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Perth's 'bike Santa' forced to put good deeds on hold after theft

Over the past two-and-a-half years Jeremy Devereux has unexpectedly earned himself the title of Perth's 'bike Santa'.

Since discovering his knack for repairing the two-wheelers in 2015, the father-of-two has fixed up and given away more than 1500 bicycles to adults and children who can't afford their own.

But on Wednesday, he told WAtoday he had been forced to put his selfless repair hobby on hold after a group of children began stealing bikes and tools from his Beechboro yard.

"About two weeks ago I had a kid show up at the gate asking for a bike," he said.

"I said I do but I don't usually give them away that way [in person] but gave him one and told him not to tell anyone.

"Later that day he came back with three more of his family and this just kept happening, day after day.


"When I told them I don't have any bikes for them they started coming over our fence at night and stealing them.

"In the last week my wife's personal bike has been stolen off the wall and last night we had a couple of mountain bikes that I'd just finished fixing up stolen."

Mr Devereux said he was devastated the bikes and some of this tools used to repair them had been taken.

He said he hoped to be able to continue repairing unwanted bikes after he was able to improve security at his home, but in the meantime, he was still looking for a way to help others.

"We're really upset... my family can't live this way having kids crawling through our yard," Mr Devereux said.

"I'm trying to do something to be kind to people.

"If I can't do anything else, I'll use all my spare parts and I'll find a way to do repairs for free."

Mr Devereux, who is a pool technician by trade, gives his repaired bikes away on a Facebook page called Pay It Forward Perth.

Since word of his kind deeds got out two years ago, he has been inundated with unwanted bikes to fix and re-gift to others.

At Christmas, he repaired and gave away 50 children's BMX bikes.

"One woman from Northam contacted me to say her husband was ill, there was no money around and her son spent his time at the BMX park borrowing other kids bikes because he didn't have one of his own," he said at the time.

"So I got a bike ready and gave it to her and, for her family, that was Christmas saved. Her son will have a bike she could not afford to buy."

"If you give a bike to a child who doesn't have one you have transformed that kid's birthday or Christmas.

"If you give a bike to an adult who is doing it tough you are giving them transport to the shops or a way or getting to and from their kids' school. It can make a huge difference to many families."

He said he was hopeful he would be able to get back to giving away bikes soon.