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Money laundering syndicate member jailed for 10 years over multi million dollar Perth bank transactions

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A member of a Hong Kong crime syndicate - which laundered almost $30 million through various Sydney and Perth banks - has been jailed for 10 years.

Ka Sing Lai, a 30-year-old Hong Kong national residing in Sydney, was one of nine people caught up in the web of a major joint taskforce operation code-named Operation Churchill.

The taskforce, set up in 2015, included members of the Australian Federal Police, WA Police, Australian Border Force and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC.)

It was AUSTRAC who initially identified that the Hong Kong syndicate was laundering huge amounts of cash through Commonwealth Bank and Westpac accounts in both WA and NSW.

The syndicate members were using bank accounts belonging to newly established Australian based companies, the directors of which were Hong Kong nationals based offshore.

Between March and December 2015, the syndicate laundered an estimated $29 million through these accounts, the WA District Court was told on Thursday.


During the investigation, Lai was identified as a syndicate member based in Sydney.

The District Court was told Lai travelled to Perth from Sydney on 13 separate occasions in 2015.

Once in WA, he collected large amounts of cash from individuals before taking other persons to various banks across Perth, who deposited the money into the nominated bank accounts.

The court heard Lai and the depositors would visit as many as 10 bank branches on any one day.

On one day they visited eight branches and deposited $400,000.

On another occasion they visited seven Perth banks and deposited $300,000.

Between July and December 2015, while travelling from Sydney to Perth, Lai dealt with a total of $5.9 million in cash.

The court heard he gave more than $5.6 million of that money to others who deposited it in a total of 163 bank transactions.

During the taskforce operation, Lai was seen receiving cash from several men, two of whom would later be charged with drug related and money laundering offences.

When Lai was eventually arrested in Perth in December 2015, the court was told police found more than $230,000 cash in his rental car, six mobile phones and several debit cards.

A search of his home in Sydney uncovered more mobile phones and additional debit cards.

Nine people, including Lai, were charged as part of Operation Churchill.

Most have already been jailed.

Lai pleaded guilty to one count of dealing with proceeds of crime with a value greater than $1 million.

"The offending was sustained and well planned," crown prosecutor Lindsay Glenn told the court.

Defence lawyer Anthony Eyers stressed his client was a trusted "courier" of the money laundering syndicate, but not a member of the senior hierarchy.

"He was acting as an agent of a money laundering syndicate," Mr Eyers said.

"He was a trusted courier, but no way up the top of the tree.

"Plainly, he was in a trusted position. He was utilised for his reliability."

The court was told Lai's ageing parents in Hong Kong were unaware of his arrest and thought he was working on a farm.

"They don't even know he's been incarcerated," Mr Eyers said.

The court heard police also intercepted conversations between Lai and other people involved in the money laundering operation.

The court was told when one of the bank depositors was arrested by police, Lai was heard to say: "The plan went unlucky."

A letter written by Lai to the sentencing Judge was read out to the court.

In part it read: "My task involved driving people around...I did not ask too much about it."

But Judge Bruce Goetze said Lai was a pivotal part of the money laundering syndicate who knew the money he was handling had been derived from crime.

"When money laundering occurs on a large scale, it warrants severe punishment," he said.

"You were an important cog in the wheel.

"You gave directions to other people...your role was pivitol."

Lai's 10 year sentence was backdated to December 2015. He will be eligible for parole in 2021.