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bat020 25m
"Asked for a response to the Gang of Four, a spokesperson for Jeremy Corbyn said: 'Great band'."
bat020 3h
hey maybe the future will be like Planet Of The Apes except with pigs… we could call it Planet Of The Pigs…
bat020 3h
on a similar note, 30 years on from Chernobyl, one in three German boars are still radioactive
bat020 retweeted
Liam MacU 3h
And this looks like it's going to be very good in the .
bat020 3h
ooh Russian Revolution architecture exhibition opening at the Design Museum in London next week
bat020 4h
latest installment of Life Imitates Ballard
bat020 23h
one might shock us more than the other but the ideological animus is identical in both cases.
bat020 Mar 8
moderately interesting Aeon article on Cantor's theory of the infinite; my critique attached below.
bat020 Mar 7
disliked it at the time. bombastic and overproduced. Hatful of Hollow remains my favourite.
bat020 Mar 7
slack was down for all of ten minutes!!
bat020 Mar 7
cheers, now plagued by thought that I might not be a real imposter.
bat020 Mar 7
I've been blocking those accounts on sight
bat020 Mar 6
you got it!
bat020 Mar 6
nope but arguably closer in that there's a prominent female troika involved
bat020 Mar 6
ok final clue: the universality is attested to when the protagonist declares that mathematics is "the same in every country".
bat020 Mar 6
haha no it has happy ending
bat020 Mar 6
no no nothing that obvious
bat020 Mar 6
*sighs* okay another clue then: this film is notable for what doesn't happen.
bat020 Mar 6
Badiou would approve of the film I saw last night: protagonist transcends falsity of social relations thru universal power of mathematics.
bat020 Mar 6
amazingly it does actually seem to contain duck
bat020 Mar 6
isn't this just Feyerabend in a nutshell tho
bat020 Mar 5
happy-ah sixtieth birthday-ah Mark E Smith
bat020 Mar 5
eventually the cat came out, picked the kitten up and scuttled off with it. so a happy ending!
bat020 Mar 5
we were about take it to a vet when we saw a cat staring at us warily. we placed the kitten on the ground and stepped away.
bat020 Mar 5
we found a tiny newborn kitten mewling in the bushes. took it home, fed it a bit of milk.
bat020 Mar 4
finally home after late night kitten drama
bat020 Mar 4
Jezza leaving the stage at the rally in Parliament Square
bat020 Mar 3
how the vote changed in swing states in last year's US presidential election – data analysis by
bat020 Mar 3
all the flavours have equally stupid names. idea is that the crisps form a village "with lots of rather interesting characters and stories".
bat020 Mar 3
I've found it, Britain's twee-est crisp.