Inequality and essential services blog channel

Time to end the era of tax havens now.

One year ago, the #SwissLeaks scandal made headlines around the globe. Putting a stop to the seemingly endless stream of corporate tax scandals is possible but it will require more fundamental reforms than are on the table at the moment; and a rebalancing of power in global tax negotiations. The creation of a new global tax body that includes all governments on an equal footing would go a long way to redressing this balance and delivering deeper reforms that are so desperately needed for the benefit of all.

Barbara Chinyeu (36), a widow in Zambia. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam

Oxfam and Tax Justice Network are today launching an essay competition on tax justice and human rights. The competition invites practitioners and students from around the world to explore ways in which governments of developing countries and/or civil society in any country can use existing laws to protect human rights in the face of tax injustice.


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