Millennials mismanage credit cards

Gen Y clueless on credit cards: research

MILLENNIALS have been revealed as the most likely to mismanage their credit cards, with some even blowing thousands in interest on their weddings.

Why pet-friendly landlords make more money

Why pet-friendly landlords make more money
LANDLORDS should consider allowing furry friends if they want reliable and grateful tenants and potentially more money.

What’s your vice? Chocolate or cash

What’s your vice? Chocolate or cash
HERE’S a topical question for you: What are you better able to resist — delicious chocolate or the temptation to spend money on stuff you don’t need?

How loyalty programs got less rewarding

How loyalty programs got less rewarding
IT was a beautiful romance but, the love affair many consumers had with their credit card and retail reward programs is dying.

Beat Easter car rental price hikes

Beat Easter car rental price hikes
HOLIDAY price hikes are part and parcel of renting a car, unless you want to take the neighbour’s wheels for a spin instead.

Best Galaxy S8 deals revealed

Best Galaxy S8 deals revealed
PRE-ORDERS are through the roof on Samsung’s much-hyped new Galaxy S8 smartphone, but if you want to get value, think about what you need.

Beware Easter petrol price hikes

Beware Easter petrol price hikes
PETROL prices will rise in Sydney and Adelaide for Easter and fall in the other capitals. Here is where you can find the cheapest fuel near you right now.

Data munchers will pay the price

Data munchers will pay the price
AUSTRALIANS are addicted to their smartphones but working out whether to sign up to a plan or go for a SIM-only deal can be complicated — and costly.

Money advice can make you sick

Money advice can make you sick
NEW university research has revealed that getting financial advice from these types of people can be harmful to your health.

Fatten your super before July 1 hits

Fatten your super before July 1 hits
BIG changes to superannuation are approaching quickly, and savers should consider strategies now to prevent losses and avoid missing out on gains.

Money mistakes that wreck families

Money mistakes that wreck families
BAD financial decisions and secrets can tear families apart. David Koch looks back at some of the worst he has seen.

Kill your home loan debt fast

Kill your home loan debt fast
PAYING extra on your home loan can make a massive difference and this is what you should be doing now to get on top of your debt.

Spreading out your financial eggs

Spreading out your financial eggs
PROPERTY versus shares. Should you put all your eggs in one basket?

Busting health fund switch myths

Busting health fund switch myths
AUSSIES are rushing to join the One Big Switch campaign to get a better health fund deal, but more would be on board if not for these myths.

Sea Eagles top of the credit table

Sea Eagles top of the credit table
THE Sea Eagles may have missed the top eight for two years running, but they are on top of the table when it comes to credit scores

Health funds ‘put on notice’

Health funds ‘put on notice’
AUSTRALIANS angry at unjustified health insurance premium hikes have shown their disgust by registering in their thousands to get a better deal.

Aussie borrowers’ growing fear

Aussie borrowers’ growing fear
NEARLY half of Australian mortgagees are worried about what being diagnosed with a serious illness would mean for their repayments.

Triple your retirement income

Triple your retirement income
RETIREES who think outside the box can earn an income three times greater than cash in the bank. Here’s how.

Insane interest rates of ‘payday lenders’

Insane interest rates of ‘payday lenders’
SHORT-term credit options are expanding, prompting a warning for consumers to be careful in their quest for quick purchases.

Travellers stung with shock credit card bills

Travellers stung with shock credit card bills
JETSETTERS are missing out on holiday spending money by choosing the wrong credit card or travel card before they set off.

Fixed home loan rate shock

Fixed home loan rate shock
DEMAND for fixed rate home loans has fallen, despite banks raising their variable rates independently of the Reserve Bank.

How to make money from property: Kochie

How to make money from property: Kochie
RESIDENTIAL property follows a cycle, which means timing is everything when it comes to making money, David Koch explains.

How to get the best tax refund

How to get the best tax refund
IF you are one of those people who doesn’t even think about tax until July, here’s why you may be missing out on the big bucks.

Aussies face financial emergency: report

Aussies face financial emergency: report
ALARMING figures show more than half of the population do not have enough cash saved up to survive if they lost their income.

Is now the right time to fix?

Is now the right time to fix?
INTEREST rate hikes by banks have seen anxious borrowers rush to lock in rates before they go up again. Should you do the same?

10,000 Aussies want a cheaper deal

10,000 Aussies want a cheaper deal
AUSTRALIANS have spoken — and they’ve had enough. More than 10,000 households have signed up to our campaign to get a better health insurance deal.

Save big with this one switch

Save big with this one switch
EVERY year we just accept it. But some insurers are worse than others and switching funds just might save you a mint.

Surprise tax changes loom for investors

Surprise tax changes loom for investors
AUSTRALIA has an unpredictable government, meaning unexpected tax changes for investors may come out of the blue during the Budget.

Wages ruining the great Aussie dream

Wages ruining the great Aussie dream
A NEW report has revealed just how low wages are across Australia, crippling property buyers and their ability to afford a home in several states.

Property investors hit back at banks

Property investors hit back at banks
INTEREST rate hikes by major banks were supposed to deter property investors from entering the market. But they have had the opposite effect.