Social work services

Information, support and short term counselling is available if you’re going through a difficult time.

How we help

Our social workers can help you with:

  • short term counselling
  • information to help you, and
  • referrals to other support services
Read information in your language about our social work services.

Who we help

Our social workers can help you when things are tough and you feel you’ve got no one to turn to.

You can talk to us about:

  • family and domestic violence
  • thoughts of suicide or self harm
  • a personal or family crisis
  • the death of a family member or someone close to you
  • homelessness
  • mental health concerns
  • struggles with caring responsibilities
  • if you’re affected by a natural disaster

Experiencing violence

If you are experiencing family and domestic violence we can help you access:

  • family and domestic violence services
  • emergency accommodation and long term housing support
  • financial help
  • counselling
  • health services
  • legal services

Mental health

Read about mental health support services available in your area if you:

  • feel depressed
  • feel anxious, or
  • have a mental illness or disorder

Natural disaster support

Our social workers can help if you’re affected by natural disaster.

How to contact a social worker

To contact a social worker:

You can bring a family member or a friend with you.

If you need an interpreter, tell us and we’ll arrange one for you. You can also phone our Multilingual Phone Service.

Trained and accredited

All our social workers hold a social work degree.

They are Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) accredited.

We consult with AASW to maintain the highest professional standards.

Your privacy

We respect your right to privacy. We’ll treat any information you give us in line with our privacy policy.

Our social workers may ask to refer you to a support service. They can only pass on information if:

  • you’ve agreed, or
  • it’s required or authorised by law


If you need an interpreter, they will treat any information you give them in line with our privacy policy.

How we manage your personal information

Read about how we’ll manage your personal information and your right to privacy.

Manage your money

We’ve got advice and tools to help you with budgeting, borrowing and credit, and managing debt.

Read about how to manage your money.

Page last updated: 19 April 2017