universal basic income

Universal Basic Income demand: ain't working for workers' liberation

Parts of the radical left see the Universal Basic Income (UBI) demand as a potential vehicle to a) ‘make people think’ about productive potentials and wealth distribution in capitalism; and b) unify a (fragmented and atomised) working class through a common demand. We think that the demand ain’t helpful for the following reasons.

What is wrong with free money?

Critisticuffs and Gruppen discuss Universal Basic Income (also known as Citizens income, Citizens Wage etc) and critique the idea from an anti-authoritarian left position as fundamentally inadequate and mistaken.

Universal Basic Income: freedom for workers?

Robot book fetcher

A post on why workers should oppose automation unless we can carry it out in our own interests and why a Universal Basic Income is not going to be the answer to the resulting immiseration

Artificial intelligence, tech workers, and universal income: An interview

What are the possibilities for artificial intelligence to free us from the drudgery of work? How about the class outlook of those developing those technologies? Read and find out.