Small Business


Coles 'I'm free' campaign a reminder that customers value service

It's a shame the Coles' "I'm Free" marketing campaign attracted controversy over Easter because of mild flirtation and innuendo in its TV ad. While the behaviour stemming from the ad caused the crisis, Coles' underlying strategy – to compete on service, not just price – was a ripper.

Opening all Coles checkouts over parts of Easter stood out. On my visit to Coles, the sight of a dozen or so open checkouts, and getting served without a long wait, was eye-catching. How nice to be served by a human rather than an automated checkout.

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Coles staff harassed after new ad campaign launches

Checkout staff who were encouraged to hold "I'm Free" signs as part of a new ad campaign said they had received unwanted advances from customers.

To recap, Coles wound back the campaign after some staff complained of being sexually harassed by customers who asked if they were free. The ad's portrayal of a Coles employee telling a customer "I'm free" (for a date) was a misstep in this era of political correctness.

Setting aside the behaviour of some customers, which was the issue here, flirtation and innuendo in TV ads have been around for decades. Today, such tactics attract scathing media stories, union demands for staff to be consulted on company ads and claims that companies are not providing safe workplaces.

You be the judge if the reaction to Coles' "I'm free" campaign was over the top.

Beneath the furore was some clever marketing insight. Consumers have become conditioned to expect never-ending retail sales and lower prices. Campaigns promoting another "price special" seem ho-hum compared to those promoting exceptional customer service and a different in-store experience.


Customer service, it seems, is a marketing weapon that too few retailers know how to use or support with actions. Everything is about price and, to a lesser extent, convenience.

I still look twice when passing Apple superstores, which have dozens of T-shirt-clad staff offering one-on-one advice and customer support. As other retailers cut back, Apple disrupted technology retailing by crowding its stores with helpful staff.

Even the big banks are lifting their game on customer service (a sentence I never thought I'd write). A call to my bank last week was answered within a minute by a local operator who was pleasant and productive. The quality phone service, which should be the norm, shocked.

My point is: consumers are so conditioned to poor service that any genuine attempt to exceed service expectations is a marketing beacon in a sea of dull advertising. Even something as obvious as opening all supermarket checkouts on a busy day seems radical.

Australian retailers should dust off their marketing playbooks on customer service. Most, if not all, will struggle to compete on price when Amazon ramps up in Australia. Retailers clinging to fat profit margins are roadkill for the global e-commerce giant.

Amazon's insanely efficient shipping times and rates have made it faster, easier and cheaper to buy goods online. It's hard to see how traditional retailers can get close to competing with Amazon on price or convenience.

Consumers are so conditioned to poor service that any genuine attempt to exceed service expectations is a marketing beacon in a sea of dull advertising.

But they can compete, and win, on service that consistently exceeds expectations. The one where a human serves a human, smiles, offers tailored advice and even tries to upsell another product to the customer. Service that can brighten the day of customers and make them feel better about themselves.

I never understood the big department stores aggressively slashing staff numbers, to the point where customers expected no service (just being able to pay for a product without having to hunt for a staffed register feels like a benefit).

Attentive service was one of the few areas department stores could compete on. But they cut staff to ridiculous levels and relied on too many part-timers, who cared less about their job, thus playing into the hands of niche retailers who filled the service void.

I suspect the "I'm Free" campaign also touched on consumer disenchantment with retail point-of-sale technology. Don't me wrong: I love automated checkouts for a quick shop, or printing an airline boarding pass, or movie tickets at home. But an over-reliance on technology dents the customer experience and retail brands.

Perhaps the campaign picked up on an undercurrent of isolation among some consumers, and highlighted the role of retailers in communities. We are so used to buying goods on our phones or computers, or scanning them ourselves, that we have forgotten the benefits of great customer service, shopping local and making friendly small talk with retailers.

I'm sure there is a segment of lonely consumers who value a bit more human interaction in their shopping experience. Not everyone wants the absolute lowest price or to save a minute or two by using technology.

As the population ages, retailers have an opportunity to stand out on service. It's a chance to earn higher margins because a segment of consumers will pay more for goods and services from companies that take time to understand their needs.

That does not mean all retailers need to beef up service, or that every customer will pay more for service. Rather, it says there is a group of neglected consumers who will respond favourably to noticeable efforts to lift service.

I hope the "I'm Free" campaign is not a one-off marketing gimmick, and that Coles doesn't drop this strategy because of the media reaction. With a bit of perseverance, the campaign could get other retailers thinking about customer service as a marketing weapon – and relearning that extra, committed staff can pay for themselves many times over through higher sales.

The challenge is ensuring the service reality matches the marketing hype.

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