Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets with Australian troops serving at Camp Qargha near Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday 24 April 2017. (AAP Image/Fairfax Pool, Andrew Meares) NO ARCHIVING

PM’s surprise visit to Aussie troops

UPDATES: Macolm Turnbull has made an unannounced visit to Australian troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, as thousands commemorate Anzac Day.

Hitting back Dutton demands apology from ABC

Dutton demands apology from ABC
IMMIGRATION Minister Peter Dutton has demanded the ABC and Fairfax apologise “in the next 24 hours” over the Manus Island incident.

Powerful message Voters tell PM: Fix $36.5b deficit

Voters tell PM: Fix $36.5b deficit
IN A powerful message ahead of the May 9 budget, a special Newspoll reveals voters want spending restraint, not welfare cuts.

Waiting game Turnbull will ditch plans for Trump

Turnbull will ditch plans for Trump
MALCOLM Turnbull is prepared to ditch final plans for the May budget if Donald Trump invites him to New York next week.

Political rift PM’s citizenship changes upset NZ

PM’s citizenship changes upset NZ
A DAY before ANZAC Day, New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English has taken aim at Australia’s “disappointing” proposed citizenship changes.

New footage Aussie bombs rain down on IS

Aussie bombs rain down on IS
THE Australian Defence Force has released extraordinary footage of Australian bombing raids targeting IS in the Middle East.

Funding turnaround ‘Thrilled’ Rosie Batty in tears

‘Thrilled’ Rosie Batty in tears
ROSIE Batty became emotional when when she learned the Turnbull government had backed down on funding cuts to community legal centres.

Political player One Nation ‘is here to stay’

One Nation ‘is here to stay’
IF you thought One Nation wouldn’t last, think again. Pauline Hanson’s party is on track to stay in Australian politics for another decade, according to a new report.

Gaining ground Support for PM on the rise: poll

Support for PM on the rise: poll
MALCOLM Turnbull’s tough new citizenship crackdown is winning over Australians, according to the latest Newspoll.

Rogue nation N Korea threatens to sink US warship

N Korea threatens to sink US warship
NORTH Korea claims it is ready to launch a missile strike on a US aircraft carrier as a sign of its military might, as it detained a third US citizen.