Verso, 2008), initially intended for publication by Adbusters.

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The Tories have a propensity toward explaining their actions in terms of deference toward tradition. From the Tamworth Manifesto onward, every concession that the Tories make to their opponents has been framed as a v... more abstract

More Info: presented to Historical Materialsm, November 2007

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More Info: Presented with David Edgar at the Friends Meeting House, Marxism 2009

Organization: Marxism 2009

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...Cameron’s leadership is operating in a situation in which two key difficulties beset the party’s ability to act as, as I say, a hegemonic party of capital. First is the secular tendency for its electoral base to de... more abstract

Organization: Historical Materialism conference 2011

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A crisis of capitalism is not just a crisis of the economy. It’s a crisis that wracks the whole of society – politically, ideologically, and culturally. It is, in that sense, also a crisis of the racial structure whet... more abstract

Organization: ISJ Day School

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...Historically, the act of oppression that produced the category of race preceded the systematic pseudo-scientific classification of human variation along racial lines. This was true, according to Theodore Allen, in ... more abstract

Organization: Marxism 2010

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