Customer news

We keep you up to date with changes to your payments and services. This is a complete listing of all our customer news.

Claiming carer payments just got easier

You can now apply for Carer Payment and Carer Allowance online.

5 things to add to your O Week

There’s lots to learn during O Week so to help, we’ve put together the top 5 things to make connecting with us easier.

Student Update answers #yourquestions on Twitter

We recently shared the answers to more than 20 of your most common questions on Twitter – check them out!

Press pause on your Centrelink debt while it’s reviewed

You can ask us to review your Centrelink debt and pause debt repayments until your review is finished.

Apply for our Indigenous Apprenticeships Programme

Start your career in the Australian Public Service (APS).

Do you get Farm Household Allowance? Don’t forget to reconcile

If you get Farm Household Allowance (FHA), you need to send us your 2014-15 tax returns by 13 March 2017.

Do you provide ongoing care for your grandchild?

We can offer you extra support.

Update your details with Medicare without leaving the house

Update your details when and where it suits you, using your Medicare online account or Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

Have you reached the Medicare Safety Net threshold?

It’s quick to check your Medicare Safety Net balance using Medicare online accounts or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

Student Start-up Loan payments are coming

Keep an eye on your bank account - if you’ve applied for a Student Start-up Loan, you should receive it soon.

Survival secrets for school leavers

Finishing school and entering unchartered territory can be a time of uncertainty.

From 20 March 2017 Energy Supplement is changing

This change will only affect some customers.

1 January 2017 changes to youth payments

There are changes you may need to know about if you’re dependent and get Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY.

Do you get Child Care Rebate quarterly?

Your payment for October to December 2016 will be paid between 18 January and 31 January 2017.

Do you owe us money?

If you do, we can ask you to pay off your Centrelink debts at any time.

We need your bank account details to pay you your Medicare benefit!

From 1 July 2016, you need to have your bank details registered with Medicare to get your benefit. Make sure we can pay your benefit into your bank account.

Families, tell us your questions

We are developing a new tool to help you find information about payments and services for families on our website.

Changes to family payments

You might be affected by recent and upcoming changes to family payments.

Do you get reportable fringe benefits?

Don’t leave it to the last minute! You might need to update your income estimate.

Schoolkids Bonus payments have ended

We paid the last Schoolkids Bonus payment in July 2016. No further Schoolkids Bonus payments will be made.

senior woman chatting with coffee

Income Support changes affecting new aged care residents

From 1 January 2017, new aged care residents who rent out their former home will have the rental income assessed for their income support payments.

Claiming online for Youth Allowance and Austudy just got easier and faster

Claiming online is simple. Answer some questions, provide the required documents, submit your claim and leave it with us.

Changes to Youth Allowance and ABSTUDY

The way we assess reportable fringe benefits is changing.

New changes make it even easier to sign in to your myGov account!

You can use your mobile phone number to sign in, unsuspend your account, and claim an email address from a locked account.

Helping people with disability achieve their goals

Saturday 3 December 2016 is International Day of People with Disability, a day to break down disability barriers and celebrate abilities.

Claim ABSTUDY early

Make sure you claim early so you get ABSTUDY before school starts next year.

Get your ABSTUDY claim in today

Make sure you claim early so you get ABSTUDY before school starts next year.

Woman with digital tablet

Simple Money Manager is available in 9 languages

Use the new budgeting tool to help you track your spending.

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