Little girl's reaction to crying twin siblings is too cute

Big sister, Kamri, and her twin siblings, Mila and Kolt.
Big sister, Kamri, and her twin siblings, Mila and Kolt. Photo: Facebook/Larin Perry

Bringing our babies home from hospital is always a huge and very special milestone - exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. 

For proud big sister, Kamri, who had just welcomed twin siblings into her family, it was also noisy. Very noisy.

In a clip posted to Facebook, we see little Kamri sandwiched between sister Mila and brother Kolt in their car seats.

As the twins start to cry, Kamri says, "Oh my gosh. This is horribles ... Horrible, this is horrible."

"Why is it so horrible?" her giggling parents ask. To which Kamri replies, "My baby's crying."

The preschooler does her best to settle her newborn siblings, one with each hand - to no avail.

And the adorable side-eye she gives them is just too cute.

"Stop it, guys," she pleads.

Take a look: