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Get more out of your travels in Victoria by volunteering. It’s a great way to contribute to the community you are visiting, to interact with locals and to go to places tourists don't normally go.

Volunteering can be very rewarding and may help you achieve some of your career or personal goals. Many students undertake voluntary work in Melbourne and regional Victoria to develop their skills and gain an insight into the workforce as well as to make friends.

Finding volunteer work

Victoria now has a new volunteer information resource to help volunteers. Visit volunteer.vic.gov.au to look for volunteer opportunities in Melbourne and Victoria, and check our list of useful contacts below.

Volunteer work is available in a wide range of sectors. Farm and conservation work is popular with travellers, including schemes such as Willing Workers on Organic Farms (WWOOF) which offers work on organic farms, and organisations such as Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) which can arrange opportunities with conservation projects.


The visa type you need depends on the organisation you choose. Visitors from some countries do not require visas, and some volunteer programs qualify Working Holiday Visa holders for a visa extension. Be sure to check the visa requirements with your volunteer organisation or with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Qualifications and training

Usually no formal qualifications are needed for volunteering, but certain skills, previous experience and a reasonable level of fitness might be required. Training is usually provided on the job.


Volunteer organisations offer different arrangements for paying for your food and accommodation. For example, WWOOF volunteers work in exchange for board, but when you volunteer your time at CVA, you pay for the cost of your meals and accommodation, just like any other holiday.

Useful contacts

Victoria's Volunteering Portal
Conservation Volunteer Australia (CVA)
Volunteering Australia
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Seek Volunteer
The Wilderness Society
Willing Workers on Organic Farms (WWOOF) Australia

For more information about volunteering in Victoria, visit volunteeringvictoria.org.au.

Work, study & volunteer

Travel information


Study at Victoria's universities, internationally recognised for their supportive study environments, quality teaching and high academic standards.

Getting here & around

Public transport

Trains, trams and buses will get you just about anywhere you want to go in Victoria. Public transport has you covered in Melbourne and regional areas.