February 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany ,Berlin – Arson attack on a police station against the Police Congress & the G20 Summit

18.02.17: On February 21/22 the European Police Congress will take place for the 20th time in Berlin. On this occasion at the Berlin Congress Center (BCC), war mongers, human hunters and security fanatics meet to propagate their despicable machinations. In addition … Continue reading

ubica copy

February 5, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany – ‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94 in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods. Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year bears the prints of the … Continue reading

November 21, 2016
by actforfreedom

What is a robbery of a bank compared to the founding of a bank? – Berlin – Germany

On 11/12/16 a banner was dropped at the Berliner Volksbank at Berlin-Hermannplatz in solidarity with those accused for bank robbery in the city of Aachen. The following was written on it: „What is a robbery of a bank compared to … Continue reading

September 3, 2016
by actforfreedom

Berlin, Germany – Solidarity banners for the anarchists accused of bank robbery in Aachen

01.09.16: This morning we hung a banner that says “Destroy All Banks and Prisons. Solidarity with the Anarchists Accused of Bank Robbery in Aachen” near the Möckernbrücke Berlin U-Bahn station and in the evening we hung one that says “Neither … Continue reading

May 21, 2016
by actforfreedom

DAYS OF ANARCHIST IDEAS AND PUBLICATIONS 27 – 29 of May 2016 – Berlin – Germany

We are living in times of social isolation: if we still have space in our lifes for something else other than work and consuming, routine and entertainment, apathy and distraction, we are trying to flee our isolation through escaping into … Continue reading

December 31, 2015
by actforfreedom

Villabona Spain – June 2015, words from anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

AGAINST REPRESSION… NOT EVERYTHING GOES The State uses different strategies to eliminate its enemies and anyone who raises their voice to criticize the established order. It wants to eliminate and eradicate all initiatives of rebellion; for this purpose it can … Continue reading

December 24, 2015
by actforfreedom

Spain – Prosecutors request 44-year sentence against anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Prosecutor Teresa Sandoval, of the Audiencia Nacional, has submitted the prosecution’s demand to the tribunal 6 of the Audiencia Nacional, a demand that reflects the investigators’ thesis on comrades Monica and Francisco’s lives. In their thesis the powerful falsely maintain … Continue reading

August 14, 2015
by actforfreedom

Cars of Siemens, Telekom and WISAG set on fire – Germany

For Mónica Caballero, Nikos Romanos, Francisco Solar, Nikos Maziotis and all upright prisoners, for those who burn the vehicles of the prison-construction company Vinci in the streets of Paris and have celebrated the 14 July national holiday in their own … Continue reading

July 4, 2015
by actforfreedom

Berlin -Germany- Rigaerstrasse: 25 years of self-organisation and resistance – Street Party 6-12 July

 Police will attack next week, because… Dear groups, individuals and collectives „Es ist besser unsere Jugend besetzt leere Häuser als fremde Länder“ (In our youth it is better to squat empty houses than foreign countries“). Under this motto some young … Continue reading

March 2, 2015
by actforfreedom

Germany: Two vehicles owned by a security company torched (Berlin, 23/02/2015)

 For a hellfire on earth… And once again autonomous cells struck. This night we carried out a sabotage in Berlin, in complicity with all the fighters of our worldwide conspiracy. With fire we transformed two cars belonging to the company … Continue reading

January 6, 2015
by actforfreedom

Spain – Words from anarchist comrade Francisco Solar

  A year has passed since police stormed our flat yelling: ‘Have you got something hot?’ I was surprised and at the same time it made me laugh. Then we realized that they meant a trap using an explosive device, … Continue reading

November 17, 2014
by actforfreedom


Actforfree receives and transmits this poster: Please spread far and wide MORE INFO CLICK HERE

September 10, 2014
by actforfreedom

Ecuador: Action against the Spanish ambassador’s mansion in Quito

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety: In the early hours of Friday August 29, 2014 the ambassador of the Spanish state’s mansion walls in Quito were painted in solidarity with Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar and the rest of the State’s prisoners. This … Continue reading


August 20, 2014
by actforfreedom

Spainish prisons: Update on Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (July 26, 2014)

From contrainfo, transl wos: On Friday, July 4th, as many of you already know, our compas went through a ‘Auto-Trial’ (Auto de Procesamiento) by the instruction judge of the National Court, which ended in them being tried for terrorism. At … Continue reading

August 19, 2014
by actforfreedom

Spain: Reflections on anarchism…Francisco Solar Dominguez from inside Villabona prison in Asturias

from instintosalvaje, transl wos: I have been thinking about the coherency and consistency of anarchism, to determine what it is that ultimately motivates us to declare ourselves anarchists and not something else, what is it that leads us to leave … Continue reading

July 30, 2014
by actforfreedom

Spain – Terrorism charges confirmed against anarchist comrades Monica and Francisco

Via:crocenera Translated by act for freedom now On Friday 4th July it was finally decided that Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar will go on trial on charges of terrorism. According to the judge, the police and the press, which work … Continue reading

June 20, 2014
by actforfreedom

Spain – Update on the situation of anarchist comrades Francisco and Monica

From:radioazione Translated by act for freedom now  ‘Greetings to those who continue to show complicity, and to those who venture in the unknown with incertitude and are obstinate in their pursuing of anarchy. To them our respect and love.’ Monica … Continue reading

June 2, 2014
by actforfreedom

Berlin: Anarchist slogans painted in Friedrichshain

From:contrainfo FREEDOM FOR BABIS TSILIANIDIS VIOLENCE AGAINST ALL PATRIOTS FREEDOM TO THOSE WHO ARE IN PRISON CELLS In the night of May 28, 2014, we went out to spray-paint slogans in Berlin’s neighbourhood of Friedrichshain. Our thoughts are with Babis … Continue reading