March 7, 2021
by actforfreedom


Tomorrow, the 8th of March, we call for the noon demo at 1pm on Klaythmonos square with our own block, while we also individually support and participate in the evening feminist fathering and demo that will follow, at 5.30pm at Syntagma.
Despite International Women’s Day’s radical origins, it has been slowly coopted by capitalism and states alike. Whether it’s the UN’s 2021 slogan for the 8th of March, ‘women in leadership’ (#choosetochallenge [1]) or the institutionally endorsed annual demo that makes a spectacle of feminist struggles, the options available to us to publically share our experiences and rage are often extremely liberal, cisheteronormative, pacifist and limiting. Although we acknowledge the strength of mass feminist demonstrations and strikes, we also see their limits, as they often exclude certain subjects. Subjects who are the most marginalised by patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, racism, ableism, colonialism, state and church.
The fight against patriarchy is a daily struggle.
We will be on the streets for the 8th of March because we want to call on those who have been excluded from mainstream feminist narratives and bring our own terms of struggle. The arrival of #MeToo [2] in Greece is important in highlighting the everyday realities of patriarchal violence. But, we see the ways in which it is turning into a media spectacle – where the mass media choose to vilify particular individuals, turning them into ‘monsters’ that are decontextualised from real structures of power and oppression that allowed, and still allow, perpetrators to act. Therefore, we are not going for the heads of a handful of ministers or powerful men only, we demand the fall of the whole system! Continue Reading →

March 7, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Hamilton,Canada: There is Always Resistance — Prison Demo Reportback & Solidarity with Koufodinas

Hamilton,Canada: There is Always Resistance — Prison Demo Reportback & Solidarity with Koufodinas

From the Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project. Full list of demands below.
March 6 2020 — As the covid outbreak in the Barton Jail continues to worsen, about forty people gathered outside to show their support to those locked up. There are over 65 confirmed cases at the time of writing, with numbers only rising in spite of the inhuman lockdown prisoners have been facing for weeks.
We started on the north-east side of the jail and moved slowly around to the south before ending up on the north-west side. We believe our presence was visible from all the ranges on floors three four and five, and received a call that at least some ranges on two could see us as well. A mix of former prisoners, loved ones of people locked up, and those who dream of a world without prisons, we played loud music, carried banners and signs, and made speeches through a megaphone.
Prisoners always find ways to resist, even during the outbreak. The prison’s power over them is arbitrary and nearly total — they are not given even basic information about the covid status of people on the range, let alone throughout the prison, and there is no consultation about how to deal with the situation. And yet, this past week, we heard that one range initiated a collective meal refusal while another collectively refused to be tested yet again for covid. Prisoners continue to use the few minutes they have out of their cells to call us and let us know what’s going on.
There is always resistance, but it is stronger when prisoners know they are not alone. With outside solidarity, we can change the balance of power between the institution and those it cages by amplifying their acts of refusal and responding with action.
We heard a speech from one person about Dimitris Koufodinas, a revolutionary prisoner in Greece whose months-long hunger strike has him on the edge of death. We express our solidarity with Dimitris as well as with all prisoners in struggle. Acts of refusal by prisoners, like hunger strikes, can be powerful ways of focusing solidarity. The impressive movement responding to Dimitris’ action is a model for how to bring pressure to bear against the prison system.
In the Barton Jail, the struggle against arbitrary, repressive measures is far from over. The only solution to the covid outbreak is to change the underlying health crisis of overcrowding — and of incarceration itself. It’s disgusting that the Barton admin can say that it’s a health measure to lock people three to a cell with no room to take even a few steps for weeks at a time. We won’t let them get away with it, and when prisoners push back and assert their dignity and humanity against this violence, we will make sure they never struggle alone.
Full demands
The Barton Jail admin needs to immediately:
1) Provide accurate and consistent information proactively to both prisoners and their loved ones.
2) Restore all forms of communication, including mail and phone access.
3) Involve prisoners in the decision making process about confinement measures — most prisoners support some sort of confinement to prevent spread; the process should be negotiated so that it is less arbitrary and punitive.
4) Provide unrestricted access to cleaning supplies, including soap and disinfectant, as well as anything else prisoners decide they need for basic hygene.
We also continue to call for:
5) An immediate mass release of prisoners from Barton, especially those on remand, as this is the only real solution to the health crisis of overcrowding, of which covid is just one part.
6) An end to the arbitrary restrictions imposed by the admin that make conditions at Barton starkly worse than in similar facilities — allow books from outside, stop forcing people to miss their court dates and give everyone a few minutes of fresh air a day.

