Construction boom Units beat houses for first time

Units beat houses for first time

HIPSTERS and families throwing in the towel on the ‘white picket fence’ helped drive record completions for apartments, beating houses for the first time ever.

Popular Australia’s most viewed homes

Australia’s most viewed homes

POTENTIAL buyers looked at these five homes more than any other in Australia in the past week. Check out the most popular listings.

Rare property Lighthouse keeper’s cottage for sale

Lighthouse keeper’s cottage for sale

THE Pompei family have enjoyed 12 years in the shadow of the Macquarie lighthouse at Vaucluse. Now their historic property has hit the market.

Epic auction Bidder drops at epic auction battle

Bidder drops at epic auction battle

A FAINTING bidder and a home selling for five times what it did 20 years ago. How other auction markets compare to Brisbane.

Priced out Dumps in Byron now unaffordable

Dumps in Byron now unaffordable

SYDNEY house prices are out of control, but it would seem escaping up the coast for a cheap buy is also now off the cards — with this former housing commission home in Byron Bay selling for $1.65 million.