- published: 10 Nov 2010
- views: 1238316
HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Along with CSS, and JavaScript, HTML is a cornerstone technology, used by most websites to create visually engaging web pages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications.Web browsers can read HTML files and render them into visible or audible web pages. HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language, rather than a programming language.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items.
The language is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>
). Browsers do not display the HTML tags and scripts, but use them to interpret the content of the page.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications.
CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from document presentation, including aspects such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content, such as semantically insignificant tables that were widely used to format pages before consistent CSS rendering was available in all major browsers. CSS makes it possible to separate presentation instructions from the HTML content in a separate file or style section of the HTML file. For each matching HTML element, it provides a list of formatting instructions. For example, a CSS rule might specify that "all heading 1 elements should be bold", leaving pure semantic HTML markup that asserts "this text is a level 1 heading" without formatting code such as a <bold>
tag indicating how such text should be displayed.
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It was finalized, and published, on 28 October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This is the fifth revision of the HTML standard since the inception of the World Wide Web. The previous version, HTML 4, was standardized in 1997.
Its core aims are to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.). HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but also XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML.
Following its immediate predecessors HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, HTML5 is a response to the fact that the HTML and XHTML in common use on the World Wide Web have a mixture of features introduced by various specifications, along with those introduced by software products such as web browsers and those established by common practice. It is also an attempt to define a single markup language that can be written in either HTML or XHTML. It includes detailed processing models to encourage more interoperable implementations; it extends, improves and rationalizes the markup available for documents, and introduces markup and application programming interfaces (APIs) for complex web applications. For the same reasons, HTML5 is also a potential candidate for cross-platform mobile applications. Many features of HTML5 have been designed with low-powered devices such as smartphones and tablets taken in to consideration. In December 2011, research firm Strategy Analytics forecast sales of HTML5 compatible phones would top 1 billion in 2013.
The Ultimate may refer to:
Learn HTML in 12 Minutes
HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners | The Ultimate guide to learning HTML and CSS
Учим HTML за 1 Час! #От Профессионала
Learn HTML in 15 Minutes
شرح مبسط للـ HTML و CSS وكيف تتعلمهم في أقصر وقت ممكن ؟
Curso Básico de HTML desde 0 - Introducción
Curso de HTML e CSS para iniciantes - Aula 1
Kurs HTML odc.1: Tworzenie stron www - pierwszy projekt, wiedza podstawowa
Web Development Tutorial for Beginners (#1) - How to build webpages with HTML, CSS, Javascript
تعلم HTML و CSS خطوة بخطوة بطريقة سهلة ومبسطة - دورة كاملة
HTML Naturist
Introduction to HTML 5
In this short HTML tutorial, I explain the basic structure of an HTML webpage and introduce some important tags. Ready to learn some more advanced HTML? Move on to Learn More HTML in 12 Minutes http://youtu.be/KJ13lX20FqU Learn CSS in 12 Minutes http://youtu.be/0afZj1G0BIE Learn JavaScript in 12 Minutes http://youtu.be/Ukg_U3CnJWI Looking to do something more advanced with a webpage? PHP is one of the most useful languages to know when developing for the web. Check out my video Learn PHP in 15 Minutes: http://youtu.be/ZdP0KM49IVk Heard about Docker and want to know more? Learn Docker in 12 Minutes: https://youtu.be/YFl2mCHdv24 http://jakewright.net
HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners | The Ultimate guide to learning HTML and CSS ---------- I donot own this video. It's so helpful so I reupload to share to more people! -------------- here isn't a web site out there-- whether it be WhiteHouse.gov, IBM.com or the site for your local high school-- that isn't written in HTML. If you do any level of web development-- from editing pages on a Wordpress site to designing original pages from scratch, understanding and being able to code in HTML and CSS can give you a level of control, and power over your designs that you've never experienced before. This course helps you learn HTML and CSS (versions 4.01 and XHTML) as well as prepares you for the future with coverage of HTML5. In this HTML and CSS course/tutorial for beginners, designed, auth...
