About VU

Victoria Polytechnic

Victoria Polytechnic is VU's TAFE division. We deliver high-quality accredited courses, apprenticeships, traineeships and customised training programs that link closely with industry.

We offer courses in:

Victoria Polytechnic gives every student, school-leaver, career-changer and those looking to move up in their career a personalised learning journey. We recognise your unique skills, interests and learning styles, supporting your individual vocational journey.

What you study today at Victoria Polytechnic will take you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

Eligibility exemptions

For 2016, eligible students may be exempt from the following criteria:

  • enrolling in a higher Australian qualification than currently held and
  • commencing a maximum of two subsidised courses at the same level in your lifetime.

These exemptions are offered by Victoria Polytechnic through its status as a Victorian TAFE provider. To find out more about this contact us on 1300 82 33 87 or see more information on TAFE fees.

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