Facebook Data Team
People use status updates to share what’s on their minds, to tell others what they’re doing, and to gather feedback from friends. The different ways people use status updates form some interesting patterns. In...
23. joulukuuta 2010 kello 13:37 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team
When Facebook users in the United States logged into Facebook on Election Day this year, they were greeted by a message alerting them of voting activity on Facebook. Users could click a button to announce to their friends that they had already voted and see which of their friends had done the same...
4. marraskuuta 2010 kello 18:18 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team

Facebook Data Team Check out our post on The Facebook Blog: A More Global View of Gross National Happiness!

6. toukokuuta 2010 kello 11:39 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team

Facebook Data Team Check out our f8 LIVE tab for streaming video and live chat of keynotes from Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook speakers, breakout sessions and behind-the-scenes discussions at our conference for developers and entrepreneurs:

f8 will take place on April 21, 2010, in San Francisco. Like this Page for the latest updates on the event.
Sivu:30 668 henkilöä tykkää tästä.
21. huhtikuuta 2010 kello 6:33 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team
On October 5, 2009, Data Scientists at Facebook began studying the happiness of English speakers in the United States through the Gross National Happiness Index (GNH)...
23. maaliskuuta 2010 kello 22:31 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team
It’s Valentine’s Day, and for Data Scientists and others alike, it’s the perfect time to ask the question: Does having that someone special really make us happy? We ...
14. helmikuuta 2010 kello 15:48 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team
Facebook has undergone amazing growth in the last year. At the beginning of 2009, we were already seeing almost a hundred million words a day posted in status updates — well over a thousand per second during peak times. ...
Kirjoittanut:Facebook Data Team
21. joulukuuta 2009 kello 12:21 · · Kommentoi
Facebook Data Team

Facebook Data Team Our look at measuring subpopulations on Facebook.

In order to make Facebook as open and connected as possible for everyone, one of our goals is to understand how different populations of users join and use the service...
Kirjoittanut:Facebook Data Team
16. joulukuuta 2009 kello 20:04 · · Kommentoi