March 7, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on (Grecia) Miles de personas inundan el centro de Atenas en solidaridad con Dimitris Koufondinas en huelga de hambre por 53 días.

(Grecia) Miles de personas inundan el centro de Atenas en solidaridad con Dimitris Koufondinas en huelga de hambre por 53 días.

(Grecia) Miles de personas inundan el centro de Atenas en solidaridad
con Dimitris Koufondinas en huelga de hambre por 53 días.

[Recibimos y traducimos para difusión]

El lunes 01 de marzo, miles de personas han desafiado el reinado del
miedo, la censura y el terror impuesto por el gobierno griego a
cualquier protesta o voz solidaria a las sencillas demandas de un preso
político, Dimitris Koufondinas, cuya muerte es inminente, tras 53 días
de huelga de hambre.

La gran mayoría de las protestas en toda Grecia durante las últimas 6
semanas han sido atacadas, sin siquiera una excusa, tan pronto como la gente comienza a reunirse. Incluso si escribes el nombre Koufondinas en Facebook, obtienes una prohibición o tu página es cancelada. Esto incluso le ha sucedido a políticos, abogados, intelectuales y académicos.

A pesar de todo, lo que importa son las imágenes que se pueden ver en el video. Si Dimitris Koufondinas fallece, será el primer preso en huelga de hambre en morir en la Unión Europea, desde la muerte de Bobby Sands y sus compañerxs en 1981, en Irlanda del Norte, bajo el régimen de Margaret Thatcher.

Dimitris Koufondinas, que ahora tiene 63 años, está en huelga de hambre desde los últimos 53 días y también ha comenzado una huelga de sed desde el 23 de febrero. Su demanda actual es ser trasladado a la prisión de Korydallos, así como el fin de las intervenciones políticas arbitrarias en su contra.

Incluso después de 53 días sin comida, el gobierno griego rechaza su
derecho a la igualdad de trato.

– El ascenso del fascismo de derecha en el gobierno griego –

Incluso para los estándares elásticos de lo que se solía conocer como
una democracia parlamentaria en Grecia, el régimen de derecha que
gobierna actualmente se ha convertido gradualmente, en sólo un año y
medio en el poder, en un Estado neofascista.

Mientras Atenas sigue encerrada durante los últimos 4 meses, el gobierno de derecha de “Nueva Democracia” ha utilizado ese tiempo para actuar como una organización mafiosa, ajustando cuentas con quienes considera como enemigos, el pueblo griego, los derechos humanos y las libertades.

En un violento crescendo legislativo, el gobierno ha logrado establecer
un Estado policial similar a la junta [militar], utilizando el bloqueo
pandémico como un período para anular derechos y libertades sin
resistencia por parte del pueblo -ya que el derecho a protestar ha sido
revocado indefinidament-, algo que ningún otro gobierno griego pensó en destruir, ya que el régimen de la junta militar fue anulado en Grecia en 1974.

Desde la instalación de comisarías dentro de las universidades griegas,
hasta la prohibición de reuniones y protestas por encima de un cierto
número de personas y la prohibición de la libertad de los periodistas
para moverse libremente y denunciar las noticias, y su plan de
criminalizar el discurso anti-sistema y las letras en canciones y en el
arte, el irónicamente autoproclamado partido gobernante “Nueva
Democracia” ha decidido la contratación de miles de nuevos policías como respuesta a todo, incluso a la pandemia.

Entre los enemigos del gobierno y su ajuste de cuentas está el preso
político Dimitris Koufodinas, que cumple 11 veces cadena perpetua de más 25 años, condenado como miembro de la “Organización Revolucionaria 17 de noviembre” (17N). 17N estuvo activa en Grecia de 1975 a 2002, cuando fue desmantelada tras un ataque fallido. En 1989, el político Pavlos Bakogiannis, cuñado del actual primer ministro y padre del actual alcalde de Atenas, fue víctima del grupo guerrillero. Durante el juicio del 17N, Dimitris Koufodinas asumió la responsabilidad política por las acciones del grupo guerrillero y su postura general durante el proceso judicial le han ganado el respeto entre algunas partes del público griego, un hecho que el actual primer ministro, el alcalde de Atenas y la embajada estadounidense no pueden aceptar. Por constantemente utilizan su poder para violar la idea fundacional de que “la justicia es la misma para todos” o que “la democracia no busca venganza”, tratándolo por lo tanto más como un rehén que como un prisionero, cambiando constantemente las reglas legales sólo para tomar su venganza.

