
May 2, 2017
by actforfreedom

Letter of solidarity from anarchist prisoners in Korydallos Prison to Palestinian hungerstrikers (Greece, Israel, Palestine)

The struggles of the Palestinian political prisoners are directly and inextricably connected with the overall struggle of the Palestinian people. 70 percent of the Palestinian families have at least one member that has been imprisoned for action against the state … Continue reading

April 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Belgium Liège, – The Beauty of a Burning Police Station

We are not soldiers. We are criminals. We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves. On the other hand, we are fighting. To find our lives, explore our freedoms. We fight … Continue reading


April 16, 2017
by actforfreedom

10th appeals trial hearing of anarchist-communist comrade Tasos Theofilou – Athens , Greece

Reporting by Giant and Sylvia for OmniaTV, translated into English by BlackCat for Insurrection News. The hearing held on the 13th of March consisted mainly of the examination of defence witnesses. Mrs Fytrou, a geneticist-biologist with a PhD in genetics … Continue reading