Хотите выучить HTML всего за 1 Час и при этом сделать это качественно? - Тогда смотрите от профессионала как! Подпишись и поделись видео с друзьями! Хочешь зарабатывать на своих видео в YouTube? Подключайся! - https://youpartnerwsp.com/join?23195 #Ссылки из видео: 1) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML 2) http://ruseller.com/htmlshpora.php?id=1 3) http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp 4) Исходный код получившейся HTML странички http://pastebin.com/qHk9rHyS 5) Скачать Notepad++ можно тут https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloa... Жми красную кнопку "Подписаться" под видео :) Есть вопрос? - Задай его лично мне в наших группах! === Наша группа ВКОНТАКТЕ - www.vk.com/howdyho_net Наш Twitter - www.twitter.com/howdyho_net Почти бесплатные игры из Стима тут - http://bit.ly/SteamAlmostFreeGa...
Best HTML & CSS Book : http://goo.gl/JH5PNF Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas In this tutorial I show how to use 50 different tags in HTML. I then give an example of each. This video was done because of a dare and you'll either love it or hate it. I hope you love it of course. Link to code: http://bit.ly/fv0hGn Link to article on HTML with examples: http://bit.ly/cFDX8I
اذا كنت مدون او صاحب موقع او تريد ان تصمم موقعك بنفسك فأنت بالتأكيد سمعت عن HTML و CSS من قبل وربما أصابك التوتر حينما عرفت أنه من الافضل أن تتعلم ولو حتي جزء يسير من HTML و CSS فربما يكون من الصعب عليك أستيعاب الموضوع , وباذن الله في هذا الدرس شرط مبسط للغايه وميسر لتعريف الـ HTML و CSS وما هي أسهل الطرق للتعلم موقع codecademy http://www.codecademy.com وهذا رابط صفحتنا علي فيسبوك: http://www.facebook.com/droosonline وهذا الايميل الشخصي لي: droosonilne4u@gmail.com وهذا هو موقعنا: http://www.droosonline.com
Capitulo #1 del curso básico de HTML, Introducción. En este capitulo te explico que es HTML, como funciona y como empezar a crear un documento que significara el inicio para poder crear paginas web. ♦ Blog de diseño web: http://www.falconmasters.com ♦ Curso de PHP y MYSQL: Completo, Práctico y desde Cero http://www.tutorialdephp.com ♦ Necesitas ayuda con el tutorial? Únete a nuestra comunidad: http://www.heroesdelaweb.com --- ♦ Que se necesita para tener una página web: http://www.falconmasters.com/desarrollo-web/que-se-necesita-para-tener-una-pagina-web/ --- Redes Sociales: ♦ Twitter @falconmasters: http://www.twitter.com/falconmasters ♦ Pagina de Facebook: http://www.falconmasters.com ♦ Curso patrocinado por okhosting: http://www.okhosting.com
Nesta primeira aula vou passar o conceito básico de HTML e mostrar como criar sua primeira página para teste. Com esta página você vai aprender a criar a estrutura mais simples de um documento HTML, definir títulos e também a codificação (charset) para seus documentos. Acompanhe o RBtech também pelo site: http://dev.rbtech.info
Wesprzyj na Patronite ► https://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki Kurs HTML właśnie się rozpoczyna. Tworzenie stron www rozpoczniemy od pierwszego projektu, zdobędziemy też cenną wiedzę podstawową. Z przeglądu technologii webowych wiemy, iż HTML to język opisowy oparty na tzw. znacznikach, służący do opisu zawartości strony www. Pliki HTML w gruncie rzeczy są plikami tekstowymi ze spacjalnym kodem, który interpretuje i renderuje przeglądarka internetowa. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PLIKI DO ODCINKA: http://miroslawzelent.pl/kurs-html/tworzenie-stron-www-pierwszy-projekt/ DOBROWOLNE WSPARCIE: http://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki http://miroslawzelent.pl/dobrowolna-darowizna/ CODE REVIEW NA FORUM: http://bit.ly/code-reviews-odcinkow TRENAŻER EGZAMINACYJNY: http://egzamin-informatyk....
