Middle East

Turkey referendum: Constitutional change and questions on power

Whichever side claims victory on Sunday, things will never be the same in this nation of 75 million people.

Syria's Civil War

Is Trump ready to make a deal on Syria?

The US president is fond of saying his favourite thing in life is deal making.


S Sudan refugee children 'living life no child should'

Thousands of refugees arrive in north Uganda from South Sudan daily and many of them are unaccompanied children.

Privacy & Surveillance

How we revealed the surveillance world's illegal trades

The investigative reporter behind Spy Merchants details a history of surveillance companies selling to questionable clients.


Trump's meeting with Xi: What to watch

North Korea and trade will be high on the agenda, but observers in Beijing will no doubt also be watching body language.


Change is coming fast in The Gambia - and it's intoxicating

As many young Gambians get to participate in their first free and fair election, an unprecedented sense of ownership over the country's future is fast emerging.