April 9, 2013
by actforfreedom

Update on a few anarchist comrades locked up by the State

From RadioAzione Translation act for freedom now/B.pd Marco Camenish: judges are discussing his appeal after he was denied release on bail after serving 2/3 of his sentence. It seems that judges think it is too early to free Marco (twenty … Continue reading

January 9, 2013
by actforfreedom

Pisa, Italy – Helvetia agency attacked in solidarity with Marco Camenish

 From informa-azione.info Translation act for freedom now/B.pd  We learn form the local media that in the early hours of 1st January the shatterproof windows of the insurance agency Helvetia were in fact shattered by the stick blows inflicted by people … Continue reading

December 27, 2012
by actforfreedom

Italy – A communiqué from imprisoned anarchist Elisa, who is undertaking hunger strike in solidarity with Marco Camenish

From informa-azione.info Translation act for freedom now/B.pd  We receive and transmit a communiqué from Elisa, an anarchist comrade imprisoned since June 13 following operation ‘Ardire’.  To all those who don’t stop struggling  6 months after my arrest (‘Operation Ardire’… June … Continue reading

August 23, 2012
by actforfreedom

Letter from anarchist Marco Camenish – Hunger strike from 20th August. – Switzerland

Marco Camenish – Hunger strike from 20th August. from: informa-azione.info Translation act for freedom now/B.pd   From 20th August I’m going to start a hunger strike, which is symbolic but it intends to contribute to the path of solidarity and … Continue reading

November 21, 2011
by actforfreedom

Berlin. A claim for The thunder of the Eyjafyallajokull

  This text was translated from the German into Italian by Marco Camenish from the Swiss prison of Lenzburg on 10th November 2011. It is the claim for an action carried out in May 2011.  http://linksunten.indymedia.org/node/40279 From: culmine.noblogs.org/  by  English … Continue reading