What do you want
to do together?

About Co-operatives UK
Co-operatives give people control over things that matter to them.
From fan owned football clubs to farmer controlled businesses, there are nearly 7,000 independent co-operatives across the UK.

The network for Britain's thousands of co-operatives, Co‑operatives UK works to promote, develop and unite member-owned businesses worth £34 billion to the economy.

Our Voice

Together we promote co-operatives through policy and public campaigns.

Our Voice

Our Support

We develop co-operatives, from innovative start-ups to big businesses.

Our Support

Our Network

We unite co-operative leaders and practitioners through our forums and events.

Our Network

Co-operative ownership works

Start and grow

Get everything you need through The Hive, our business support programme.

Get started

The co-operative economy

The UK co-operative sector is a dynamic, diverse and high performing part of the UK’s economy.

Explore the co-operative economy
What is a co-operative?

"Not only is FC a great club but it’s mine. Along with thousands of fellow fans, I’m a part owner of my team."
John Connolly, fan and owner, FC United

The co-operative economy in the UK

The number of independent co‑operatives in the UK

Co-operatives contribute £34 billion to the British economy

Together, 17.5 million people own the UK's co-operatives

Turnover and number of co-operatives

  Number of Co‑operatives Turnover (Millions)
Agriculture 416 £5,800
Housing 671 £725.1
Retail 505 £24,300
Sports & leisure 2,890 £941.1
Health & Social care 88 £95.2
Energy & environment 224 £8.9
Creative Industries 200 £26.5