Once you're done with this, checkout lesson #2 - introduction to CSS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBi8Obib0tw How to put your website online (with coupon): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq7dqdHCc7U How to build webpages with html, css, javascript tutorial for beginners. In this video, we'll cover how to develop websites using just the computer you have already. I'm using Sublime Text editor http://www.sublimetext.com/ and Google Chrome Other great text editors: Atom.io Brackets.io Notepad++ Learn how to develop your own websites using the computer you already have. The basics of web development is the html file, which is centered around html tags. In this first lesson, we'll cover the basic html tags and how to use them to build a web page. Once you learn HTML, you can use CSS...
روابط تحميل الملفات: ( كل قسم من الملفات يجب أن يوضع ضمن مجلد واحد ) * القسم الأول: - ملفات الويب: http://sh.st/3U3ZW - ملفات الصور: http://sh.st/3U3H9 * القسم الثاني: - ملفات الويب: http://sh.st/3U4za - ملفات الصور: http://sh.st/3U4Yw * القسم الاضافي: - ملفات الويب: http://sh.st/3U5wJ * ملف السلايد للبداية: -ملف بي دي اف مضغوط: http://sh.st/3U6V0 * اجابة عن جميع الأسئلة عن هذا الدرس: - الفيديو من هنا: http://sh.st/3If1F لتحميل برنامج ساب لايم للويندوز: http://sh.st/3TGHW لتحميل برناج ساب لايم للماكنتوش: http://sh.st/3TGBj لتحميل برنامج نوت باد: http://sh.st/3THpv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- NOUR D.HOMSI --- Art Director & Graphic Designer لدعم القناة يرجى الضغط على الروابط التالية: الموقع الرسمي للأستاذ نور: ...
In opposition to proprietary CodeBabes, I open free http://codebodies.com, because I love Open Source and Naturism! Model: Nata Lie Director: Exey Panteleev Stylist: Lana Panteleeva
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including: * Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) * The Geolocation API * HTML 5 Video * The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache * Web workers The video is chock full of demos and sample source code. (Note to moderators: HTML 5 is a public open web standard. I'm helping to educate web developers and raise awareness of this open web standard).
Music: Me & Kate - Do You Photographer: Exey Panteleev 11 Models: Diana, Valya, Yulya, V., Natasha, Kristin, Olga, Grisha, Dasha, Sofia, Sveta, Ira 20 unpublished / 20 published concepts, total 2113 shots: 1. height (Unpublished, Sexy CSS Tips) / 2. list-style-type (CSS) / 3. FPS ver.1 (Unpublished, Sexy CG Tips) / 4. Triangulation (Unpublished, CG) / 5. Far Clipping (Unpublished, CG) / 6. Tesselation (Unpublished, CG) / 7. Normal Map (CG) / 8. Baked Texture (CG) / 9. z-index ver.1 (Unpublished, CSS) / 10. Horizonatal Rule (Sexy HTML Tips) / 11. Bold (HTML) / 12. Paragraph (HTML) / 13. getPixel32 (Sexy Flash) / 14. head (Unpublished, HTML) / 15. input (HTML) / 16. border (Unpublished, CSS) / 17. display (CSS) / 18. div ver.1 (Unpublished, HTML) / 19. Numeric Stepper (Unpublished, SexUI) / ...
Here's a talk I gave at Future of Web Apps 2010 in London. In this talk, I walk through the steps of creating a web app including modeling, sketching, HTML, Photoshop explorations, and moving from static mockups to live running code. Each step is illustrated with a real example, including some live sketching and live HTML. I also wanted to give a sense of how we think about apps at 37signals, as a stack of different levels that we can iterate on individually.
