Indigenous Australians looking for work, studying or training

We can help if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australian looking for work or wanting to study or train to find a job.

Looking for work

Newstart Allowance and Youth Allowance give you financial support while you are looking for a job.

We have self service computers and printers available in many of our service centres where you can search online for jobs or create and print a resume.

If you are claiming Newstart or Youth Allowance and have Mutual Obligation Requirements, you may be referred to an Employment Services Provider to help you to find a job.

jobactive assistance

A jobactive organisation will work with you to help get you back into the workforce as soon as possible.

Read more about jobactive on the Department of Employment’s website.

Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Services provide a specialist role in helping people with disability, injury or a health condition to find a job.

Community Development Programme

The Community Development Programme provides job seekers living in remote areas of Australia with greater opportunities to gain local employment and skills that match local jobs.

Transition to Work

Transition to Work will help eligible young job seekers into work, education, apprenticeships, and traineeships.

Read more about Transition to Work on the Department of Employment website.

Indigenous students and trainees

There are several payments to help eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians who are studying or doing an apprenticeship or traineeship:

  • ABSTUDY helps cover costs for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australians who are studying or doing an Australian Apprenticeship
  • Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme helps parents or carers of school age children who cannot go to a state school because of geographical isolation, disability or special health needs
  • Relocation Scholarship is a payment made once a year if you are in higher education and moving to or from a regional area to study
  • Student Start-up Loan is a voluntary loan for eligible higher education students
  • Student Start-up Scholarship is a payment made twice a year to help with the upfront costs of study for eligible higher education students - this scholarship is not available to new student income support customers

Other government and community support services

There are a range of other organisations that provide support services and useful information you may find helpful. You can use Service Finder to locate assistance in your local area.

moneysmart logoMoneySmart offers tips and useful tools to help people make better financial decisions and manage their money.

Australian Apprenticeships provides information and resources about Australian apprenticeships and the support available. connects you to information and services across Australia including comprehensive information for Indigenous Australians.

beyondblue has information about the independent, not for profit organisation that can help if you are experiencing anxiety or stress while looking for work or studying. connects you to information on Australian Government Indigenous initiatives and programs such as early childhood, schooling, health and safety.

JobAccess offers help and workplace solutions for people with disability looking for work and their employers.

myfuture is Australia’s national career information and exploration service, helping people to make career decisions, plan career pathways and manage work transitions.

StudyAssist provides information to current and prospective students about Australian Government assistance for financial tertiary study, including information about subsidised fees and government loans. The website also contains information on VET FEE-HELP scheme reforms.

Page last updated: 1 July 2016