Babies called Romeo and Juliet born hours apart in the same hospital

Romeo and Juliet were born hours apart.
Romeo and Juliet were born hours apart. Photo: Cassie Clayshulte Photography

Two mums gave birth in adjoining hospital rooms a few hours apart. They had never met, and had each chosen their baby's name earlier in the pregnancy.

But by coincidence, baby Romeo and baby Juliet started their lives on Saturday 18 March at Blufton Hospital in South Carolina, USA.

First, Morgan Hernandez gave birth to baby Romeo, then Christiana Shifflett had baby Juliet soon after.

Hospital staff couldn't resist introducing the pair, named after Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers.

Thee story was then shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page by baby photographer Cassie Clayshulte.

The beautiful coincidence has proven popular, being shared nearly 6000 times and attracting over 1000 comments, including some other wonderful birth coincidences.

"This is too adorable!!! My husband and I were born in the same hospital same day. Our parents [were] roommates. His translated for mine after delivery … His father said maybe they will meet each other again in the future and 18 years later [we] found each other again and found out we were those same babies ... We got married and it's been nine years now."

Another mum shared her Gone With the Wind-themed coincidence. "My daughter's name is Scarlett and the couple in the next room named their son Rhett. We met in the hallway looking at the babies."

We hope this young Romeo and Juliet will have a happier ending than their namesakes.