JobSearch facilities

If you are looking for work, you can use our self service facilities to search for jobs.

Most of our service centres offer:

  • self service computers and printers
  • information on Employment Services Providers, and
  • a wide variety of career, study, and job search information and guides

These facilities are free of charge. They can help you identify employment opportunities and make contact with Employment Services Providers. These providers may be able to help you in your search for work.

These facilities may not be available in every service centre.

Australian JobSearch

If you have an Australian JobSearch account, you can use our self service computers to sign in to your Australian JobSearch online account through myGov. If you haven't already, create a myGov account now in a few easy steps and then link your Australian JobSearch account. Once you have linked your account you can:

  • create a Job Match Profile
  • create and upload your resume
  • record and manage your job search
  • use an instant job list to find jobs based on your skills and experience
  • manage your Job Plan, if you are registered with an Employment Services Provider
  • manage your messages received from employers and Employment Services Providers
  • keep track of your appointments with your provider and us, and
  • search for Employment Services Providers

Manage your money

Getting control of your money can be hard, but we’ve got some great advice and tools to help. Read more about budgeting, borrowing and credit, and managing debt, to help manage your money.

Page last updated: 6 February 2017