Max Guevara (X5-452) is a fictional character and the protagonist of the cyberpunk science fiction television program Dark Angel. The series ran for two seasons, during which Max was portrayed by Jessica Alba; during flashbacks Geneva Locke portrays Max as a child. Max also appears in three novels based on the series as well as a video game adaptation. The character was created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee.
Max is a genetically enhanced transgenic supersoldier, created in a secret government lab known as Manticore. Along with 11 other children, Max escapes from the facility when she is 9-years-old. From that time, Max attempts to live a normal life while eluding recapture by Manticore. She also searchers for other escaped transgenics and attempts to do so with the help of Logan Cale, a cyber-journalist also known as "Eyes Only".
Following his success with the film Titanic, director James Cameron teamed up with Charles H. Eglee. The two formed a production company and began working on ideas for a television series, eventually deciding on the idea of Dark Angel. Cameron said they began with the idea that Max would be genetic construct who appeared normal but was different on a genetic level, saying "We explore what that could mean. Do her eyes look different? Where there things that manifest themselves? Were there negatives to it? We wanted her to have flaws, things that were built in – like Kryptonite." Max followed a long line of strong female characters showcased by Cameron, including Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley, with Cameron saying "it's a win/win situation" as "women respond to characters who appear strong and capable" and young male audiences "want to see girls kick ass". More than one thousand young actresses were considered for the part of Max before Jessica Alba was chosen.
man on the bus screaming about presley man on the bus screaming about presley all tied up got a knot in his hands he says 'presley sucked on doggie dicks i'm the king of rock 'n roll if you don't like it you can lump it you gotta get me back to the base you gotta get me back to the base presleys been dead the body means nothing man in the back says presley sucked dicks with a picture of lil stevie over his head i'm in the back with a hole in my throat man on the bus screaming about presley rips a newspaper up in his hands helicopter shoots down a military spot everybody runs from screaming about presley