Canberra fails to respond to cyclone report - a year later

The federal government has failed to act on its insurance taskforce report to help cut premiums in cyclone-prone areas.
The federal government has failed to act on its insurance taskforce report to help cut premiums in cyclone-prone areas. Glenn Hunt

The Turnbull government has sat on its response to the Northern Australia insurance taskforce report – which explored the option of a government mutual to deal with natural disasters in the Top End – for more than a year amid internal dissent among Coalition MPs.

As the bill for Cyclone Debbie is expected to top $2 billion – with significant damage to the tourism industry in North Queensland and an impact on coal royalties flowing into state coffers – the insurance industry is growing increasingly frustrated by the failure of the federal government to respond to the report.

The taskforce, headed by former Treasury official Mike Callaghan, shot down the idea of government intervention in the insurance market when it was handed to the federal government in November 2015, but a string of Queensland Coalition MPs have been pushing for some form of intervention. This may include a reinsurance pool, rather than the creation of a government mutual.

Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer has been telling big insurers the response is "imminent" since it was released in March last year, with an expectation the response would be by June last year.

Political headache

But a spokesman for Ms O'Dwyer said there was unlikely to be a response before next month's federal budget.

The issue has long been a political headache for the Coalition since former prime minister Tony Abbott created the taskforce in 2015 after pressure from North Queensland MPs, including Warren Entsch, to lower insurance premiums for those in high-risk cyclone areas.

It is understood Mr Entsch has still been pushing the issue with some support from Northern Australia Minister Matt Canavan, who is responsible for the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund.

The insurance taskforce – which included Insurance Council of Australia chief executive Rob Whelan, Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation board member Joan Fitzpatrick and National Insurance Brokers Association of Australia chief executive Dallas Booth – found a government mutual would cost taxpayers between $2 billion to $5 billion.

It found the entry of the government into the insurance market would distort the market and make it very hard to exit down the track.

"The potential for the government to exit from providing support to the mutual appeals to be low," the taskforce report found. "It is unlikely that the mutual could raise the required capital to ensure that it was financially viable in the event the government removed support."

Mitigation more effective

The Insurance Council of Australia said it would welcome a response to the Northern Australia insurance taskforce, noting it had been released more than a year ago.

Insurers are vehemently opposed to a government mutual or a reinsurance pool, saying mitigation in cyclone and flood-prone areas would be a more effective strategy.

"The impact of Cyclone Debbie and the flooding in Queensland and northern NSW reinforces the taskforce's key finding that mitigation is the only sustainable way to address household insurance prices in cyclone-prone areas," a spokesman said.

Insurance losses from Cyclone Debbie, which caused wide-spread flooding along the Queensland coast, have topped $700 million, and 45,000 claims have been filed. But the final damage bill is expected to top $2 billion when it included damage to public infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

"The report also supports the industry's argument that government intervention would not address the cause of the issue and could cost taxpayers billions of dollars."

A spokesperson for Suncorp, Queensland's biggest insurer, said the federal government needed to respond to the report's findings.

"It's time for government to act and uphold the findings of this and numerous other inquiries that have recommended shifting funding towards mitigation," the spokesperson said. "This will protect communities and strengthen our economy."

Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt has already said Cyclone Debbie will hit the state's budget bottom line, including the projected $2 billion surplus this financial year.