What is CGI and how does the creation process look like? This interactive webspecial shows the entire CGI process illustrated with the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupé . The webspecial contains 7 modules. Each module depicts one step of the CGI process and its possible outcomes. The user can explore the modules by changing the lighting, materials etc. The entire site is a HTML 5 One-Pager. Link: http://mackevision.miu08.de/
Html Flowers - Almost Living - Official Music Video www.soundcloud.com/html-flowers www.htmlflowers.tumblr.com Photography & Editor - Ryan Alexander Lloyd Almost Living - Lyrics spitting blood in scented tissues cough draw tears live like i already died at 24 years ward floors shine like swords in fables wheel chairs lined up like horses in a stable the dying walk round here like they been spun in circles supper time come nightfall nurse buzzer glows most nights no sleep so i creep to the moonlit smoking balconies rain water on my spectacles, eye lash flutter thinking about the eyes of my mother live and die in almost way even friends don’t know what to say nobody know what to say
In this short HTML tutorial, I explain the basic structure of an HTML webpage and introduce some important tags. Ready to learn some more advanced HTML? Move on to Learn More HTML in 12 Minutes http://youtu.be/KJ13lX20FqU Learn CSS in 12 Minutes http://youtu.be/0afZj1G0BIE Learn JavaScript in 12 Minutes http://youtu.be/Ukg_U3CnJWI Looking to do something more advanced with a webpage? PHP is one of the most useful languages to know when developing for the web. Check out my video Learn PHP in 15 Minutes: http://youtu.be/ZdP0KM49IVk Heard about Docker and want to know more? Learn Docker in 12 Minutes: https://youtu.be/YFl2mCHdv24 http://jakewright.net
HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners | The Ultimate guide to learning HTML and CSS ---------- I donot own this video. It's so helpful so I reupload to share to more people! -------------- here isn't a web site out there-- whether it be WhiteHouse.gov, IBM.com or the site for your local high school-- that isn't written in HTML. If you do any level of web development-- from editing pages on a Wordpress site to designing original pages from scratch, understanding and being able to code in HTML and CSS can give you a level of control, and power over your designs that you've never experienced before. This course helps you learn HTML and CSS (versions 4.01 and XHTML) as well as prepares you for the future with coverage of HTML5. In this HTML and CSS course/tutorial for beginners, designed, auth...
Хотите выучить HTML всего за 1 Час и при этом сделать это качественно? - Тогда смотрите от профессионала как! Подпишись и поделись видео с друзьями! Хочешь зарабатывать на своих видео в YouTube? Подключайся! - https://youpartnerwsp.com/join?23195 #Ссылки из видео: 1) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML 2) http://ruseller.com/htmlshpora.php?id=1 3) http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp 4) Исходный код получившейся HTML странички http://pastebin.com/qHk9rHyS 5) Скачать Notepad++ можно тут https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloa... Жми красную кнопку "Подписаться" под видео :) Есть вопрос? - Задай его лично мне в наших группах! === Наша группа ВКОНТАКТЕ - www.vk.com/howdyho_net Наш Twitter - www.twitter.com/howdyho_net Почти бесплатные игры из Стима тут - http://bit.ly/SteamAlmostFreeGa...
Best HTML & CSS Book : http://goo.gl/JH5PNF Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas In this tutorial I show how to use 50 different tags in HTML. I then give an example of each. This video was done because of a dare and you'll either love it or hate it. I hope you love it of course. Link to code: http://bit.ly/fv0hGn Link to article on HTML with examples: http://bit.ly/cFDX8I
اذا كنت مدون او صاحب موقع او تريد ان تصمم موقعك بنفسك فأنت بالتأكيد سمعت عن HTML و CSS من قبل وربما أصابك التوتر حينما عرفت أنه من الافضل أن تتعلم ولو حتي جزء يسير من HTML و CSS فربما يكون من الصعب عليك أستيعاب الموضوع , وباذن الله في هذا الدرس شرط مبسط للغايه وميسر لتعريف الـ HTML و CSS وما هي أسهل الطرق للتعلم موقع codecademy http://www.codecademy.com وهذا رابط صفحتنا علي فيسبوك: http://www.facebook.com/droosonline وهذا الايميل الشخصي لي: droosonilne4u@gmail.com وهذا هو موقعنا: http://www.droosonline.com
