Skills for Education and Employment

A program to improve your speaking, reading, writing or basic maths skills is available to help you get and keep a job.


You may be eligible for the Skills for Education and Employment program if you're:

You may also be eligible for the program if you are:

Referral, assessment and training

When you first register as a job seeker, we'll check your eligibility for the program. If you're eligible, we'll organise an appointment for you with a local training provider. They will assess your speaking, reading, writing and maths skills and offer training.

The training is:

  • 10 to 25 hours a week
  • in small, friendly groups with other people who need help with reading, writing and maths
  • run by staff with experience teaching adults
  • available in your own home by distance education if you're a carer or can't attend face to face training

The training will give you more confidence when looking for work. It will make it easier for you to fill in forms, write letters, and prepare resumés and job applications.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement

You may be eligible to receive the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement if you're in the Skills for Education and Employment program and receive one of these payments:

The supplement is $20.80 per fortnight.

You don't need to submit a claim to receive this payment. If you're eligible, it will automatically be paid with your regular payment every fortnight while you're in the program.

You can't get the supplement if you receive:

Manage your money

Getting control of your money can be hard, but we’ve got some great advice and tools to help. Read more about budgeting, borrowing and credit, and managing debt, to help manage your money.

Page last updated: 26 September 2016