Como resultado, Koufodinas ha ido por 5ª vez en 18 años a huelga de
hambre, con la demanda básica de ser tratado como prisionero y no como un preso político, que según la ley griega no existe como una
clasificación de prisionero.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, el presidente del actual partido gobernante, “Nueva Democracia”, había prometido públicamente que si llegaba al poder, excluiría a Koufontinas del derecho a la prisión y del derecho a cumplir su condena en prisiones rurales o cualquier otro derecho concedido por el derecho griego, de la Unión Europea o internacional.

Nota:  El gran lienzo que se ve en el video dice “Yo nací el 17 de
noviembre”, fecha de la gran revuelta en Atenas en 1973 -los años de la
dictadura griega- que concluyó en un baño de sangre por parte de
militares y tanques. 17 de Noviembre es el nombre de la organización de lucha armada en la que participó el preso en huelga hemabre Dimitris Koufontinas, nombre basado obviamente en los hechos de 1973. Dimitris Koufontinas escribió un libro en 2005 titulado “Yo nací el 17 de Noviembre”, por lo que el lienzo tiene relación con el título junto a otros simbolismos de la fecha en Grecia.
Esto ha causado muchas reacciones de la derecha (y la izquierda) porque las manifestaciones parecieran simpatizar con la lucha armada. Hasta
ahora, la policía ha optado por romper las manifestaciones brutalmente incluso antes de que empiecen y lxs compañerxs han sido golpeados en numerosas ocasiones. Ha sido muy difícil llevar a cabo incluso pequeñas manifestaciones porque cada vez que se hace una convocatoria la policía militariza todo el centro de la ciudad: controles en cada esquina,
policías antidisturbios en todas partes, y las fuerzas especiales con
motocicletas. Cada vez que el lienzo hace su aparición, la policía carga
su ataque.

Receved from sinbanderas.nifronteras

March 6, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Barcelona – Update on latest arrests (Spain)

Barcelona – Update on latest arrests (Spain)

Barcelona – Update on latest arrests
(05/03/2021 posted by round robin/it)
As part of the riots that broke out in Barcelona during the last two weeks, 8 anarchist comrades were arrested on the night of February 27th during a cop charge.
On Monday morning, the Mossos d’Esquadra (catalan police) searched two squatted warehouses, in Mataró and Canet de Mar, neighbouring towns of Barcelona, where they seized material.
After a statement on Tuesday at 5 p.m., the judge validated the arrests without bail and sent them all to preventive prison.
The charges against the 8 anarchists are: attempted murder, organized criminal asociation, conspiracy, unauthorised demonstration, aggression, public disorder, assault and violence against public officials and damages.
The comrades decided not to answer the prosecutor’s questions, but to answer only to their lawyer.
The next day, they all received a PCR test and, according to the new anti-covid rules, they were forced to get vaccinated. (?!!)
They are now in solitary confinement in Brians 1 prison and for the moment they are not allowed to receive any clothes or money.
A team of three lawyers is taking care of their defence.
More updates coming soon.

March 6, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban, France : 3, 4, 5G… boom!

Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban, France : 3, 4, 5G… boom!

via: Attaque translated by Act for freedom now!
3, 4, 5G… boom!

Teleworking, digital cage… boom!
Obedience, brainwashing… boom!
Screens, chips, tracing… boom!
Smartphone, smart home, smart city… boom!
Green technologies, grey lives… boom!
Military industry, energy industry, industry itself … boom!
Always connected, always more morons … boom!

A small contribution that the State and its journalists have wanted to keep quiet.

On February 28, we burnt the offices and a 4×4 of the telecom company GMS (subsidiary of Scopelec) in Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban. GMS is the main installer of 5G in the region. We also left a little message: 3, 4, 5G… BOOM!

