Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bloggery posted by Richard Seymour

Just to point out, I figured out that the best way to overcome the problem with the comments was to shift to a new domain.  If you recall, the issue has been caused by the fact that Google insisted on introducing new country-specific URL codes for Blogspot blogs, ending in .co.uk, .co.ca, .co.au, etc., depending on where you accessed the blog from.  This meant that an individual post might have several URL codes.  Disqus, the comments service I use, would then treat each version as a separate article with a separate comments thread.  There's no good reason that I can see for Google having imposed this change without allowing any opt-out.  But that's what you get with a free service.  So, the solution I have decided upon is to purchase a new domain, www.leninology.com.  From now on, you should in theory find yourself being redirected to this domain if you try to access via www.leninology.blogspot.com, but it would be easier for you just to bookmark the new URL.  This does involve a 'year zero' for comments, until I can get Disqus to 'migrate' the threads.  But in the long term it will solve the problem with the comments thread and also give us internet 'personhood' about ten years after everyone else.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blogger and Disqus posted by Richard Seymour

Google have made a 'helpful' change to the settings for blogs, so that the URL of each site automatically converts to .blogspot.co.uk, .blogspot.co.nz, .blogspot.co.au, .blogspot.co.ca etc etc depending on which country you are accessing the website from.  The trouble with this is that for most people it means the Disqus thread doesn't appear, or appears without comments.  For the time being, there are two ways around this. 

First, to see existing Disqus threads, access the blog using the following URL: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com/ncr 

Second, for now, use the alternative JS-Kit comments system, which you can access by clicking on the 'Comments' link at the bottom of each post, immediately next to the link for the Disqus thread.  The thread opens in a pop-up window rather than appearing at the bottom of each post.  This has its disadvantages.

I will take measures to solve this problem in due course.  However, I wish to make it clear that everything that has happened only confirms that my line thus far has been correct, and consistent.  The hollow rhetoric of the petty bourgeois opportunists who wanted me to move to Wordpress, or use a different commenting system, or shut my face, has been exposed to the proletariat.  The workers will not stand for their vacillating, pseudo-revolutionary leftist posturing.  And here I will make a self-criticism: I should have crushed these vainglorious adventurists, these fascists-in-disguise, these police informants, sooner.  Based on this scientific understanding, we should have a completely free and frank discussion about how to move our great blog forward.  Let no one say that I am trying to resolve this problem in a controlling, bureaucratic manner.  Literally, let no one say that.  Or I will ban everyone again.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Comments posted by Richard Seymour

Everyone is banned again. Actually, Haloscan is just acting up again, so apologies to those who can't see their comments at the moment. These comments still appear in my account but they don't appear on the site - others are having a similar problem. I am turning on the Blogger comment function for the time being.

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