Our research focus

Our College staff and graduate students conduct research into important issues affecting the health of individuals and the community.

Our performance in the 2015 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment was impressive, with research in nursing achieving a ranking of above world-standard.

The College research groups focus on world-class research and development, translating innovation in experimental medicine into positive health outcomes for the community.

Many of our researchers enjoy international reputations for excellence. Through partnerships and collaborations, the work of our dynamic and enthusiastic research community benefits the whole University, as well as industry and the community.

Chronic disease prevention & management

The Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management was established in January 2013. The Centre's goal is to be a world-class research centre focused on fundamental research into chronic disease, and to translate these discoveries into therapeutic results that improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities, particularly in Melbourne's west.

Download a summary of the Centre goals and research objectives.

Australian Health Policy Collaboration

The Australian Health Policy Collaboration promotes and supports a national policy agenda for the prevention of chronic diseases that improves population health and wellbeing in Australia.

The AHPC contributes to the development of public policy and its practice, and to improving health outcomes for all Australians through evidenced based research. It is proposing a definitive path forward for government on chronic disease prevention and management, as outlined in a series of reports and policy forums.

Allied health education & training in Melbourne's West

Two VU researchers at Western CHRE laboratory

As well as providing an excellent education experience and location for clinical placements for nurses, paramedics and other allied health professionals, our staff and students undertake world-class research within the Western Centre for Health Research & Education (Western CHRE).

Western CHRE is a three-way partnership between Western Health, Victoria University and The University of Melbourne.

The precinct is located at the Western Health Sunshine campus.

Advanced food systems

Bowl of grains

Our research in advanced food systems aims to resolve the challenges of sustainability, and healthy feeding practice of the growing future population in industrialised and developing nations through scientific and technological advancements.

We have developed an extensive range of research collaborations both within Victoria University and with external organisations, including the broader academic and industrial research groups, as well as corporations internationally and within Australia.

Our research is aligned with three Australian national priorities:

  • environmentally sustainable Australia
  • promoting and maintaining good health
  • frontier technologies for building and transforming Australia.

For students who want to enquire about research opportunities within Advanced Food Systems, please contact:

Professor Todor Vasiljevic, Leader, Advanced Food Systems
+61 3 9919 8062 | todor.vasiljevic@vu.edu.au

Clinical and community health

The Clinical and Community Health research unit conducts leading edge, collaborative research that:

  • addresses important healthcare challenges
  • improves and promotes health and wellbeing
  • enhances clinical and community care
  • enriches quality of life
  • provides culturally sensitive care, and
  • utilises the latest advancements in health information technology.
Student and doctor with pregnant patient

The work of our qualified academic researchers is focused on three important research programs:

  • mental health
  • pregnancy
  • acute and chronic illness.

For students who want to enquire about research opportunities within Clinical and Community Health, please contact:

Professor Mary Carolan-Olah, Leader, Clinical and Community Health
+61 3 9919 2585 | mary.carolan@vu.edu.au

Biomedical & lifestyle diseases (BioLED)

Our research in biomedical & lifestyle diseases is focused on expanding our knowledge on the role that lifestyle associated diseases play in limiting not only our lifespan but also our quality of life.

Sample test tubes in laboratory

Our ability to age well and age productively is affected by a number of health issues, including:

  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular disease
  • cancer
  • inflammation
  • gastrointestinal issues (including irritable bowel, GIT diseases, and appetite regulation)
  • musculoskeletal health (including physical functioning and sarcopenia)

To expand our knowledge, the Biomedical and Lifestyle Diseases (BioLED) Unit utilises laboratory based scientific inquiry as well as applied clinical and therapeutic interventions to promote health and prevent illness, restore health, and promote the wellbeing of individuals.

For students who want to enquire about research opportunities within Biomedical & Lifestyle Diseases, please contact:

Dr Angela Fones, Project officer, Biomedical and Lifestyle Diseases
+61 3 9919 9277 | angela.fones@vu.edu.au

Enteric neuropathy

Researcher in Western CHRE lab using confocal microscopy

The enteric neuropathy laboratory at VU conducts research into the development of novel therapies for the treatment of enteric neuropathy associated with:

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • side-effects of anti-cancer chemotherapy
  • other disorders affecting the enteric nervous system innervating and controlling functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

For more information, please contact:

Dr Kulmira Nurgali
+61 3 8395 8223 | kulmira.nurgali@vu.edu.au


Honours & postgraduate research

Our guide to honours and postgraduate projects provides a wealth of information to those interested in finding out more about honours and postgraduate studies. It highlights the research projects available within the College of Health & Biomedicine.

Honours is a single year of study, in which you will be part of a research team and have your own research project. You will gain skills to put you ahead of other graduates in your area, and increase your employability.

Postgraduate research degrees require a high level of self-motivation and independence of thought and action. During the course of the degree, you will experience a shift from dependent to independent researcher. The Graduate Research Centre provides information about your future graduate research studies at VU.

Honours & postgraduate project enquiries

For honours studies, please contact Associate Professor Alan Hayes at alan.hayes@vu.edu.au prior to contacting supervisors. 

For postgraduate studies, please contact the Graduate Research Centre at apply.research@vu.edu.au to check your eligibility prior to contacting supervisors.


Contact us

For more information about research undertaken by the College of Health & Biomedicine, please contact:

Associate Professor John Price, Director, Research & Research Training

Phone: +61 3 9919 2046Email: john.price@vu.edu.au