Strength and courage to all those who attack without waiting.
War to the techno world.
We will strike again and again.

but also:
Creativity + determination = boom
preparation + daring = boom
love + anarchy = boom

March 6, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Crest, France : Why we covered the window of the mutual insurance company Aésio in paint and engine oil

Crest, France : Why we covered the window of the mutual insurance company Aésio in paint and engine oil Translated to Italian and published in French by Attaque: attaque.noblogs.Translated to English by act for freedom now!
Why we covered the window of the mutual insurance company Aésio in paint and engine oil (Crest, France, 22nd January 2021)
One year
We have been living locked-up, isolated, controlled for almost a year. Almost a year of ‘war’ against an invisible enemy submitting to orders under the weight of fear, guilt. For the most precarious, under the threat of having their monthly food budget cut due to a fine for incorrect wearing of mask or not having a certificate. For those in the suburbs, the risk of coming up against police violence every time they go out.
Almost a year ago a microscopic living being crippled an entire section of the global economy, emptied the streets of New York and cleared our skies laden with pollution. Globalization, which embodied the omnipotence of the human species, has become its greatest weakness. The virus has seized all commercial circuits to establish its slow advance and reawaken in our terrorized minds a reality forgotten by many: behind our society, blinded by entertainment and pampered by modern medicine, skulks death, our death, relentlessly advancing towards its goal.

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March 6, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece Athens, Elefsina area: Taking Responsibility by Anarchists

Greece Athens, Elefsina area: Taking Responsibility by Anarchists

 Taking Responsibility by Anarchists 25/2/21

In solidarity with the fighter on hunger strike Dimitris Koufontinas we proceeded to the area of Elefsina to do damage to property.

Two Alpha bank ATMs and the Building service of the Municipality of Elefsina were smashed. Paint was thrown at the entrance of New Democracy party offices.

To turn every neighbourhood, every city, every block into a battlefield.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 5, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Montreuil/Paris: Eiffage van in flames for D. Koufontinas

Montreuil/Paris: Eiffage van in flames for D. Koufontinas

This morning, just before dawn, we set fire to a vehicle belonging to the prison construction company Eiffage. It was parked in the Rue Valmy, in the district Bas-Montreuil.

The police measures that would be for “our health” will not hold us back. The freedoms of movement that we are losing, the constant control, feels like to be tied up for all of us, but in jail it is much worse. So we want to be in thought with all the resistant prisoners.

Our thoughts of solidarity go to the revolutionary fighter Dimitris Koufontinas, who is currently risking his life in a struggle against the Greek prison system.

Anarchists who get up early

(Source: )

March 5, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Expropriation and sharing of books

Expropriation and sharing of books

The capitalists have warehouses full of books. They will only issue them to us in exchange for money. For a lot of money! These are their rules, which I do not accept. I therefore expropriated books for which the capitalists wanted to pay a total of 5980 CZK (230 EUR). I didn’t give them any money at all. I will share books now. I will use some in favor of organizing fight.
Only a general uprising can overthrow capitalism. But when he doesn’t come, I won’t just wait passively and suffer obediently. By expropriation, I take back pieces of what was stolen from us. I celebrate the rebellion and looking for accomplices, not a frightened crowd of citizens. I support the MAGPIE PROJECT and organize other attacks against private ownership.
Lukáš Kalina was released from prison a few days ago. He was convicted because he expropriated buns from the supermarket. I send a warm greeting to him and to all the expropriators of the world.

March 5, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece: Report todays actions in solidarity with D. Koufontinas – March 04

Greece: Report todays actions in solidarity with D. Koufontinas – March 04

via: mpalothia
For the fourth consecutive day, people throughout Greece are taking to the streets to demand a stop to the state-sanctioned murder of Dimitris Koufontinas. Earlier today and after repeated suggestions from the Secretary General of Anti-Crime Policy S. Nikolaou, his lawyer I. Kurtovic, joined by a prominent lawyer loyal to the conservative party, submitted a motion to the District Court of Lamia for a temporary annulment of Koufontinas’s sentence given the extreme circumstances of his health and the imminent danger to his life, being on the 56th day of his hunger and 10th day of his thirst strike. As expected, due to political pressures, the court declined their request and Koufontinas issued a statement (link) that he is continuing his strike until his rightful demand to be taken back to Korydallos prison is met.

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March 4, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece: Saturday, March 6, 2021. 2nd International day of solidarity with the hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas.

Greece: Saturday, March 6, 2021. 2nd International day of solidarity with the hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas.

video 3/3/2021 Athens, Thousands of protesters flood the centre of Athens for the third day in a row.