Capitulo #1 del curso básico de HTML, Introducción. En este capitulo te explico que es HTML, como funciona y como empezar a crear un documento que significara el inicio para poder crear paginas web. ♦ Blog de diseño web: http://www.falconmasters.com ♦ Curso de PHP y MYSQL: Completo, Práctico y desde Cero http://www.tutorialdephp.com ♦ Necesitas ayuda con el tutorial? Únete a nuestra comunidad: http://www.heroesdelaweb.com --- ♦ Que se necesita para tener una página web: http://www.falconmasters.com/desarrollo-web/que-se-necesita-para-tener-una-pagina-web/ --- Redes Sociales: ♦ Twitter @falconmasters: http://www.twitter.com/falconmasters ♦ Pagina de Facebook: http://www.falconmasters.com ♦ Curso patrocinado por okhosting: http://www.okhosting.com
Nesta primeira aula vou passar o conceito básico de HTML e mostrar como criar sua primeira página para teste. Com esta página você vai aprender a criar a estrutura mais simples de um documento HTML, definir títulos e também a codificação (charset) para seus documentos. Acompanhe o RBtech também pelo site: http://dev.rbtech.info
Wesprzyj na Patronite ► https://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki Kurs HTML właśnie się rozpoczyna. Tworzenie stron www rozpoczniemy od pierwszego projektu, zdobędziemy też cenną wiedzę podstawową. Z przeglądu technologii webowych wiemy, iż HTML to język opisowy oparty na tzw. znacznikach, służący do opisu zawartości strony www. Pliki HTML w gruncie rzeczy są plikami tekstowymi ze spacjalnym kodem, który interpretuje i renderuje przeglądarka internetowa. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PLIKI DO ODCINKA: http://miroslawzelent.pl/kurs-html/tworzenie-stron-www-pierwszy-projekt/ DOBROWOLNE WSPARCIE: http://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki http://miroslawzelent.pl/dobrowolna-darowizna/ CODE REVIEW NA FORUM: http://bit.ly/code-reviews-odcinkow TRENAŻER EGZAMINACYJNY: http://egzamin-informatyk....
Once you're done with this, checkout lesson #2 - introduction to CSS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBi8Obib0tw How to put your website online (with coupon): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq7dqdHCc7U How to build webpages with html, css, javascript tutorial for beginners. In this video, we'll cover how to develop websites using just the computer you have already. I'm using Sublime Text editor http://www.sublimetext.com/ and Google Chrome Other great text editors: Atom.io Brackets.io Notepad++ Learn how to develop your own websites using the computer you already have. The basics of web development is the html file, which is centered around html tags. In this first lesson, we'll cover the basic html tags and how to use them to build a web page. Once you learn HTML, you can use CSS...
روابط تحميل الملفات: ( كل قسم من الملفات يجب أن يوضع ضمن مجلد واحد ) * القسم الأول: - ملفات الويب: http://sh.st/3U3ZW - ملفات الصور: http://sh.st/3U3H9 * القسم الثاني: - ملفات الويب: http://sh.st/3U4za - ملفات الصور: http://sh.st/3U4Yw * القسم الاضافي: - ملفات الويب: http://sh.st/3U5wJ * ملف السلايد للبداية: -ملف بي دي اف مضغوط: http://sh.st/3U6V0 * اجابة عن جميع الأسئلة عن هذا الدرس: - الفيديو من هنا: http://sh.st/3If1F لتحميل برنامج ساب لايم للويندوز: http://sh.st/3TGHW لتحميل برناج ساب لايم للماكنتوش: http://sh.st/3TGBj لتحميل برنامج نوت باد: http://sh.st/3THpv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- NOUR D.HOMSI --- Art Director & Graphic Designer لدعم القناة يرجى الضغط على الروابط التالية: الموقع الرسمي للأستاذ نور: ...
In opposition to proprietary CodeBabes, I open free http://codebodies.com, because I love Open Source and Naturism! Model: Nata Lie Director: Exey Panteleev Stylist: Lana Panteleeva
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including: * Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) * The Geolocation API * HTML 5 Video * The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache * Web workers The video is chock full of demos and sample source code. (Note to moderators: HTML 5 is a public open web standard. I'm helping to educate web developers and raise awareness of this open web standard).
