Online security

Support to do business with us securely online.

How we help you to stay safe online

We take the security and privacy of your information very seriously. We won’t:

  • ask for your bank account details or your online account logon details via email or SMS
  • ask you to tell us your password or your PIN
  • contact you using social media sites like Facebook or Twitter to ask for your personal information
  • send you an email or SMS with a link - the only links you will receive from us will be when you are logged on to and using your secure account
  • pass on your information to anyone without your consent, unless the law permits us to do so

We have translated our online security top tips into other languages, including:

Ways you can keep safe online

Some easy ways you can keep safe online are:

  • always log off or close down your internet browser when you have finished using your online account
  • don’t share your passwords, logon details, PIN or secret questions and answers
  • create strong passwords using letters, numbers, capitals and special characters
  • be careful when using public computers - like computers in libraries or internet cafes - when you do your secure online business
  • protect your computer with appropriate security software, use caution when downloading files, and do not click on links or attachments in emails from unknown sources
  • protect your mobile device with a password on your phone or tablet, a PIN on your SIM card, and set your phone to lock after a short period
  • use mobile security software and reputable websites and mobile apps
  • immediately report any suspicious or unauthorised online activity to SCAMwatch

The following websites have more information about ways you can keep safe online or to report an online scam:

We keep your data safe

We encourage you to use our online services, so it's important for you to know that we:

  • store your data securely and back it up regularly
  • log all access to your personal information so we can identify and address any unauthorised behaviour
  • may confirm your details as an additional precaution when you contact us

Scams and hoaxes

We are actively working to ensure you are informed about the growing threat of scams. There are many variations of scams including email, phone, advance payment, investment and departmental payment scams.

It is important you protect your personal information including username, password, PIN and secret questions and answers. We recommend you don’t give this information to any individual or organisation. If you are asked to give this information for credit checks or other similar activities, report any such approaches to SCAMwatch.

Read more about how to avoid cybercrime and report suspicious incidents on the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) website.

Read more about how to report and protect yourself against scams.

Page last updated: 17 February 2017