Saturday, March 6, 2021. 2nd International day of solidarity with the hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas.
At the end of last December the Greek government approved a reform of the national penitentiary system that, in addition to  other measures that worsen prison conditions, establishes that those convicted of terrorism cannot access the “rural prisons”, more “open” institutions to which long-term prisoners have access. The approval of this law has immediately activated the bureaucratic process for the transfer of Dimitri Koufontinas from the rural prison of Kassevitia.Dimitri is a comrade convicted for participation in the revolutionary organization 17 November, in prison since 2002.
The new package of laws stipulates that inmates in rural prisons are reclassified and then transferredto the last prison they were in. In Dimitri’s case it should have been the Athenian prison of Koridallos. However, the prison administration decided to transfer him, manipulating the transfer papers, to Domokos prison. Although there are no differentiated circuits in Greece, the intention of the prison administration in recent years has been to make this prison a “hard” prison.
Such a punitive transfer is purposed to hit a comrade who has always struggled: as a free man, in courtrooms, in prison. Since his seizure he has participated in numerous protests and has undertakenfour hunger strikes.This repressive manoeuvre not only is aimed at annihilating Dimitri Koufontinas but also is part of the overall Greek state repressive project: crushing the most radical and combative parts of society to avoid the hypothesis of future and general conflicts.
Faced with the transfer, Dimitri Koufontinas decided to strive once again, putting his own body out as last resort weapon. Since 8 January he has started a hunger strike which will continue indefinitelyuntil he is transferred to the Koridallos prison.As strike days are passing by, the comrade is in a critical and precarious conditions in the Lamia hospital: according to the doctors he could collapse at any moment.
During the strike there were many initiatives and solidarity actions throughout Greece and beyond: protests, demos, walls writings, banners, attacks against multiple objectives (politicians, banks, postoffices, etc.).But time is running out and now we think we should make an extra effort.
Dimitri’s struggle is also the struggle of each of us. As we consider crucial creating and expanding international ties, even more nowadays, we are calling for a 2nd INTERNATIONAL day of solidarity and action on SATURDAY 6 MARCH to support Dimitris  Koufontinas.
Athens, 4 March 2021
Solidarity Assembly with Dimitri Koufontinas

March 4, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Attack against the Greek embassy in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Attack against the Greek embassy in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Time is running out.
On 02.03.2021 we attacked the Greek embassy in Frankfurt am Main with bitumen, to express our solidarity with the revolutionary Dimitris
Since its reelection 2019, the governing party Nea Dimokratia, tries to
enforce an extremely authoritarian agenda. Among the shades of the Corona pandemic, it established a variety of repressive laws, while trying to criminalize and stifle any kind of protest. Among many others are the abolition of the University Asylum, the attempt to establish a campus police force, more repression against leftists and anarchists. Instead of investing in the health sector, that got ruined by austerity measures, the government prefers to invest massively in new weapons and training of cops and the army. Of course not without favoring their own party members and friends.
The law that made D. Koufontinas start his hunger strike is simply
motivated by vengeance. The family of the primary minister Kyriakos
Mitsotakis was affected themselves by attacks of the 17N. Attacks that D. Koufontinas claimed responsibility for. Since 2003 he continues his
political struggle in prison. The new law says that prisoners, convicted
for terrorism, shall be transferred to high security prisons.
For D. Koufontinas, captivated since 2003, this means a significant
worsening of detention conditions.

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March 4, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on ES:Nuevo número de CONFRONTACIÓN (Chile)

ES:Nuevo número de CONFRONTACIÓN (Chile)

pdf: es
Compartimos en formato digital el reciente número de CONFRONTACIÓN, el
cual desde enero de 2021 se encuentra en las calles en formato de
periódico con más de mil copias impresas. Agradecemos a todxs lxs
compas, manos y voluntades afines y solidarias que han ayudado a su
propagación por diversos espacios y territorios.
Quienes deseen adquirir copias para apoyar la distribución, pueden
seguir escribiendo a confrontació
– Editorrial
– Contra el tecnomundo y la ciber-sociedad
– La derecha alternativa: la opción fascista en la socialdemocracia
– Mano tendida al compañerx, puño cerrado al enemigo: una breve
reflexión sobre el sistema de pensiones.
– A seis meses de su detención: Solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y
Francisco Solar.
Periódico anarquista CONFRONTACIÓN

March 3, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Leipzig,Germany : Word-of-mouth march in Solidarity with D. Koufontinas

Leipzig,Germany : Word-of-mouth march in Solidarity with D. Koufontinas

Tonight (02.03.21), there was a word-of-mouth march of 80 people, in solidarity with D. Koufontinas, in the neighbourhood of Connewitz in Leipzig.
The banner read “In solidarity with D. Koufontinas and all political prisoners”. During the march, a police station, and police car and a rich residential complex were attacked and barricades were set up.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 3, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece: Taking responsibility for the arson attack on the town hall of Moschato area in Athens