Music: Me & Kate - Do You Photographer: Exey Panteleev 11 Models: Diana, Valya, Yulya, V., Natasha, Kristin, Olga, Grisha, Dasha, Sofia, Sveta, Ira 20 unpublished / 20 published concepts, total 2113 shots: 1. height (Unpublished, Sexy CSS Tips) / 2. list-style-type (CSS) / 3. FPS ver.1 (Unpublished, Sexy CG Tips) / 4. Triangulation (Unpublished, CG) / 5. Far Clipping (Unpublished, CG) / 6. Tesselation (Unpublished, CG) / 7. Normal Map (CG) / 8. Baked Texture (CG) / 9. z-index ver.1 (Unpublished, CSS) / 10. Horizonatal Rule (Sexy HTML Tips) / 11. Bold (HTML) / 12. Paragraph (HTML) / 13. getPixel32 (Sexy Flash) / 14. head (Unpublished, HTML) / 15. input (HTML) / 16. border (Unpublished, CSS) / 17. display (CSS) / 18. div ver.1 (Unpublished, HTML) / 19. Numeric Stepper (Unpublished, SexUI) / ...
Here's a talk I gave at Future of Web Apps 2010 in London. In this talk, I walk through the steps of creating a web app including modeling, sketching, HTML, Photoshop explorations, and moving from static mockups to live running code. Each step is illustrated with a real example, including some live sketching and live HTML. I also wanted to give a sense of how we think about apps at 37signals, as a stack of different levels that we can iterate on individually.
What is CGI and how does the creation process look like? This interactive webspecial shows the entire CGI process illustrated with the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupé . The webspecial contains 7 modules. Each module depicts one step of the CGI process and its possible outcomes. The user can explore the modules by changing the lighting, materials etc. The entire site is a HTML 5 One-Pager. Link: http://mackevision.miu08.de/
Html Flowers - Almost Living - Official Music Video www.soundcloud.com/html-flowers www.htmlflowers.tumblr.com Photography & Editor - Ryan Alexander Lloyd Almost Living - Lyrics spitting blood in scented tissues cough draw tears live like i already died at 24 years ward floors shine like swords in fables wheel chairs lined up like horses in a stable the dying walk round here like they been spun in circles supper time come nightfall nurse buzzer glows most nights no sleep so i creep to the moonlit smoking balconies rain water on my spectacles, eye lash flutter thinking about the eyes of my mother live and die in almost way even friends don’t know what to say nobody know what to say
لغه html الدرس الاول للمبتدئين لغه html انشاء صفحه ويب بلغه html عمل صفحه انتر نت html html html html html html html html html html html html html html html html
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الدورة الكاملة لاحتراف اساسيات الHTML للاستاذ القدير عبد الله عيد الدروس مجمعة وكاملة من اصل 35 درس تم تجميعم في فيديو واحد :) لا تنسوا زيارة موقع للمبرمجين 4programmer , for programmer http://www.4programmer.com/ Keyword لغة html تعلم html تعلم لغة html تعليم html دروس html تعليم لغة html اكواد html جاهزة شرح html html تعلم html دروس برنامج html دورة html أكواد html html تعليم كتاب html html بالعربية تصميم موقع بلغة html شرح لغة html تعلم html بالعربية كتب html ماهو html تصميم مواقع html ما هو html لغة ال html تصميم صفحات html صفحات html كود html تصميم موقع html اوامر html صفحات html جاهزة وسوم html اساسيات لغة html تعليم html بالعربي دروس في html ماهي لغة html كتاب تعلم html html شرح تعلم ال html تصميم صفحات انترنت html أكواد html للمواقع تعلم html pdf جميع اكواد html html لغة تصمي...
HTML is not hard to spell,
When I'm with you, when I'm with you
Binary code is just ones and ohs
I thought you knew
You are so swell, just like DSL
You touched my modem, you touched my modem.
We went to the bop, my heart gigaflopped
When I saw your...
W W W, whoa-oa-oa
dot com
I typed OMG, should be you and me
You wrote LOL, wrote LOL
My browser froze right down to my toes,
I said go to hell.
I should have seen, I'm only 15
And you're 32, you're 32
You don't love me, I went and asked Jeeves
He told me it's true, told me it's...
W W W, whoa-oa-oa
dot com
Last night while you were offline,
I googled your name
And I found out that you're a 40 year old intertube
salesman from Ohio!
WTF?! I thought you were the one for me
But you're just a major loser
And now I will always be... lonely girl 15.
W W W, whoa-oa-oa