
Moto taxi, Bolivia

Bolivia is rich in cultural diversity and natural resources, 36 indigenous groups make up two thirds of Bolivia’s population of 10 million. Despite significant progress in the last few years in both, the reduction of extreme poverty and the building of a new Pluri-national State, more work is still needed. The structural disparities and social, economic, and climate vulnerability, that affect most of the population, must be addressed. Together, each of these aspects are the guiding principles for the Oxfam programmatic work in Bolivia.

Oxfam in Bolivia

Oxfam has been working in Bolivia since 1988, through different local partners, including civil society organizations, associations, networks and different levels of the Bolivian Government, based on complementarity and mutual respect. The Country Program promotes and supports change strategic goals to address disparity, injustice, poverty, and vulnerability to climate change.

For this, we focus on:

  • The building of a new development paradigm for the “Living Well” philosophy, and a diversified, equitable, and sustainable economy.
  • The promotion of a new practice of democracy, for a more inclusive and just society.
  • Land management and the reduction of vulnerability to disasters risks by building capacities and providing adaptive solutions to climate change.

Priority social and geographical sectors

  • We strengthen the influencing capacities of indigenous populations, agricultural workers, and youth to promote public, redistributive, efficient, and transparent policies which help implement sustainable livelihoods programs.
  • We work with women, especially in indigenous populations, in urban neighborhoods and in women’s only, mixed-sex and youth groups. We aim to reduce violence, to empower them and promote better economic opportunities.
  • We support land management, access to natural resources, risk reduction and adaptation of indigenous and rural communities. We particularly focus on women in coordination with regional governments, grassroots organizations, and communities.
  • In Lowlands, especially in the northern Amazon and the Chaco region, we provide support so that indigenous populations, communities, and minority groups can overcome their vulnerability, exclusion, and the discrimination they face.
  • We work with women, youth, and on indigenous population participation, adaptation, land management, and risk reduction in the main cities of Bolivia (La Paz, El Alto, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz) as well as with the cities with rapid population growth located in the Amazons (Trinidad and Riberalta).