Greece: Taking responsibility for the arson attack on the town hall of Moschato area in Athens

video of the action
In a time of pandemic, in a murderous State, which has chosen not to waste a single euro on health, children, transportation and that would help society against the virus but to give millions to cops, the army and of course the main pillars and its supporters (channels, shipowners and industrialists).
The same junta State is assassinating the revolutionary militant Dimitris Koufontinas, disobeying the photographic law that they made and determined to avenge the militant’s action and the historical legacy he has left. For our part, we will not allow such a thing.
Finally, let us say here that your police force does not touch us at all and that if Dimitris Koufontinas is assassinated, such actions will become your daily routine.
ps:  Quiet cities burn beautifully.

via: athens.indymedia.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 3, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome ,Italy: A year after the State prison massacre – Gathering outside the Ministry of Justice 

Rome ,Italy: A year after the State prison massacre – Gathering outside the Ministry of Justice 

via: Translated by Act for freedom now!


Once again we are bringing all our solidarity to the prisoners locked up in jail where a year ago 9 people were murdered during revolts and transfers to other prisons.
In March 2020 the State carried out a massacre in dozens of prisons all over Italy. The decisions that led to it came from above, from the Ministry of Justice. It is there that we want to vent our anger, reach that place in every city to send their responsibilities back to whom they belong.
A year has passed since that 8th of March 2020, when, as the streets were emptying because of government orders imposing “Stay at home!” on everyone, inside the jails in Italy and many countries in the world, those who were locked up cried out their anger and fear. The revolts and the forms of protest were many.

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March 3, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Heraklion,Grete: Intervention in the Prosecutor’s Office

Heraklion,Grete: Intervention in the Prosecutor’s Office

from we received Translated by Act for freedom now!
[Heraklion] Intervention in the Prosecutor’s Office

Attached is a video from the recent intervention in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of First Instance of Heraklion, in solidarity with the 54-day hunger strike and 8-day thirst strike, fighter Dimitris Koufontinas
Heraklion, Crete, March 21

March 2, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Santiago (Chile): Public transport network RED bus set on fire

Santiago (Chile): Public transport network RED bus set on fire

via: Attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!
News from the social war / Sunday 21 February 2021

Our attack targets any entity, symbol and manifestation of the oppression that subsists under the essence of capitalism. All our life we have been shown that we have nothing and, in the face of the pacifism agreed following a false truce, we declare war! Not a step back in the face of those who, every day, force us to obey !
In every action we find ideas, memories and feelings of each compa fallen or kidnapped by the Chilean State. In our memory and in the street we remain thirsty for vengeance against this false normality disguised as a pandemic.

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March 2, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile : News of the anarchist compas Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Chile : News of the anarchist compas Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

via: Attaque translated by Act for freedom now!
source: Publicacion Refractario / Monday 22 February 2021
4 February 2021, a hearing was held following the end of the 6-month investigation period decreed during the arrest of the compas Mónica and Francisco, in July 2020. They are accused of sending explosive packages to the 54e commissariat and the former Minister of the Interior Rodrigo Hinzpetter, as well as the double explosive attack against the real estate company Tanica, in Vitacura.

During the hearing the Prosecutor pointed out that there were still some stages in the current investigation, and asked for 6 more months for investigations. The defence opposed it, but in the end the 11th Chamber of the Civil Liberties Court accepted the prosecution’s request: the investigation remains open for another 6 months.

At the same hearing there was a review of the preventive detention of Francisco; finally it was maintained and, after a few days, the Court of Appeal ratified it.
On February 10 the detention review hearing was held for the companion Mónica; it too has been maintained.

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March 2, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Crete island ,Greece : Riot police attacks, but faced with determined protesters, is forced to retreat (Koufodinas)

Crete island ,Greece : Riot police attacks, but faced with determined protesters, is forced to retreat (Koufodinas)

Heraklion, Crete: While people in “democracies” around the world have rights, like the right to protest or the right to freedom of assembly, the right to freedom of association, or the right to freedom of speech, in Greece, where the proud self-proclaimed democrats boast that it is the place where democracy was born, no such rights exist anymore, the greek right-wing government has quickly but steadily, in just one year and half, delved into neo-fascism .
The vast majority of the protests all over Greece, in solidarity to the hunger striker Dimitris Koufodinas, have been attacked, without even an excuse, as soon as people started to gather by scores of riot policemen trying to spread fear and terror amongst those that dared to raise their voices and their feasts in the air to protest the prisoner’s imminent death.

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