Valuations near 'dot-com bubble' levels may halt the bull market

Wall Street price-to-forward earnings ratios are "now at levels not consistently seen since the dot-com bubble years of ...
Wall Street price-to-forward earnings ratios are "now at levels not consistently seen since the dot-com bubble years of the late 1990s". AFR

Those tenacious sharemarket bulls still have the 6000-point mark squarely in their sights despite the major S&P; ASX200 index falling back to 4800 points this week.

The threat posed by North Korea and worries over President Trump's well-flagged tax plans and infrastructure investments have not demoralised the market cheerleaders.

Indeed, if trading on Thursday is any guide they've just ditched the growth stocks and headed straight back into the defensive stocks that pay a dividend.

But expensive valuation measures suggest the march to the next milestone might be more of a slow slog than the turbo-charged rally enjoyed by investors since Donald Trump was elected president of the United States a little over five months ago.

At first glance, the 12-month forward price earnings ratio of the sharemarket doesn't look that stretched.

At around 15.3 times earnings it's only just above the long-term average of around 14.5 times.

But according to UBS equity strategist David Cassidy, if you take out the booming resources sector the forward PE is closer to 16 times earnings, which is not that far off where it was in 2007, just before the financial crisis hit.

Indeed, using that valuation measure it's also not that far off the record high multiple of 18 times reached when the tech rally was in full throttle mode in 1999.

The same goes for industrial stocks if financials are taken out of the equation.

Apart from a brief time trading on a multiple of 19 times last July, pure industrial stocks are trading on a forward PE of 18 times, their highest in a decade and well above the average of the past 20 years of just over 16 times earnings.

The same could be said of Wall Street and other global sharemarkets, too.

They are all trading on high PEs, which means if the earnings aren't up to scratch then it's going to be tough to keep grinding higher.

For sure these valuation measures have been high for a few years now but that's been in the main thanks to record low interest rates.

Despite the drop in bond yields over the past few weeks they are still much higher than where they were a year ago and most analysts think they will resume their sell off when the Federal Reserve hikes interest rate again.

Cassidy has slightly upgraded his end-of-year target for the benchmark index to 5875 from 5700 but his message is that over the next six to 12 months, any "upside is likely limited from here as a central case".

One measure that does give investors some hope of an easier run higher is on a price-to-book multiple of around 1.8 times, the sharemarket is just below its long-term level of just over two times.

But the banks also look stretched here after a stellar run and they account for such a large chunk of the index.

UBS notes that rally means the banks have been re-rated now and are back trading at close to the top of their historical trading range.

Since 1997 the banks, on average, have traded on a PE of just over 12 times but are now at closer to 14 times earnings.

A year ago the PE of the banks was a fraction under 12 times but since then the bank index has risen 17 per cent compared to a 11 cent gain in the overall market.

Throw in the dividends and the 12-month gain from the banks has been 24 per cent compared to 16 per cent from the major index.

To date the earnings upgrades for the local sharemarket have been respectable but now the worry is commodity prices might be coming to the end of their run, which puts doubt over any further profit upgrades.

It's a similar story on Wall Street where the price-to-forward earnings ratio is around 18 times, and according to BetaShares chief economist, David Bassanese, "now at levels not consistently seen since the dot-com bubble years of the late 1990s".

He added that while it was possible the market could continue to trend higher for some time, even if valuations decline, it all hinges on US earnings continuing to grow solidly and on that score it appears that the "growth outlook appears somewhat more challenging".

Overall, the high PE is still a negative for the market and it's harder for the market to grind higher from here.

"Valuations are likely to fall from here based on past experience – especially if bond yields continue to rise," he said.