Warren KinsellaHitelesített felhasználó


(((Warren))) - lawyer, author, etc. Types for yellow rags, hollers on-air. Not profound. Enjoys a good scrap. Lisa, kids = everything.

Calgary Diaspora.
Csatlakozott 2008. szeptember
Születési idő: augusztus 11.

Letiltottad @kinsellawarren felhasználót

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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    febr. 18.

    I am convinced Western democracy will now only be saved by a free press and snotty punk rock.

  2. 4 perccel ezelőtt

    Good riddance. ‘Stephens, one of the FBI's Most Wanted, killed himself after an attempted traffic stop’

  3. 12 perccel ezelőtt

    If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bus, etc.

  4. 13 perccel ezelőtt

    I helped run their campaign in 1996, and proudly so. I want to see them win, and I think they will.

  5. retweetelte
    31 perccel ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    The satisfaction seeing them gone is like nothing else.

  6. retweetelte
    31 perccel ezelőtt

    It is also a very effective cure for hemorrhoids. But oddly, not widely recommended by doctors...

  7. retweetelte
    19 perccel ezelőtt

    the key is sincerity and the presentation of a believable & actionable solution. I want to hear how they're going to FIX IT.

  8. 40 perccel ezelőtt
  9. 2 órával ezelőtt
  10. 2 órával ezelőtt

    Comrade Trump's team, facing a historic loss, cheats.

  11. retweetelte
    4 órával ezelőtt

    Voter databases were washed w Vertica information to target voter suppression. Russia assaults America anew in Georgia

  12. 2 órával ezelőtt
  13. 2 órával ezelőtt

    Everything you need to know about my mental state is revealed by the deep joy I experience when the city agrees to take my yard waste bags.

  14. 3 órával ezelőtt

    I'll only whine if there is again no *Toronto* schedule

  15. 3 órával ezelőtt

    , and the false god of anonymous sources

  16. retweetelte
    5 órával ezelőtt
  17. retweetelte
    4 órával ezelőtt

    'Guns and bomb materials' found after French police foil 'imminent' terror attack before elections

  18. retweetelte
    4 órával ezelőtt

    Warren on Trump: "The man is truly dangerous"

  19. 4 órával ezelőtt
  20. retweetelte
    14 órával ezelőtt

    "How many Russian spies do we have to have in the White House before you investigate it?!" —Constituents press Dean Heller at his town hall

  21. 4 órával ezelőtt

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