
Message from Subcomandante Moisés and EZLN after the creation of Indigenous Council of Government

Message from Subcomandante Moisés and the EZLN on the historic formation of the Indigenous Council of Government of the CNI that has made official the ‘candidacy’ of the compañera María de Jesús Patricio Martínez “Marichuy”, a Nahua indigenous woman from Tuxpan, Jalisco, who will represent the voice of the original people from the IGC in the electoral process of 2018 in México, not to dispute power, but to make visible the RESISTANCE by all possible means..

Hueyapan unanimously decides to make itself an Indigenous Municipality; "We are closer to autonomy"

On Sunday, May 28, the Nahua community of Hueyapan in Morelos, unanimously decided to establish itself as an Autonomous Indigenous Municipality, thus achieving its separation from the head of Tetela del Volcán, a municipality to which they have belonged since its foundation in 1937.

Narco-State's reign of horror: a bloody week for México

Murdered Workers from Salvador Escalante

The Mexican state of Michoacán is again in the national headlines. Not for the achievements or merits of its population, but for the morbid and tragic “red note” (nota roja), a wave of massacres plaguing the country.

Cali, Colombia: anarchist and communist students clash with the police on “Student’s Day”

Student Militants in Cali, Columbia

On May 25, there were strong protests and clashes with the police (ESMAD militarized police) at the Universidad del Valle (Univalle) in Cali, Colombia, in commemoration of Student Day and for various problems in the country, such as the civic stoppage of rural communities in Buenaventura, the civic strike in Chocó and the national work stoppage of the Colombian magisterium.

Support the national workers strike and the boycott of Walmart in Mexico!


Stop the threats of the Mexican State against our militant comrade Adrián!

In early April, the state government of Hidalgo threatened to "start investigations" and take criminal actions against three militants who promote different community resistances in the region. Among them, is our brother and militante comrade Adrián Medina, criminalized in conjunction with Lorenzo Bautista and Armando Monter in many local media and newspapers to facilitate his detention or any repressive act directly against him.

Community Radio Hueyapan 105.5 is born; “another step toward our self-government”

In a small town in the east of Morelos, on a small console bought with the donations of hundreds of people, there are four RCA cables connected that give life to the recently created Community Radio Hueyapan 105.5. The radio embodies the maxim of Neil Armstrong, a small step forward for creating community, and a giant leap toward self-government in Hueyapan.

"It is possible to change the world": interview-exchange with the community of Cherán K’eri

Interview with members of the indigenous Cherán K’eri community in Mexico, whose struggle against central government and illegal logging has seen the development of libertarian organising, with direct democracy, equal participation of women, and autonomous patrols of both the community and neighbouring forests, all striking fear into the heart of the Mexican government.

#Hueyapan: Manifesto for Autonomy

The indigenous Community Council for Hueyapan Autonomy is struggling for self-government, a collective economy, direct democracy and the strengthening of its community guards against state police and clandestine destruction of the forests.

La Sexta Bachajón blocks highways demanding freedom for their political prisoners

Statement from an indigenous group from the Bachajón area of Chiapas, Mexico, who blockaded a major road in protest of the arrest of Zapatista prisoners.